Are Cancers always spazzing out?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Karima27 on Saturday, September 2, 2006 and has 24 replies.
Do Cancer males know how to speak to women without yelling all the time?
Oh boy!
My Cancer ex used to yell - then insist that he *NEVER* yelled.
He also would get his panties all in a bunch over my "tone". I normally speak very softly so that people can hardly understand me, once my voice would make its way up to audible, he would trip out that I was raising my voice at him(?!?!).
He also would get sooooooo emotional over EVERYTHING then insist that *I* was the one getting emotional(huh?).
Hmmm, what else?
Oh yeah, if we had a disagreement he would change the entire subject of the conversation to the volume or "tone" of my voice and take offense at it. Then we would never actually be able to finish a "real" conversation because he would pull all of this nonsense instead of having an ADULT conversation.
And Virgos and Cancers are supposed to get along. Whatever. He used to make me sick.
**Disclaimer** this is not about ALL Cancers. Just who I've known.
Oops, almost forgot one thing:
He would say some really messed up, cruel, disrespectful, borderline abusive things. If it came up again later, he would say some bullshit like, "That doesn't even sound like me. I would NEVER say something like that." As if I just made it up.
Sad. Just sad.
I can relate BIG TIME to what your last comment was on.. My Cancer male would do the exact same thing except if he raised his voice it was because he wasn't getting what he wanted, soooooo dumb, and the abusive, disrespectful, and cruel comments came out ALL the time when he thought I was straying but I NEVER was and he was sooooooooooo jealous for NO reason, which was the only reason we didn't get a long because he was pushing me away with all these accusations that were not true and he was so full of drama and emotion which I dealt with, but now he is pushing me away for no reason after wanting to get married and everything else and i'm not happy about it. I've got a little emotional when he was around because he is pulling the manipulative games and it hurts me, so now HE doesn't like that I care now this much, its sooooooo weird he was like this the whole entire almost 2 years.. Oh, and if I leave him a normal question kind of message he turns it around and says that I'm being weird, yet he was the one doing what I am, but WAY WAY WAY worse the whole time!? I've been so frustrated, yet still care and trying to let go, because this nonsense everyone tells me ITS NOT WORTH IT! I want him back but he is being distant, what do I do, I know he cares, I am having such a hard time getting through to him, so far I'm playing a waiting game, help?
Geez, that's a tough situation Beauty29.
My Cancer ex used to get really jealous and possessive as well. I would never give into it and he would get even more suspicious. I've never even considered cheating on anyone, not even talking to people when in a relationship so his insecurities were completely unfounded. I refused to be treated like a criminal when I've never done anything wrong(in that way).
I ended up having to just walk away from the situation. He wanted marriage. Still does. But I can't and won't be with someone who treats me the way he did, doesn't trust me, and speaks to me that way. Life is too short to spend it with someone who isn't even my FRIEND.
I hope things end up better for you Beauty29.
I don't raise my voice (unless the other pary already is and I've already asked nicely----not-so-nicely for them to calm down) and I can't stand people who find it necessary to do so...but that has a lot to do with my upbringing. I think its ghetto, dysfunctional, and uncivilized.
I can relate BIG TIME to what your last comment was on.. My Cancer male would do the exact same thing except if he raised his voice it was because he wasn't getting what he wanted, soooooo dumb, and the abusive, disrespectful, and cruel comments came out ALL the time when he thought I was straying but I NEVER was and he was sooooooooooo jealous for NO reason, which was the only reason we didn't get a long because he was pushing me away with all these accusations that were not true and he was so full of drama and emotion which I dealt with, but now he is pushing me away for no reason after wanting to get married and everything else and i'm not happy about it. I've got a little emotional when he was around because he is pulling the manipulative games and it hurts me, so now HE doesn't like that I care now this much, its sooooooo weird he was like this the whole entire almost 2 years.. Oh, and if I leave him a normal question kind of message he turns it around and says that I'm being weird, yet he was the one doing what I am, but WAY WAY WAY worse the whole time!? I've been so frustrated, yet still care and trying to let go, because this nonsense everyone tells me ITS NOT WORTH IT! I want him back but he is being distant, what do I do, I know he cares, I am having such a hard time getting through to him, so far I'm playing a waiting game, help?
So it's all Cancer males? I don't care for all that yelling! I am getting to old for the bullshit and so is he. Maybe that's why he told me he didn't want to be in a relationship-because his ass is crazy!
This is probably just me but I think you guys are hooking up with all the wrong cancers.
Vanessa126, it's not a general cancer trend.. don't let 1-2 bad experiences ruin your entire outlook.
"SRG, maybe they're sweet cancers, but they change once they get into relationships, it's like they yearn to be single again and do whatever it takes for the other person to break up with them."
I doubt this to be the pervasive trend. Cancers tend to be more family oriented and relationship oriened than just about any other sign.
I cannot for the life of me understand this sign. Maybe it's just the moron I like and he makes the zodiac sign for Cancer men-horrible! Maybe because he's an idiot...says a lot about me huh?
Man...the Cancers that I know ain't nuthin but emotional wrecks...I always wondered why that was until I got into the Zodiac...
NOT ALL. I seem to have met all the kocky, confident, charming and DEFINITELY not emotional wrecked Cancers! You people need to stop meeting potentials at bars... or wherever you go... lol Please tell me where so I can avoid those places ha hahahah ha
I don't understand how people say they are all sensitive and caring and emotional when they act so...Annoying and Disgusting. And I'm just talking about the men. The females are different. I mean not as annoying as the men but it takes a lot to maintain a relationship with a female Cancer also and I'm just speaking on a friendly level.
Ugh...I give up smile I guess everyone has their quirks.
Oh Karima, you suffer me. First you say YOU LIKE A MORON and HE MAKES THE MALES IN THE SIGN SUCK.....then you say THEY ARE SO ANNOYING AND DIFFICULT TO HAVE A RRELATIONSHIP WITH???? And as a member of the human race, I dare say you might fit into the "why is everyone in this world screwed up, I can't figure it out?"

Dahhhling, listen care fully.....I THINK IT MIGHT BE YOU!.....

* little crabbie unlocks horns and quickly runs away before she who calls the kettle black spazzez out*
PS. I kinda thought you were o.k., specially since you buck up to sb, but your relentless attack on cancers is getting booooring....why not do yourself a favor and be with signs you like better, if there is such a possibility.
peanut can i pinch u,lol
LOL!!!!!!! Capricorn men spazz the hell out too Tongue
ding! *lightbulb goes off*
LOL LOL LOL LOL I just thought that I met my crabby chatting on yahoo! HA HAHAHAHA!
"peanut can i pinch u,lol"
Sure, but not too hard... just a lil pinch on my butt Tongue
Hey cappy! There you are little miss... hehehe how are things going for you?
What do you mean by spazzing out? I don't know any cap men really well so I'd have no clue. It's probably the sign I know the least about (men) I know a few cap chics but I don't think they're all that similar.

I didn't mean to offend anyone. Forgive me. SD i'm not angry I will ease up on Cancers-I promise
Me likes Karima..... smile......
You didn't offend me, I'm just feeling frisky.... smile
Sorry I was so crabby smile
Well, actually I was feeling very very naughty....I think the good twin is here today..sorry if I was harsh... Sad
oh well....cancerians could be whatever,but the little things that can change cancerians from another is orientation...but i still think cancerian are very caring,sensitive,ivolving and encouraging...u try and date a cancerian?then u see what will happen,not just has a friend...
SD we cool mama smile it's alright. I can understand your defense.
I will say that i would date a Cancer. Only if he comes correct though. I am truly getting to old for games.