Posted by Chelsey07
@HappyCapper Yes, it was my first letter.
Posted by Chelsey07
As for that "again", it wasn't for anything of this proportion. I said something about improving our relationship and she flipped out. We worked that situation out and she admitted that she was wrong, so we're through with that.
And once again, those are A LOT of promises and they have a lot of significance because not only were those things she complained about while we were together, my family and friends have also complained about the same things. I was worried about her thinking I'm BS' ing as well, but I meant every word in my apology. And if you read my letter, you'd see that I wrote that I'm terrible at making promises because I am, but I when I really want something or someone, I try my hardest with my promises. This is the first time that I've made a promise to her and of course I'm hurt about ending us in a letter and ending us in general.
Once again, I'm not blaming my sign for what I did. I take full responsibility for my actions. " I'm a Sagittarius, so foot in mouth disease has hit me pretty hard, but by no means am I using that as an excuse for what I said to her. "
Thanks again![]()
Posted by HappyCapperPosted by Chelsey07
As for that "again", it wasn't for anything of this proportion. I said something about improving our relationship and she flipped out. We worked that situation out and she admitted that she was wrong, so we're through with that.
And once again, those are A LOT of promises and they have a lot of significance because not only were those things she complained about while we were together, my family and friends have also complained about the same things. I was worried about her thinking I'm BS' ing as well, but I meant every word in my apology. And if you read my letter, you'd see that I wrote that I'm terrible at making promises because I am, but I when I really want something or someone, I try my hardest with my promises. This is the first time that I've made a promise to her and of course I'm hurt about ending us in a letter and ending us in general.
Once again, I'm not blaming my sign for what I did. I take full responsibility for my actions. " I'm a Sagittarius, so foot in mouth disease has hit me pretty hard, but by no means am I using that as an excuse for what I said to her. "
Thanks again![]()
Oh, I believe you meant it, I was just trying to tell you how I, as a cap, would have reacted to the letter, so that you know what you might be in for in a discussion with her about this when you are next in contact with her. I did see your comment about you're being terrible at making promises, but in her shoes I would have read it as blah blah blah, those are words, I want to see action. Again, I do understand that you are sincere - I'm trying to view this as I would have in her position...which is without your explanations in this thread.
What I did not get before was that you ended things in a letter. Must agree that that would have pissed me off to no end. Hmm. Hope it's repairable in spite of this.
I do understand that you're not blaming your sign and that you are willing to take full blame - that was just my very unsuccessful way of telling you that I kind of see where you're coming from.
I truly wish you the best of luck!click to expand
Posted by Chelsey07Posted by HappyCapperPosted by Chelsey07
As for that "again", it wasn't for anything of this proportion. I said something about improving our relationship and she flipped out. We worked that situation out and she admitted that she was wrong, so we're through with that.
And once again, those are A LOT of promises and they have a lot of significance because not only were those things she complained about while we were together, my family and friends have also complained about the same things. I was worried about her thinking I'm BS' ing as well, but I meant every word in my apology. And if you read my letter, you'd see that I wrote that I'm terrible at making promises because I am, but I when I really want something or someone, I try my hardest with my promises. This is the first time that I've made a promise to her and of course I'm hurt about ending us in a letter and ending us in general.
Once again, I'm not blaming my sign for what I did. I take full responsibility for my actions. " I'm a Sagittarius, so foot in mouth disease has hit me pretty hard, but by no means am I using that as an excuse for what I said to her. "
Thanks again![]()
Oh, I believe you meant it, I was just trying to tell you how I, as a cap, would have reacted to the letter, so that you know what you might be in for in a discussion with her about this when you are next in contact with her. I did see your comment about you're being terrible at making promises, but in her shoes I would have read it as blah blah blah, those are words, I want to see action. Again, I do understand that you are sincere - I'm trying to view this as I would have in her position...which is without your explanations in this thread.
What I did not get before was that you ended things in a letter. Must agree that that would have pissed me off to no end. Hmm. Hope it's repairable in spite of this.
I do understand that you're not blaming your sign and that you are willing to take full blame - that was just my very unsuccessful way of telling you that I kind of see where you're coming from.
I truly wish you the best of luck!
I should be more detailed. I had no other way of ending things because we were long distance and I definitely didn't want to do it over text. How rude would that be? Thanks again!click to expand
Posted by Arielle83
You don't have staying power when you don't get attention so you hurt the person and reject them so they feel as pathetic as you.
Then you want them back when you're fucked up actions don't go you're way.
Posted by HappyCapper in calling her.
Posted by Arielle83Posted by Chelsey07Posted by Arielle83
You don't have staying power when you don't get attention so you hurt the person and reject them so they feel as pathetic as you.
Then you want them back when you're fucked up actions don't go you're way.
Hey, no need to bash me love. I already feel bad for my actions alright? If you read my post, I explained that we were long distance therefore communication is VERY important. It's all we had until we got together face-to-face. But thanks for your input anyway!
Yet that's exactly what your actions were so how am I bashing you when those were the actions you chose to take. You have an excuse though, long distance, so that makes it okay to put someone far away from you in a shitty situation and leave their mind flooded with uncertainty.
Then you come out with the vacant future promises.
You must be young is all I'm saying because your ego needs attention and your distance makes you insecure.
You still don't have staying power, because you've proved when you don't get your needs met you are an emotional vampire and leave your love object with a broken heart.
You don't deserve to expand
Posted by elllesque
she also conceded very quickly......consider the fact that you probably did her a in she didn't have to do it herself.
if she cared....she may not have let you go so easily and tried to talk it out.
Posted by elllesque
you know you can't keep those promises.
I'm not being negative. nobody can realistically keep those promises all the time.
you are setting yourself up to fail because she WILL hold you to them.
Posted by piscesmoon2
With out even reading all this crap... It is Capricorn retro... hello... it starts on the 5 of Jane... So this is perfect timing for you to be thinking like this... lol
And just to be honest even if you win her back... at the end of the year there is another one... It is obvious it is not or should not work out between you two. Do yourself and her self a favor... consider what the over all karmatic flow needs, which is undoubtably for you not to be together. If you really care you would let it go.
Posted by truecap
Thats a lot of promises you made. Hope you can stick to it. If you fail to follow through on anything you wrote in that letter, she will be done for good. Caps say what they mean and mean what they say and we expect you to do the same.
I agree with HappyCapper. Caps are in it for the long haul regardless of what we do and those who quit easily aren't high on our respect list.
All that said, give her time. Time to process. Time to think. Time to decide if she wants to try again. Give it a week and if you haven't heard from her, then reach out in a friendly way.
Posted by champrangerPosted by Chelsey07
It most definitely will make a difference. I'm working on it as we speak. I appreciate the help and advice from everyone!
Good luck!click to expand
Posted by Andalusia
From now on, if I ever get a heartfelt text/email/letter from a guy, I'm totally googling that shit verbatim to see if they've posted it on message forums.
Posted by Chelsey07Posted by Andalusia
From now on, if I ever get a heartfelt text/email/letter from a guy, I'm totally googling that shit verbatim to see if they've posted it on message forums.
My apology was my own words and from my heart love. I'm to expand
Posted by AndalusiaPosted by Chelsey07Posted by Andalusia
From now on, if I ever get a heartfelt text/email/letter from a guy, I'm totally googling that shit verbatim to see if they've posted it on message forums.
My apology was my own words and from my heart love. I'm insulted.
I wasn't doubting the authenticity or implying you stole to expand
Posted by Chelsey07Posted by AndalusiaPosted by Chelsey07Posted by Andalusia
From now on, if I ever get a heartfelt text/email/letter from a guy, I'm totally googling that shit verbatim to see if they've posted it on message forums.
My apology was my own words and from my heart love. I'm insulted.
I wasn't doubting the authenticity or implying you stole it.
Well, that's how I took it. to expand
Posted by truecapPosted by Chelsey07Posted by AndalusiaPosted by Chelsey07Posted by Andalusia
From now on, if I ever get a heartfelt text/email/letter from a guy, I'm totally googling that shit verbatim to see if they've posted it on message forums.
My apology was my own words and from my heart love. I'm insulted.
I wasn't doubting the authenticity or implying you stole it.
Well, that's how I took it. Sorry.
I took it as to make sure [he] didn't steal it from to expand
Posted by elllesquePosted by Andalusia
why on earth would you promise to change your needs?
This. You said it a lot better than I was trying to.
Sag, you might want to spend some time on the Sag board. The behaviour of yours that you describe and "family and friends" say you need to "work" on is the very essence of "sag" and you should embrace that instead of trying to change that for a partner who could quite possibly have zero tolerance for it, making you constantly feel less than or a to expand
Posted by elllesque
A lot of times you have to wade through other people's opinions of you because they can simply be projections of themselves.
The key is to step back and look at those situations objectively. That will bring self awareness to you and help you separate what is your 'stuff' and what is really theirs. Don't automatically take on all the ownership or people will run all over you.
We all have a level of selfishness and I personally don't see issue with that.
You felt spoke up about it....and then it was twisted around to deflect the issue....and you defended yourself the only way you knew how.
A healthy minded partner would have been able to see what the root of the problem was....or at least made an attempt to meet you half way and talk it out.
Posted by elllesque
A lot of times you have to wade through other people's opinions of you because they can simply be projections of themselves.
The key is to step back and look at those situations objectively. That will bring self awareness to you and help you separate what is your 'stuff' and what is really theirs. Don't automatically take on all the ownership or people will run all over you.
We all have a level of selfishness and I personally don't see issue with that.
You felt spoke up about it....and then it was twisted around to deflect the issue....and you defended yourself the only way you knew how.
A healthy minded partner would have been able to see what the root of the problem was....or at least made an attempt to meet you half way and talk it out.
Posted by elllesque
OP, if she had that much on her plate, you were probably slipping as a priority.
When that happens, unfortunatley, you have to step back and do you.
It's a leap of faith, really....because you don't know where she will be when all of those things come to fruition. She may have eventually showed you the exit anyway.
With all this going on, did she make any verbal indication that you would fit in there somewhere eventually....physically....not just long distance?
Posted by elllesque
Yes, breaking up in a huff and trying to make up a few days later is childish...we just don't know why she was pushed to this point. Obviously there had to have been a series of issues that pushed her to that level of "Look at me, I am hurting! Hear me!".
I am not saying that is okay. There are more mature ways of handing this....however, we still don't know if other ways were approached and the OP was just called "selfish" or other words when trying to express herself
I am saying the cap.....instead of just saying..."okay, have a nice life!".....if the sag was of any real value in her life....could have put her ego aside and said...."Hey, let's talk about where these feelings are coming from maybe we can figure this out together."
It "is" a relationship and sometimes there are difficult parts that need to be gotten through. However, both people have to put equal value and seriousness on it to make it through. They both have to give some
Posted by elllesquePosted by Chelsey07Posted by elllesque
OP, if she had that much on her plate, you were probably slipping as a priority.
When that happens, unfortunatley, you have to step back and do you.
It's a leap of faith, really....because you don't know where she will be when all of those things come to fruition. She may have eventually showed you the exit anyway.
With all this going on, did she make any verbal indication that you would fit in there somewhere eventually....physically....not just long distance?
Yes, we only live 3 hours away from each other and we would be attending the same school. I knew once we could physically see each other that things would get better. I'd be less impatient and we would be fine. At least I thought.
Okay, those were 'your' plans....what promises did she make to you?click to expand
Posted by elllesque
She needs a @DMV bootcamp.![]()
I hate seeing sags diminishing their beautiful value in this world.
Posted by elllesque
Did you ever meet her face to face?
Posted by elllesque
I don't want to project too much of my own experience on you...but I can say from personal experience...
When a cap cares, you can feel it over every inch of your body.....and when they stop can feel that just as strongly.
When they care, they make time every day....even if they just have a few minutes of free time.
When they care, they are very aware of your feelings and handle them with kid gloves.
When they don't care anymore...and they can stop quite abruptly for a variety of reasons....
You almost instantly realise you are not a priority anymore. The communication gets choppy. They become a lot less patient and a lot more silent.
They will start pulling away, but they will not likely break up with you....they will display behaviour that puts you in a position to break up and be the 'bad guy'.
Then they will pull the 'friend' card, which makes it confusing because you broke up with them and they appear so apathetic and uncaring.....a total mindfuck, for sure.
More than likely, she was probably relieved.
Posted by elllesquePosted by Chelsey07Posted by elllesque
Did you ever meet her face to face?
Yes, we met once for my birthday that had just passed. She asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I told her I wasn't expecting a present, but I'd love it if she came to see me for my she made the 3 hour trip to see me and we spent the entire day together. Everything was great. We sat and talked (but mostly smiled and I cried a little...I was so happy to see her) about our lives and our relationship and how we would keep things fresh, etc.
Did this start happening, the choppy communication, after you met face to face....or before?click to expand
Posted by elllesque
...and why they do this is a mystery. Everyone of them have a different chart and are more than 'capricorn' which creates different triggers.
They have to tell you the 'why' part.
All I can do is describe what it looks and feels from those standing on the outside looking 'in' and going through the experience as a not-a-cap.
Posted by elllesquePosted by Chelsey07Posted by elllesquePosted by Chelsey07Posted by elllesque
Did you ever meet her face to face?
Yes, we met once for my birthday that had just passed. She asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I told her I wasn't expecting a present, but I'd love it if she came to see me for my she made the 3 hour trip to see me and we spent the entire day together. Everything was great. We sat and talked (but mostly smiled and I cried a little...I was so happy to see her) about our lives and our relationship and how we would keep things fresh, etc.
Did this start happening, the choppy communication, after you met face to face....or before?
The choppy communication has nothing to do with when we met face to face. The choppy communication came from something I said and it's like we went downhill from there.
That's fair. It appears she wanted to control and compartmentalise the relationship and you were stepping out of line. Does sound like a bruised to expand
Posted by elllesquePosted by Chelsey07Posted by elllesque
...and why they do this is a mystery. Everyone of them have a different chart and are more than 'capricorn' which creates different triggers.
They have to tell you the 'why' part.
All I can do is describe what it looks and feels from those standing on the outside looking 'in' and going through the experience as a not-a-cap.
It is indeed a mystery. I'm not gonna lie, I'm surprised at myself for even going through all of this with and for her. I've never done this for any of my ex girlfriends and here I am getting all bent out of shape about her. Woo-hoo....silent treatment...yay.
Lol....I know the feeling. I have been to that amusement park. Puked a few times after the roller coaster to expand
Posted by Leyla00
Just give her time im sure shell contact you when she is ready.