Cappie ladies, are you really this forgiving?

Could you forgive an ex boyfriend or husband that cheated on you? Forgive him enough to be around him and his new family? Some of you may not know these people, but this Cap was cheated on by her Virgo husband at the time, and he was cheating with sing...

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by lnana04 on Monday, December 26, 2016 and has 109 replies.
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I believe that homewrecker Aqua Alicia Keys eveb wrote a song and dedicated it to Mashonda.

Thats some aqua shyt right there.

Me and my scorp moon would be in an psych ward. Id try to kill that hoe every chance i got.
Posted by DMV
I believe that homewrecker Aqua Alicia Keys eveb wrote a song and dedicated it to Mashonda.

Thats some aqua shyt right there.

Me and my scorp moon would be in an psych ward. Id try to kill that hoe every chance i got.

why are you blaming it on the aqua part? what if she had a Scorpio moon?

and why would you want a man who cheats on you and will continue to do so?

your scorpio moon would kill the man first.
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by RumiL
Posted by marshmallow
@ OP

Never thought it could be true because when i think of myself i know i do not have an ability to forgive people , except for small stuff which i let go after some time. Cheating is a big thing and it not just makes you hurt but takes away your confidence and hampers your self respect . So no i wont be able to forgive and be friends in such a scenario .

Now if i think of it , if there are children involved then may be good parents would ideally want to maintain cordial relationship(atleast on the face of it) for the sake of children ?

Talking about celebrities, Deepika Padukone (Jan 5), i dont know how many people know her here. She is an Indian actor and is on top slot today in India. When she was still new she started dating Ranbir Kapoor (Libra). Now this guy belonged to the most known & influential Bollywood (Indian movies) family . He cheated on her with Katrina Kaif (Cancer ) (funny thing she was also dating a capricorn Salman Khan right before Ranbir Kapoor )

Now when the cheating came out initially they of course broke up and there were few sarcastic and insulting comments Deepika made about Ranbir Kapoor on a talk show and few other places . Fast forward few years they never stopped working with each other and eventually seems or clam to have become friends . Cold war between Katrina and Deepika is much claimed by media here . When i think of it , keeping aside the conversations and efforts that may have happened between the 2 (Deepika and Ranbir) in order to pacify things , I wonder if Deepika was also playing safe to establish her self in the Industry . She was new then and if she would have chosen to never work with him or have sour relationship then she would have missed out on many good opportunities as the industry to think of it is small . There are few people & families who have more hold on the major work happening . Today she is on top . Katrina is nothing more than a pretty face . (Work speaks loudest and is the best revenge)

Her chart :

User Submitted Image

hey!! didn't know you were Indian too :-)

I agree about Deepika, she has tried to maintain friendship with Ranbir when she needn't have - she was and is TOP actress today, and Salman too still loves and has maintained friendship with Katrina despite their breakup.. :-)

It's only Cappies both the times who have forgiven and stayed friends with exes... well, except a few girlfriends of Salman :p is said Salman is still friends with Sangeeta Bijlani(Cancer), Somi Ali (Aries - i think she is - she always speaks fondly of him tho).. Katrina also is fond of him.. except Aishwarya Rai with whom his breakup was nasty.

My experience has been, Cappies, if they allow you into their lives that closely will never let you go, no matter how you hurt them, they will take time but will not leave you so easily.

Yes I am Indian smile

When it comes to Salman , he cheated on Sangeeta with Somi Ali . And then cheated on Somi Ali with Aishwarya . But Except Aishwarya (scorpio) every ex Gf of his seems to be still fond of him. I am sure he would have eventually stayed friends with her too if there wasnt so much public drama involved .

As a cappie i can say that we never forget a strong emotion ever felt so we dont forget the person . I however do not like to stay friends with those who have let me down .

I have dated a cap before and we stayed friends for very long after we broke up . Although we dont speak for years , he many a times himself contacts me just to say Hi and always lets me know if he had some major professional jump (i dont know why) . I also always wish him well and when i see his nice updates on FB i feel good about it . He is one person i wish i had stayed more in touch with . (Although i dont think i was in love with him )

Whats your sign RumiL ?

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hmm.. smile what were your Cap ex and your moon signs Marshmellow?

I'm Aries smile

Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
I believe that homewrecker Aqua Alicia Keys eveb wrote a song and dedicated it to Mashonda.

Thats some aqua shyt right there.

Me and my scorp moon would be in an psych ward. Id try to kill that hoe every chance i got.

why are you blaming it on the aqua part? what if she had a Scorpio moon?

and why would you want a man who cheats on you and will continue to do so?

your scorpio moon would kill the man first.
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Cause aquas are backstabbers
Posted by RumiL
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by RumiL
Posted by marshmallow
@ OP

Never thought it could be true because when i think of myself i know i do not have an ability to forgive people , except for small stuff which i let go after some time. Cheating is a big thing and it not just makes you hurt but takes away your confidence and hampers your self respect . So no i wont be able to forgive and be friends in such a scenario .

Now if i think of it , if there are children involved then may be good parents would ideally want to maintain cordial relationship(atleast on the face of it) for the sake of children ?

Talking about celebrities, Deepika Padukone (Jan 5), i dont know how many people know her here. She is an Indian actor and is on top slot today in India. When she was still new she started dating Ranbir Kapoor (Libra). Now this guy belonged to the most known & influential Bollywood (Indian movies) family . He cheated on her with Katrina Kaif (Cancer ) (funny thing she was also dating a capricorn Salman Khan right before Ranbir Kapoor )

Now when the cheating came out initially they of course broke up and there were few sarcastic and insulting comments Deepika made about Ranbir Kapoor on a talk show and few other places . Fast forward few years they never stopped working with each other and eventually seems or clam to have become friends . Cold war between Katrina and Deepika is much claimed by media here . When i think of it , keeping aside the conversations and efforts that may have happened between the 2 (Deepika and Ranbir) in order to pacify things , I wonder if Deepika was also playing safe to establish her self in the Industry . She was new then and if she would have chosen to never work with him or have sour relationship then she would have missed out on many good opportunities as the industry to think of it is small . There are few people & families who have more hold on the major work happening . Today she is on top . Katrina is nothing more than a pretty face . (Work speaks loudest and is the best revenge)

Her chart :

User Submitted Image

hey!! didn't know you were Indian too :-)

I agree about Deepika, she has tried to maintain friendship with Ranbir when she needn't have - she was and is TOP actress today, and Salman too still loves and has maintained friendship with Katrina despite their breakup.. :-)

It's only Cappies both the times who have forgiven and stayed friends with exes... well, except a few girlfriends of Salman :p is said Salman is still friends with Sangeeta Bijlani(Cancer), Somi Ali (Aries - i think she is - she always speaks fondly of him tho).. Katrina also is fond of him.. except Aishwarya Rai with whom his breakup was nasty.

My experience has been, Cappies, if they allow you into their lives that closely will never let you go, no matter how you hurt them, they will take time but will not leave you so easily.

Yes I am Indian smile

When it comes to Salman , he cheated on Sangeeta with Somi Ali . And then cheated on Somi Ali with Aishwarya . But Except Aishwarya (scorpio) every ex Gf of his seems to be still fond of him. I am sure he would have eventually stayed friends with her too if there wasnt so much public drama involved .

As a cappie i can say that we never forget a strong emotion ever felt so we dont forget the person . I however do not like to stay friends with those who have let me down .

I have dated a cap before and we stayed friends for very long after we broke up . Although we dont speak for years , he many a times himself contacts me just to say Hi and always lets me know if he had some major professional jump (i dont know why) . I also always wish him well and when i see his nice updates on FB i feel good about it . He is one person i wish i had stayed more in touch with . (Although i dont think i was in love with him )

Whats your sign RumiL ?

hmm.. smile what were your Cap ex and your moon signs Marshmellow?

I'm Aries smile

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His Cancer moon

Mine Sagittarius

Posted by DMV
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
I believe that homewrecker Aqua Alicia Keys eveb wrote a song and dedicated it to Mashonda.

Thats some aqua shyt right there.

Me and my scorp moon would be in an psych ward. Id try to kill that hoe every chance i got.

why are you blaming it on the aqua part? what if she had a Scorpio moon?

and why would you want a man who cheats on you and will continue to do so?

your scorpio moon would kill the man first.
Cause aquas are backstabbers
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that's not a nice thing to say, and it's like saying all Sagittarius suns are like this.

are you pissed off because I mentioned in another topic where holly made, that all Sagittarius are having a hard time and I said from what I seen, it's geminis, but then I remembered that the sag men, and sag dominant guys like gavin rossdale and ozzy osbourne and brad pitt cheated on their women and they aren't doing well?

and because mashonda is sag dominant? Confused

or are you saying this because you hate aquas from your experience?

I don't really hate any sign cause they don't have problems with me.

but if people are getting angry especially during the holidays because of some stuff celebrities do....

it's weird.

i'm just here enjoying astrology and I was interested too with what happened between Alicia keyes and Swizz Beatz.

but you seem to fault on the woman a lot and not blame anything on the man.

don't you think you should blame both?? Confused

sad you would say that. Sad i don't do that to people i love. so it really hurts me.

Posted by Impulsv
Posted by lnana04
Here's Mahonda talking about the whole situation. How her and Swizz talk about how amazing Alicia is.

Idk. I could disconnect from a situation, but at the same time....idk.
I can see having to deal with kids I want it amicable but best freinds nah!!
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I couldn't do that either.

but i'm still interested in what's going on with the celebrities.

even if people are being mean about sun signs Sad

Posted by Impulsv
Posted by lnana04
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by lnana04
Another tidbit about Mashonda and Swizz relationship. Either while, or before they were married, he cheated on her and got another woman pregnant. Mashonda was also carrying his child and the stress of the situation caused her to have a miscarriage.

The stress of the situation with him and Alicia made a lot of her hair fall out. Its like she's getting paid on one end, but whenever Alicia tries to smooth or make light of the situation Mashonda will say something. She had to put out there before that her hair started falling she was so stressed, so its not to take lightly.

My thing is, what happens to "those" type of emotions?

I read the comments under the YouTube video I posted just now and so many people think she's lying. Say they can see in her body language and eyes that she's still hurt. I'm curious now to where all the emotions, if you REALLY loved some one to the point that they were able to stress you out THAT much, go?

that's sad. I did read up on that, before he got with Alicia, he was already running around.

I think his placements, being aqua moon and libra mars, Libra dominant according to astrotheme,

needs SPACE. so he's airy dominant.

he will feel CHOKED out if he doesn't get it. I wonder what placements Mashonda is.

so I checked.

she's Cap sun/Gemini moon/ Sag venus conjunct Sag Neptune, Jupiter leo, Cap mars.

so she's very very fiery and with a Gemini moon.

it didn't seem to make him happy. Since both him and Alciia Keys are libra dominant.

libra domiannts do happiness together.

look at Tom Brady/Giselle Budchen,

both different sun signs but happily libra dominants.

I just notice a trend/pattern with the libra dominants.

I follow him on Instagram and I'm JUST now seeing a bit of happiness in him. I can tell in his face and expression something is bothering him inside. It can have nothing to do with his relationships, idk.

Also, not long after he married Alicia he was caught cheating, or still texting someone he was messing with on Mashonda. A Taurus. Actually, my mother's old friend daughter. Crazy.

He seems hard to please or make happy.

The question why the fuck wold Alecia marry this guy

Obvious cheat u think it won't happen to you

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well how come Julia Roberts married that guy who was married?? it's the same thing.

he might do the same thing.

personally i wouldn't go for a guy who is married.

but plenty women do i notice, and remember in this topic, the site from

the astrologer mentioned that scorpio/plutonic peeps do that. but not all of course.

i know my grandmother and mother are both plutonic but they would never do that.

SOME plutonic peeps do that maybe.

Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span.

Thats the thing about real experience and theories .Until you get into a situation , you dont truly come to know how exactly you would deal with it .

Posted by leowww
Posted by lnana04
Posted by leowww
Posted by lnana04
Posted by leowww
A good cap friend of mine forgave her soon to be husband after discovering he had cheated on her several times. He didn't come clean, she caught him. And by soon husband to be I mean 48 hours before the actual ceremony.

I still get mad when I think of this... Mad for her. I respect her decision even if I'll never understand it.
Wow, so she still married him? See, forgiving that would be harder for me then forgiving a cheating husband. No way I would have married the guy.

She had her reasons...... I guess. We've never talked about it again, it's like the elephant in the room. I doubt he knows I know. As much as I can't stand and don't like the guy now for hurting her... (I'm very protective of the ppl I love) ... I want her happiness. I told her I'll never treat him any different. She's my friend, I respect her decision like I said.

Wow, what is his sign?

I couldn't imagine entering a effed up situation. I somewhat understand eventually getting stuck in one, but entering?? When you dont have to? I don't get it.

Is she happy now?

He's Taurus

Yea... she sounds happy when we talk. I really hope she is. I get mad because she sacrificed & supported him a lot.

I dunno his birthday but she's mentioned his sun sign before when discussing astrology.

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There is something that is making me curious . When people talk about ideal sun sign match . Why is it that the examples of infidelity i am seeing on this tread involves cap women with their ideal match (virgo , taurus , scorpio) ? I know so many people will talk about the whole chart but still sun sign wise these are suppose to be the best match for us .

@lisabethur8 i am tagging you in this because from what impression i get you seem to understand astrology a lot and have many real life examples

Posted by marshmallow
Posted by leowww
Posted by lnana04
Posted by leowww
Posted by lnana04
Posted by leowww
A good cap friend of mine forgave her soon to be husband after discovering he had cheated on her several times. He didn't come clean, she caught him. And by soon husband to be I mean 48 hours before the actual ceremony.

I still get mad when I think of this... Mad for her. I respect her decision even if I'll never understand it.
Wow, so she still married him? See, forgiving that would be harder for me then forgiving a cheating husband. No way I would have married the guy.

She had her reasons...... I guess. We've never talked about it again, it's like the elephant in the room. I doubt he knows I know. As much as I can't stand and don't like the guy now for hurting her... (I'm very protective of the ppl I love) ... I want her happiness. I told her I'll never treat him any different. She's my friend, I respect her decision like I said.

Wow, what is his sign?

I couldn't imagine entering a effed up situation. I somewhat understand eventually getting stuck in one, but entering?? When you dont have to? I don't get it.

Is she happy now?

He's Taurus

Yea... she sounds happy when we talk. I really hope she is. I get mad because she sacrificed & supported him a lot.

I dunno his birthday but she's mentioned his sun sign before when discussing astrology.

There is something that is making me curious . When people talk about ideal sun sign match . Why is it that the examples of infidelity i am seeing on this tread involves cap women with their ideal match (virgo , taurus , scorpio) ? I know so many people will talk about the whole chart but still sun sign wise these are suppose to be the best match for us .

@lisabethur8 i am tagging you in this because from what impression i get you seem to understand astrology a lot and have many real life examples

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yeah but I have to be careful cause I tell all my personal life true stories here, and maybe that's not good.

just recently I am with my husband's family, walked for exercise and eat brunch,


and we were talking about how (we were reminiscining again) about cousins Scorpio sun/stellium, Leo mars/Cancer moon went to austrailia to get this guy back and the other sisters are so different, (all very watery girls too) in choosing men.

and how DETERMINED and ambitious this cousin is getting her man. but the man was very HONEST with her, no deception, or leading her on. told her straight I don't want to get back with you.

edit -

anyway, we all learn the hard way, a lot of us, but not all.Some people don't have hardships. Some people I google who are famous don't have that problem/no hardships in love and life. but they are not that interesting but at least they are happy without being in pain.

but it is a super scorpio trait, especially with so much scorpio/stellium (to be super duper DETERMINED) or is it in combo with her cancer moon/leo mars, that she went to get that man for five years or more??

this was long ago now but these are TRAITS i'm trying to show and understand and SHARE.

I have no idea what's going on with some of these celebrities though but it's fun to speculate and connect it to astrology. and DEEP astrology.

even cafeastrology even says it's MORE than sun sign, it will always be. More than half the world's population are coupled with different sun signs. it's common sense without seeing astrology.
I mean many in depth astrology says that. I also link site because like cafeastrology,they go DEEP into astrology. And I notice the astrologer says it's not just sun sign but 8th house energy, so plutonic peeps.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
I believe that homewrecker Aqua Alicia Keys eveb wrote a song and dedicated it to Mashonda.

Thats some aqua shyt right there.

Me and my scorp moon would be in an psych ward. Id try to kill that hoe every chance i got.

why are you blaming it on the aqua part? what if she had a Scorpio moon?

and why would you want a man who cheats on you and will continue to do so?

your scorpio moon would kill the man first.
Cause aquas are backstabbers

that's not a nice thing to say, and it's like saying all Sagittarius suns are like this.

are you pissed off because I mentioned in another topic where holly made, that all Sagittarius are having a hard time and I said from what I seen, it's geminis, but then I remembered that the sag men, and sag dominant guys like gavin rossdale and ozzy osbourne and brad pitt cheated on their women and they aren't doing well?

and because mashonda is sag dominant? Confused

or are you saying this because you hate aquas from your experience?

I don't really hate any sign cause they don't have problems with me.

but if people are getting angry especially during the holidays because of some stuff celebrities do....

it's weird.

i'm just here enjoying astrology and I was interested too with what happened between Alicia keyes and Swizz Beatz.

but you seem to fault on the woman a lot and not blame anything on the man.

don't you think you should blame both?? Confused

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Actually im not pissed off and i have no clue what posts youre referring to.

People can have whatever opinion of saggis they want. Have at it.

My truth is not always kind nor easy to take.

But the truth about aquas is obvious once you get past their water bearer, im weird and unconventional, friends with the world personality.

Given the chance an Aquarius will do you wrong.

Believe that.
Posted by DMV
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
I believe that homewrecker Aqua Alicia Keys eveb wrote a song and dedicated it to Mashonda.

Thats some aqua shyt right there.

Me and my scorp moon would be in an psych ward. Id try to kill that hoe every chance i got.

why are you blaming it on the aqua part? what if she had a Scorpio moon?

and why would you want a man who cheats on you and will continue to do so?

your scorpio moon would kill the man first.
Cause aquas are backstabbers

that's not a nice thing to say, and it's like saying all Sagittarius suns are like this.

are you pissed off because I mentioned in another topic where holly made, that all Sagittarius are having a hard time and I said from what I seen, it's geminis, but then I remembered that the sag men, and sag dominant guys like gavin rossdale and ozzy osbourne and brad pitt cheated on their women and they aren't doing well?

and because mashonda is sag dominant? Confused

or are you saying this because you hate aquas from your experience?

I don't really hate any sign cause they don't have problems with me.

but if people are getting angry especially during the holidays because of some stuff celebrities do....

it's weird.

i'm just here enjoying astrology and I was interested too with what happened between Alicia keyes and Swizz Beatz.

but you seem to fault on the woman a lot and not blame anything on the man.

don't you think you should blame both?? Confused

Actually im not pissed off and i have no clue what posts youre referring to.

People can have whatever opinion of saggis they want. Have at it.

My truth is not always kind nor easy to take.

But the truth about aquas is obvious once you get past their water bearer, im weird and unconventional, friends with the world personality.

Given the chance an Aquarius will do you wrong.

Believe that.
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hm but that's an aquarius trait i bolded.

you're pretty tricky in how you worded that. so i don't understand why you came here to say bad things.

you hardly even come to the Capricorn forum since you're mainly at the scorpio forum.

but i believe there are aquarius who will do you wrong, just like any sign, but for myself if i am loved very much and i love them back there's no doing wrong to anyone.

i don't want to waste the energy to do that, or bother. I just want to learn in this world and interact with people who have the same hobbies. like i do now.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
I believe that homewrecker Aqua Alicia Keys eveb wrote a song and dedicated it to Mashonda.

Thats some aqua shyt right there.

Me and my scorp moon would be in an psych ward. Id try to kill that hoe every chance i got.

why are you blaming it on the aqua part? what if she had a Scorpio moon?

and why would you want a man who cheats on you and will continue to do so?

your scorpio moon would kill the man first.
Cause aquas are backstabbers

that's not a nice thing to say, and it's like saying all Sagittarius suns are like this.

are you pissed off because I mentioned in another topic where holly made, that all Sagittarius are having a hard time and I said from what I seen, it's geminis, but then I remembered that the sag men, and sag dominant guys like gavin rossdale and ozzy osbourne and brad pitt cheated on their women and they aren't doing well?

and because mashonda is sag dominant? Confused

or are you saying this because you hate aquas from your experience?

I don't really hate any sign cause they don't have problems with me.

but if people are getting angry especially during the holidays because of some stuff celebrities do....

it's weird.

i'm just here enjoying astrology and I was interested too with what happened between Alicia keyes and Swizz Beatz.

but you seem to fault on the woman a lot and not blame anything on the man.

don't you think you should blame both?? Confused

Actually im not pissed off and i have no clue what posts youre referring to.

People can have whatever opinion of saggis they want. Have at it.

My truth is not always kind nor easy to take.

But the truth about aquas is obvious once you get past their water bearer, im weird and unconventional, friends with the world personality.

Given the chance an Aquarius will do you wrong.

Believe that.
hm but that's an aquarius trait i bolded.

you're pretty tricky in how you worded that. so i don't understand why you came here to say bad things.

you hardly even come to the Capricorn forum since you're mainly at the scorpio forum.

but i believe there are aquarius who will do you wrong, just like any sign, but for myself if i am loved very much and i love them back there's no doing wrong to anyone.

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If the shoe dont fit, if the glove dont fit, if the koolaid aint yours, if thats not your color....

No bubbles no troubles.

BUT if it is, #dobetta
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span.

Thats the thing about real experience and theories .Until you get into a situation , you dont truly come to know how exactly you would deal with it .

So true. The shadow side of my moon is possessive and jealous and all about retaliation. I've come a long way in learning for that not to be by default setting and I'd hope that would hold true in a case like this.

That kind of zen doesn't come over night, but I think it's something to strive for.

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Whats your moon ?

Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span.

Thats the thing about real experience and theories .Until you get into a situation , you dont truly come to know how exactly you would deal with it .

So true. The shadow side of my moon is possessive and jealous and all about retaliation. I've come a long way in learning for that not to be by default setting and I'd hope that would hold true in a case like this.

That kind of zen doesn't come over night, but I think it's something to strive for.

Whats your moon ?

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And my moon and venus description says i am suppose to be free spirited but i am possessive and jealous in relationship.

Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span.

Thats the thing about real experience and theories .Until you get into a situation , you dont truly come to know how exactly you would deal with it .

So true. The shadow side of my moon is possessive and jealous and all about retaliation. I've come a long way in learning for that not to be by default setting and I'd hope that would hold true in a case like this.

That kind of zen doesn't come over night, but I think it's something to strive for.

Whats your moon ?


And my moon and venus description says i am suppose to be free spirited but i am possessive and jealous in relationship.

What are yours?

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Sag moon and Aqua venus
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span.

Thats the thing about real experience and theories .Until you get into a situation , you dont truly come to know how exactly you would deal with it .

So true. The shadow side of my moon is possessive and jealous and all about retaliation. I've come a long way in learning for that not to be by default setting and I'd hope that would hold true in a case like this.

That kind of zen doesn't come over night, but I think it's something to strive for.

Whats your moon ?


And my moon and venus description says i am suppose to be free spirited but i am possessive and jealous in relationship.

What are yours?

Sag moon and Aqua venus
Lol, yeah aqua venus gets a bad rap does sag anything Tongue jk

I have cap venus and libra moon, I'm the same way although I try my best to not let it show...
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Yeah my venus description says i am suppose to be detached and need freedom in a relationship. I am like that with the world. Quite detached. I hate it when some people in my life impose their presence on me too frequently. I dont like it when relatives and friends except too much of my time but on the other hand i can be totally into one person and not need any one else. (atleast to a great extent )

Sag moon description very much fits me but not in regards to love. I think my emotional feelings can give every water sign moon/venus run for money .

Libra moon i think would make you very sorted and balanced .

What does cap venus does ? Does it take the emotion more on a practical side ?

Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span.

Thats the thing about real experience and theories .Until you get into a situation , you dont truly come to know how exactly you would deal with it .

So true. The shadow side of my moon is possessive and jealous and all about retaliation. I've come a long way in learning for that not to be by default setting and I'd hope that would hold true in a case like this.

That kind of zen doesn't come over night, but I think it's something to strive for.

Whats your moon ?


Not that I consider it a bad thing!, but most placements have their positives and negatives and the negatives of that one just happen to be a doozy.

ps. Also Aqua Venus and I think that's the part of me that's probably talking most in this thread.
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Aqua venus here as well but i have not reached that level of sensibility as yet

Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.
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There are times when we put our ego down and it doesnt always work well. Speaking from experience
Yeah, I'm in Atlanta.

I just got off the phone with my Cap friend who just got a divorce from her Scorpio. He remarried a week later. He picked up their kids yesterday and my friend and his new wife was going back and forth. The new wife is waayyy out of pocket.

In a situation like this, I don't see my friend playing nice anytime soon. His new wife is saying how he shouldn't care for my friends oldest daughter because its not his child.

I don't think my friend will ever play that down.
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.
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Why should we have to?

I do have a huge ego that takes over but on the flip side Ive been taken advantage of. Maybe the ego was the problem, maybe not. Either way, I don't see many changes a Cap woman makes. Its like what a person initially loves they began to hate, but that's not really our problem. We kind of stay the same through it all, yet in the end its our fault. Idk.

Posted by marshmallow
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.
There are times when we put our ego down and it doesnt always work well. Speaking from experience
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Doesn't work well, at all.

Posted by BadBoy
Posted by lnana04
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.

Why should we have to?

I do have a huge ego that takes over but on the flip side Ive been taken advantage of. Maybe the ego was the problem, maybe not. Either way, I don't see many changes a Cap woman makes. Its like what a person initially loves they began to hate, but that's not really our problem. We kind of stay the same through it all, yet in the end its our fault. Idk.

I'm not saying it's all you guys fault..

When it comes to other women, you guys have a huge ego and are ready to fight. When it comes to a guy you really like, yall are not.

What happens with the not putting the ego aside is death. Two cap women that have been life long friends commit suicide bc of some bs. When you guys are down you are really so down you can not even begin to talk to no one. It was like you see ya cap friend, you have this convo about what is wrong then an hour later she is dead. Such a sad revolving history.
click to expand
Links to story please

Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by lnana04
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.

Why should we have to?

I do have a huge ego that takes over but on the flip side Ive been taken advantage of. Maybe the ego was the problem, maybe not. Either way, I don't see many changes a Cap woman makes. Its like what a person initially loves they began to hate, but that's not really our problem. We kind of stay the same through it all, yet in the end its our fault. Idk.

I'm not saying it's all you guys fault..

When it comes to other women, you guys have a huge ego and are ready to fight. When it comes to a guy you really like, yall are not.

What happens with the not putting the ego aside is death. Two cap women that have been life long friends commit suicide bc of some bs. When you guys are down you are really so down you can not even begin to talk to no one. It was like you see ya cap friend, you have this convo about what is wrong then an hour later she is dead. Such a sad revolving history.
Libra makes me not want to fight in general, male or female, makes no difference.

Half the caps I know would rather hurt someone else before they harm themselves. (Their words)
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That's what I'm use to...a Cap wanting to mess you up...not themselves. We internalize, or we lash out. Its very rare I hear of a Cap committing suicide over bs.

Posted by DMV
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
I believe that homewrecker Aqua Alicia Keys eveb wrote a song and dedicated it to Mashonda.

Thats some aqua shyt right there.

Me and my scorp moon would be in an psych ward. Id try to kill that hoe every chance i got.

why are you blaming it on the aqua part? what if she had a Scorpio moon?

and why would you want a man who cheats on you and will continue to do so?

your scorpio moon would kill the man first.
Cause aquas are backstabbers

that's not a nice thing to say, and it's like saying all Sagittarius suns are like this.

are you pissed off because I mentioned in another topic where holly made, that all Sagittarius are having a hard time and I said from what I seen, it's geminis, but then I remembered that the sag men, and sag dominant guys like gavin rossdale and ozzy osbourne and brad pitt cheated on their women and they aren't doing well?

and because mashonda is sag dominant? Confused

or are you saying this because you hate aquas from your experience?

I don't really hate any sign cause they don't have problems with me.

but if people are getting angry especially during the holidays because of some stuff celebrities do....

it's weird.

i'm just here enjoying astrology and I was interested too with what happened between Alicia keyes and Swizz Beatz.

but you seem to fault on the woman a lot and not blame anything on the man.

don't you think you should blame both?? Confused

Actually im not pissed off and i have no clue what posts youre referring to.

People can have whatever opinion of saggis they want. Have at it.

My truth is not always kind nor easy to take.

But the truth about aquas is obvious once you get past their water bearer, im weird and unconventional, friends with the world personality.

Given the chance an Aquarius will do you wrong.

Believe that.
hm but that's an aquarius trait i bolded.

you're pretty tricky in how you worded that. so i don't understand why you came here to say bad things.

you hardly even come to the Capricorn forum since you're mainly at the scorpio forum.

but i believe there are aquarius who will do you wrong, just like any sign, but for myself if i am loved very much and i love them back there's no doing wrong to anyone.

If the shoe dont fit, if the glove dont fit, if the koolaid aint yours, if thats not your color....

No bubbles no troubles.

BUT if it is, #dobetta
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ooh ok. well it don't fit.

I ain't no man-stealing woman. Gross. never have been. but I've had it happen to me though, unfortunately.

Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by marshmallow


And my moon and venus description says i am suppose to be free spirited but i am possessive and jealous in relationship.

What are yours?

Sag moon and Aqua venus
Lol, yeah aqua venus gets a bad rap does sag anything Tongue jk

I have cap venus and libra moon, I'm the same way although I try my best to not let it show...
Yeah my venus description says i am suppose to be detached and need freedom in a relationship. I am like that with the world. Quite detached. I hate it when some people in my life impose their presence on me too frequently. I dont like it when relatives and friends except too much of my time but on the other hand i can be totally into one person and not need any one else. (atleast to a great extent )

Sag moon description very much fits me but not in regards to love. I think my emotional feelings can give every water sign moon/venus run for money .

Libra moon i think would make you very sorted and balanced .

What does cap venus does ? Does it take the emotion more on a practical side ?

Libra moon, balanced yes. Sorted...hmm maybe not so much, I find it very hard to make a decision.

Cap venus is picky and wants long-term commitment. Emotions being practical, I could see that. It says I show emotions more through actions than words, am a loner, and I lack warmth until someone takes the time to get to know me.

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I lack warmth too and i thought its a cap thing . Not all caps are same ..some are better though smile
Posted by lisabethur8
I mean many in depth astrology says that. I also link site because like cafeastrology,they go DEEP into astrology. And I notice the astrologer says it's not just sun sign but 8th house energy, so plutonic peeps.
When i got into astrology first and when i came to dxp years back the only thing i understood was sun sign . But today i am understanding aspects of different planets a bit better.

I have not understood anything about houses and placements as yet . Have to do a bit research on that.
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by lnana04
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.

Why should we have to?

I do have a huge ego that takes over but on the flip side Ive been taken advantage of. Maybe the ego was the problem, maybe not. Either way, I don't see many changes a Cap woman makes. Its like what a person initially loves they began to hate, but that's not really our problem. We kind of stay the same through it all, yet in the end its our fault. Idk.

I'm not saying it's all you guys fault..

When it comes to other women, you guys have a huge ego and are ready to fight. When it comes to a guy you really like, yall are not.

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When it comes to the guy i believe that love shouldnt be fought for . Situations can be but cannot fight for the other person feeling and wanting to be with me. It has to come naturally from the other person .

Posted by marshmallow
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by lnana04
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.

Why should we have to?

I do have a huge ego that takes over but on the flip side Ive been taken advantage of. Maybe the ego was the problem, maybe not. Either way, I don't see many changes a Cap woman makes. Its like what a person initially loves they began to hate, but that's not really our problem. We kind of stay the same through it all, yet in the end its our fault. Idk.

I'm not saying it's all you guys fault..

When it comes to other women, you guys have a huge ego and are ready to fight. When it comes to a guy you really like, yall are not.

When it comes to the guy i believe that love shouldnt be fought for . Situations can be but cannot fight for the other person feeling and wanting to be with me. It has to come naturally from the other person .

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I definitely agree with this. 100%

I've seen people fight for love. Fight to make a situation work. I just don't have that in me because as soon as I'd feel the feelings are lost on his end, my heart would already be broken and I'd be too hurt to fight for anything. I just couldn't do it and don't understand it. If it ain't natural, and if a guy doesn't want to be here anymore...can't do nothing but set him free.


not forgiving

and i don't put on a facade so that (1) don't betray me (2) when i come for you, have enough strength to not fall apart. i don't want to have blood on my hands
Cheating exes no longer exist to me. Mutual children would equate to a business type relationship in which we are partners in raising children, but emotions about "us" would not be part of it.
Debbie Reynolds, just passed away today!! That's Carrie Fisher's mother. who was famous actress in her day, during the Elizabeth Taylor days too.

she was in her middle 80s. me and my man were thinking she died of grief, to see your daughter die before you is terrible.

she is Aries sun/Aquarius moon, pisces mars/Taurus venus, but she was married to eddie Fisher, and Eddie Fisher LEFT her for Elizabeth taylor, there was a huge thing about it apparently.

she said in her biography,

"When interviewed, Debbie Reynolds said that she could understand being dumped "for the world's most beautiful woman", referring to Taylor, who was previously a close friend. Taylor and Reynolds later resumed their friendship, and mocked Fisher in a TV movie written by Carrie Fisher, These Old Broads, in which their characters ridiculed the ex-husband they shared, named "Freddie".[11]"


she too had lived with betrayal of a man leaving her for another woman but she seems to joke about it. but I can tell it hurt her deeply. What woman wouldn't feel hurt?

did eddie fisher stay with Elizabteh taylor? Nope he re married!!!

to three more women.
Posted by lnana04
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by lnana04
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.

Why should we have to?

I do have a huge ego that takes over but on the flip side Ive been taken advantage of. Maybe the ego was the problem, maybe not. Either way, I don't see many changes a Cap woman makes. Its like what a person initially loves they began to hate, but that's not really our problem. We kind of stay the same through it all, yet in the end its our fault. Idk.

I'm not saying it's all you guys fault..

When it comes to other women, you guys have a huge ego and are ready to fight. When it comes to a guy you really like, yall are not.

When it comes to the guy i believe that love shouldnt be fought for . Situations can be but cannot fight for the other person feeling and wanting to be with me. It has to come naturally from the other person .


I definitely agree with this. 100%

I've seen people fight for love. Fight to make a situation work. I just don't have that in me because as soon as I'd feel the feelings are lost on his end, my heart would already be broken and I'd be too hurt to fight for anything. I just couldn't do it and don't understand it. If it ain't natural, and if a guy doesn't want to be here anymore...can't do nothing but set him free.

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Absolutely ! Fight to make situations work .

Me too . If i feel the feelings are lost form the other end then mine would die then and there. No matter what.

Posted by BadBoy
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.

What ego? I like to think I'm a fairly humble person.

Humble and with an ego. Someone from the outside can see in.

You know why a virgo has no trust for a cap woman? Cause she's eating dinner with the dear.

Cap women like to call that transparency ( @AnnebelleJames ) ? i call it that a cap woman wants to keep her options open.

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Ummm not really sure how I got dragged into this one, but I don't see any issues with any cap females trying to be cordial with the ex's new missus (even if she is the one he left her for). There are a multitude of good reasons: the kids, keeping up appearances (for the kids, and anyone else stuck in the middle), or just because we don't want the aggro/bad feelings dragging us down).

This doesn't mean there is forgiveness of any kind, but more just a modus vivandi really.

If this makes the man (in this case a virgo? sorry I don't know any of these celebrities) uncomfortable, he needs to look into this own issues...

Posted by BadBoy
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.

What ego? I like to think I'm a fairly humble person.

Humble and with an ego. Someone from the outside can see in.

You know why a virgo has no trust for a cap woman? Cause she's eating dinner with the dear.

Cap women like to call that transparency ( @AnnebelleJames ) ? i call it that a cap woman wants to keep her options open.

The ex isn't an option, and I consider it transparency because what is there that is being hidden?

In none of the examples did it say they were having sex, making out, or looking to reconcile.

Keeping options open is being single.

Do tell what it is that you see, how can trust be broken when nothing has been done to break trust? Honesty is honesty.

The ex is an option to you guys. If it were not then why sit down at the dinner table and have dinner with him? There is simply no other reasoning as to why.

A cap will women will never admit anything unless you 'call her out on her crap'.


Many cap women have told me, 'i like to keep my options open'.

...and there is a whole different side when you have kids with the should be business with the kids and not keeping your options friendly to the ex so you can get back in the picture if the current guy fails.

...another example: cap girl says she is going to get her ex to help her move??? What bullshit is that when she can't even ask her own man to help? I've seen and heard these same stories like a repeating broken record from cap girls.

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Sorry, you genuinely think any self-respecting cap female is interested in taking a guy like that back?!?

Sounds delusional to me.

I think she is an Aquarius
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by AnnabelleJames
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.

What ego? I like to think I'm a fairly humble person.

Humble and with an ego. Someone from the outside can see in.

You know why a virgo has no trust for a cap woman? Cause she's eating dinner with the dear.

Cap women like to call that transparency ( @AnnebelleJames ) ? i call it that a cap woman wants to keep her options open.

Ummm not really sure how I got dragged into this one, but I don't see any issues with any cap females trying to be cordial with the ex's new missus (even if she is the one he left her for). There are a multitude of good reasons: the kids, keeping up appearances (for the kids, and anyone else stuck in the middle), or just because we don't want the aggro/bad feelings dragging us down).

This doesn't mean there is forgiveness of any kind, but more just a modus vivandi really.

If this makes the man (in this case a virgo? sorry I don't know any of these celebrities) uncomfortable, he needs to look into this own issues...

You got dragged into it bc you said you like transparency . ? .
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Thanks for that.

Posted by BadBoy
Posted by AnnabelleJames
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by Capri-sun
Posted by BadBoy
Posted by cheekyfaerie
It's funny how much I've evolved on this subject. I've gone from "fuck no!" to "i fuckin hope so", in a relatively short span. Learning to put ego aside has been huge for me. All positives so far.

In a case like this, especially where children are involved, I'd hope I could put them first. Playing games and being bitter does nothing but make things worse. It makes you toxic. It makes him not wanna deal with you, which affects how he deals with your kid(s). It decides if your kids view their flesh and blood as siblings or step siblings. Think about that last one for a sec. It's pretty huge.

The problem is all cap women can't put their ego down and is a big problem maker.

What ego? I like to think I'm a fairly humble person.

Humble and with an ego. Someone from the outside can see in.

You know why a virgo has no trust for a cap woman? Cause she's eating dinner with the dear.

Cap women like to call that transparency ( @AnnebelleJames ) ? i call it that a cap woman wants to keep her options open.

The ex isn't an option, and I consider it transparency because what is there that is being hidden?

In none of the examples did it say they were having sex, making out, or looking to reconcile.

Keeping options open is being single.

Do tell what it is that you see, how can trust be broken when nothing has been done to break trust? Honesty is honesty.

The ex is an option to you guys. If it were not then why sit down at the dinner table and have dinner with him? There is simply no other reasoning as to why.

A cap will women will never admit anything unless you 'call her out on her crap'.


Many cap women have told me, 'i like to keep my options open'.

...and there is a whole different side when you have kids with the should be business with the kids and not keeping your options friendly to the ex so you can get back in the picture if the current guy fails.

...another example: cap girl says she is going to get her ex to help her move??? What bullshit is that when she can't even ask her own man to help? I've seen and heard these same stories like a repeating broken record from cap girls.

Sorry, you genuinely think any self-respecting cap female is interested in taking a guy like that back?!?

Sounds delusional to me.

I think it is Capricorn that is delusional...wanting their cake and eating also.
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So in fact you're bitter because we could (have our cake and eat it)?

They still at it. Goodness, I hope I never fall for a Virgo man.
Posted by lnana04
They still at it. Goodness, I hope I never fall for a Virgo man.
that virgo guy has a libra venus and aquarius moon though.

and he's airy dominant.

it seems very telling who he would go for, another airy dominant woman.

who cares about them. Inana, it's time to find yourself a good man out there!
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by lnana04
They still at it. Goodness, I hope I never fall for a Virgo man.
that virgo guy has a libra venus and aquarius moon though.

and he's airy dominant.

it seems very telling who he would go for, another airy dominant woman.

who cares about them. Inana, it's time to find yourself a good man out there!
click to expand
I don't want a man right now, but thanks for the suggestion.

Posted by youngali
hmm, This only tells me that Capricorn women are loyal queens and should be respected as such.
Extremely loyal, if we ever loved.

Posted by lnana04
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by lnana04
They still at it. Goodness, I hope I never fall for a Virgo man.
that virgo guy has a libra venus and aquarius moon though.

and he's airy dominant.

it seems very telling who he would go for, another airy dominant woman.

who cares about them. Inana, it's time to find yourself a good man out there!
I don't want a man right now, but thanks for the suggestion.

click to expand

but obsessing about other couples and stalking them to watch how lovey dovey they are....

is that a good thing? Confused

Posted by SomeSortOfMermaid
Not a cap woman but in all honesty they're very mature (all three) and I'd take that situations outcome any day over the Mimi/Joseline/Stevie mess, or worse Peter gunz/Amina/Tara Wallace

But thats probably my piscean self wanting peace for myself and my kids over holding grudges.
never heard of them.

so looked it up..

she's from a reality tv show apparently? and he's a rapper?

and she's famous.
Posted by youngali
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by SomeSortOfMermaid
Not a cap woman but in all honesty they're very mature (all three) and I'd take that situations outcome any day over the Mimi/Joseline/Stevie mess, or worse Peter gunz/Amina/Tara Wallace

But thats probably my piscean self wanting peace for myself and my kids over holding grudges.
never heard of them.

so looked it up..

she's from a reality tv show apparently? and he's a rapper?

and she's famous.
Tara- virgo

Amina - aries (i believe)

Peter - Capricorn
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I saw Amina's twitter profile, so it says April 18th.

I don't know how those two can take it.
Posted by SomeSortOfMermaid
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by SomeSortOfMermaid
Not a cap woman but in all honesty they're very mature (all three) and I'd take that situations outcome any day over the Mimi/Joseline/Stevie mess, or worse Peter gunz/Amina/Tara Wallace

But thats probably my piscean self wanting peace for myself and my kids over holding grudges.
never heard of them.

so looked it up..

she's from a reality tv show apparently? and he's a rapper?

and she's famous.
Yeah it's just a mess. In a nutshell he keeps sleeping with both of them and they fight over him.

Just not a good look for all parties involved.
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I just don't understand it.

why bother?

Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by lnana04
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by lnana04
They still at it. Goodness, I hope I never fall for a Virgo man.
that virgo guy has a libra venus and aquarius moon though.

and he's airy dominant.

it seems very telling who he would go for, another airy dominant woman.

who cares about them. Inana, it's time to find yourself a good man out there!
I don't want a man right now, but thanks for the suggestion.

but obsessing about other couples and stalking them to watch how lovey dovey they are....

is that a good thing? Confused

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They are on my Instagram.

This thread seems to bother you, please figure out why and leave me alone..