Hilarious message from ex

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by agis on Thursday, March 21, 2013 and has 26 replies.
The last couple of days I had a pretty bad mood, and posted things on FB like "I'd like to delete the last year of my life". A day later my ex sent me a hilarious message saying "It was nice to know you want to delete the last year of our life....if you want it so bad, why you just don't delete me from FB?" lol.
He is insane, he really is.
Why the hell he took this shit personal? I replied him shortly saying, the post has nothing to do with him.
Not at all.
In the last 12 months I quit my job, moved 4 times, started a new job, my brother had an almost fatal accident.
I guess those things are fair enough...and I'm not blaming anyone. I had a very bad day, with a very very bad mood. He shouldn't have take it personally.
I replied him that it has nothing to do with him nor his friends etc.
He answered immediately that he is released and he is happy to know it wasn't because of him. He assumed I was writing about our relationship. He apologized.
Selfish crab!
Posted by aurora
Sorry for all of those bad things that happened to you.
Maybe he didn't know about all your troubles. If he did, than fuck him.

We broke up in September last year. He knew about the accident (called me at that time every day) and he knew about the moves. Even if we don't talk nor having any kind of contact for months now, I guess he is keeping an eye on my FB wall (as he proved it now with his message)
I opened 2 other threads on dxp previously (I asked for support last year - wanted him back - not anymore lol)
Posted by moongirljj
Posted by agis
Posted by aurora
Sorry for all of those bad things that happened to you.
Maybe he didn't know about all your troubles. If he did, than fuck him.

We broke up in September last year. He knew about the accident (called me at that time every day) and he knew about the moves. Even if we don't talk nor having any kind of contact for months now, I guess he is keeping an eye on my FB wall (as he proved it now with his message)
I opened 2 other threads on dxp previously (I asked for support last year - wanted him back - not anymore lol)

He's not over you though.
click to expand

Unfortunately I'm not over him too. Hope this feeling disappears. He hurt me a lot....
Posted by Acrab
30 year olds acting like highschoolers...

Maybe you're right.
I guess he is mad at me and I'm afraid of him. My last try to get him back was in October 2012 when he told me, he doesn't want me anymore. I was doing fine until he sent me that message. It confused me completely.
I really hope,I can forget him ASAP.
I had birthday last sunday. My ex tried to call me twice (I was out with friends for dinner) and did not answer the phone. He sent me 2 messages, one was saying he'll try to call me because he wants to wish me a happy birthday. The days were gone and he did not call or text me. This morning I received a message again, a pretty long one in he apologized not to calling me and explained he was on a party and the very next day he got cold and he is since than in bed and "hugging my blanket". Wrote that he is really sorry not to call and he is also very sorry for not asking how my brother does (he had a very bad accident last December) but at the end of the day he wrote he doesn't want to bother me but he hopes I'm doing fine and I had a wonderful birthday and all my wishes came true, and he wishes me a very nice weekend.
Honestly, I have no clue how to deal with this. I did not hear from him in the last couple months, he did not reply to my "happy new year" message...and now? He is texting me once a week.
I wasn't ignoring, I just went on with my life like he suggested me last December to do so.
I tried to be sarcastic. And the very first message was more tan weird.
(I'm not native English that's why I usually write with mistakes and cause misunderstandings)
I'm not sure if I may should launch a new thread about this but I'm pretty confused and need some advice...
It's still about my ex....he texted me last Friday again, saying he was sick and he was not able to call me but he really wanted to. Anyway, I replied him on Sunday morning, very short.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand he called me on Sunday afternoon, we hang a half an hour on the phone, he was talking talking talking and asking all the time....it's really annoying.
Is this his return???
Posted by xMoonMan
Posted by agis
I'm not sure if I may should launch a new thread about this but I'm pretty confused and need some advice...
It's still about my ex....he texted me last Friday again, saying he was sick and he was not able to call me but he really wanted to. Anyway, I replied him on Sunday morning, very short.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand he called me on Sunday afternoon, we hang a half an hour on the phone, he was talking talking talking and asking all the time....it's really annoying.
Is this his return???

Hang on Agis, I'll be back in a jiffy!
Now, ....where did I put that darn crystal ball?
*scratches head* Tongue
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Hang on? I try to move on...smile
Posted by BikerCh1ck
Why do you keep him in your contacts?
Remove him and he will get the message that he is disrespecting you.
I am sure he will call you to find out what happened and he will be angry about it.
So it is your call to tell him how much of an asshole he has been and set down your rules if he wants to be in your company.
He might leave but at least you will stop having a bully chasing you around. Don't you want to get over him and move on?
If he doesn't want you to move on he should man up and come and ask you out again... as he did when you two first met!
Remember.. you are worth what price you put on yourself.

I usually never delete names from my contact lists...I only have his company nr and this time he called from his private one.
I answered one of his 5 messages.
With the asking out....well, we're living 2 country, 4 hrs flight apart.
I am really WONDERING what the hell does he want now? There is 0.0 chance to bump into each other on the street. I thought we were suppose not to meet anymore. And surprisingly he calls me out of the blue telling me his suit made him remember me??????
He showed up on friday at my friends house to celebrate my birthday. He brought my favourite parfum saying "I hope I got the right one"
We were partying, it was fun. After the party he was very angry and he was shouting at me "I don't believe what you' re saying". He said, he loves me, but he doesn't trust me.
We met the very next day again, went for lunch and watched a movie. He acted if he was my boyfriend, hugging, kissing all the time. I had to leave and I told, him I have to go and took farewell pretty friendly. I hugged him and told him, it was fun and take care of yourself. He said he'll call me and later on he sent me a message saying "have a safe trip and hope to talk you soon".
I bet he won't call me at all. He'll disappear again, I'm afraid. I'm still in love with him.
Didn't you say somewhere else that you had a new boyfriend? What happened to the new guy?
Posted by FieryBullette
Didn't you say somewhere else that you had a new boyfriend? What happened to the new guy?

I was dating somebody, nothing serious. I wasn't ready fr something new.
Actually I got a call from him and he asked me if I arrived home safe.
I'm wondering. Really wondering. I told him I'm going to give him a ring later on. (I'm in the office right now) He was happy about it and said "talk you later".
OMG I'm confused.
So you're living two countries/4 hr flight apart from each other and he just shows up at your bday party? WTF? I think there is more going on here than is being stated...
Cancer men can be very sentimental. He doesn't like the thought you might regret your time with him and he lashed out because he was feeling rejected. Cancers can act very irrationally when we're feeling rejected, even if it's only in our mind. At least he apologized. Few men do so that's to his credit. I do think cancers are good at apologizing when we're wrong but maybe that's just me...and this fella apparently. We know that we get carried away and if we care about you, we regret our actions and want to mend fences. I hope your next year will be better than your last!
Just read thru the other comments. Sounds like this man still has feelings for you and you still have feelings for him. Maybe this rela deserves another chance? Don't know anything about your history so I could be way off there. But there's feelings between you two. He wouldn't have shown up at your bday and sweated getting you the right gift if he didn't care for you alot. Good luck & follow your personal history with him and intuition.
I like stories like this. If you both are still in love with eachother take it slow. I hope everything works out for you
Posted by FieryBullette
So you're living two countries/4 hr flight apart from each other and he just shows up at your bday party? WTF? I think there is more going on here than is being stated...

I spent last weekend at my friends place, in the city where he also lives.
He knew I'll be around, but said, he can't join because he is on business trip. At the end of the day, he showed up.
Posted by SeeingStars721
I like stories like this. If you both are still in love with eachother take it slow. I hope everything works out for you


here is the story (at least a part of it smile )
He called me yesterday afternoon but I was in the office and I told him I'll call him back later. After the office I went to see my brother and my godson, when he called again saying he won't have time in the evening (has dinner with friends). He seemed to be sad when I told him, I can't talk and will call him tomorrow.
Sent him a message apologizing for not having time but he did not answer. Sad
The weirdness of the story is that it has been 8 months already when he told me he doesn't want to be with me anymore (he didn't want to have a long distance relationship) and now we're almost at the same stage when we broke up.
The situation is soooooooooooo confusing!
What happened, happened, I can't change.
Since I cam back he calls me every day.
We talk up to 20 minutes a day. (he calls me)
Never mentions last weekend or what happened. Nor mentions any feeling.
Tries to stay friendly and calmed...but I feel he is not calmed at all.
Stay back and wait or what shall I do? He admitted, he still has feelings for me but he is hurt and he can't trust me. If I don't trust a person I don't call or text, right?
Why are you letting him put you through all of this? It's great to be polite and patient, but this guy is getting you all tied up in knots again. All of these things are HIS ISSUES. Do not get all caught up in his drama. These are NOT YOUR PROBLEMS. You're right, what happened happened, and you can't change. So just be your wonderful self, it's all you can do, and let him sort out his own issues and his own feelings. There is nothing you can do to help that process. I repeat, this is not your problem, so stop wasting your time trying to figure him out.
Posted by FieryBullette
Why are you letting him put you through all of this? It's great to be polite and patient, but this guy is getting you all tied up in knots again. All of these things are HIS ISSUES. Do not get all caught up in his drama. These are NOT YOUR PROBLEMS. You're right, what happened happened, and you can't change. So just be your wonderful self, it's all you can do, and let him sort out his own issues and his own feelings. There is nothing you can do to help that process. I repeat, this is not your problem, so stop wasting your time trying to figure him out.

It has a pretty simple reason. I love him a lot. Still.
You know, he was shouting at me on Friday night and he told me I can leave as I usually do. I told him (really calmed) I won't run away anymore, I am going to listen to all the things you want to tell me. I ran away once, I won't do this anymore.
I can't believe he is still keeping all his anger on him...he would let 'em go, he would be free and ready to be together again...
Short update:
I guess we're getting closer day by day. Since I met him 2 weeks ago, he keeps calling me almost every day. He is very lovely and nice....smile