This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by noirecapricornprincess on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 and has 12 replies.
Life As A Capricorn can sometimes be pretty hard especially when we are genuine and try to befriend someone only for that person to betray us or do something that causes us pain. Has anyone ever experienced a scenario whereby you befriend someone and the person for NO apparent reason flips out on you and you search your brain and can't come up with ANYTHING that you've done, only to find out it was a Green-Eyed Monster that crept in? For some reason, lots of people like to befriend us possibly because of our loyalty and caring nature. Some of these people even flock to us because they want to be in the circles we are associated with or amongst the people who are within the circle, so they act as if they really want our friendship. Only for this to BLOW-UP and they reveal their hidden agenda all along.
I recently attempted to befriend an older lady whom I thought would be a good person to have as a friend. She shared advice and talked about her life as a recovering addict who was on crack and how her daughter now treats her and how she's tried to change her life spiritually. I encouraged her and felt sorry for her and even made attempts to cheer her up and listen to her vent when she was having rough days, sent her Christmas card, just tried to be a good friend. I noticed a change in her behavior and asked her if she was ok and she just gave me a harsh answer. I wondered to myself hmm this is strange, the day before she was laughing and talking and everything was ok. The next thing I know she's attacking me indirectly on my Facebook wall by posting these sarcastic statements and even trying to paint me black to others saying I am evil.
I go whoaaa 360 degree turn. And this is what I get for trying to be NICE? She never said what or how I offended her but kept mentioning my educational attainment and telling me I think I am all that and with my Harvard education. I was confused and especially since I didn't go to Harvard or an Ivy League School. So tried again this time letting her know that I respect my elders and that I wish she'd afford me the same respect. She just got uglier. Ok fine I am an ADULT so I just deleted her from my Facebook page and said a prayer that she gets help.
Couple days later, someone mentions in a group I am a member of that She's grateful for my friendship and the humble, caring person I am and that she wanted to thank me for always encouraging her and having something kind to say. What happens? This woman gets upsets and attacks anyone who mentions my name for no reason at all and goes on a smear campaign. Honestly, this is baffling to me.
I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this, how people can turn on you for who you are? Do you think it has something to do with being a Capricorn? I've been told it does and that most people can't accept us for who we are.
M i think your response in the other thread best explains this!
Posted by noirecapricornprincess
Life As A Capricorn can sometimes be pretty hard especially when we are genuine and try to befriend someone only for that person to betray us or do something that causes us pain. Has anyone ever experienced a scenario whereby you befriend someone and the person for NO apparent reason flips out on you and you search your brain and can't come up with ANYTHING that you've done, only to find out it was a Green-Eyed Monster that crept in? For some reason, lots of people like to befriend us possibly because of our loyalty and caring nature. Some of these people even flock to us because they want to be in the circles we are associated with or amongst the people who are within the circle, so they act as if they really want our friendship. Only for this to BLOW-UP and they reveal their hidden agenda all along.

i mainly get that with being close friends with Cancer women. i really don't know what it is but they always pull a 180 on me from left field.
Posted by noirecapricornprincess
I go whoaaa 360 degree turn. And this is what I get for trying to be NICE? She never said what or how I offended her but kept mentioning my educational attainment and telling me I think I am all that and with my Harvard education. I was confused and especially since I didn't go to Harvard or an Ivy League School. So tried again this time letting her know that I respect my elders and that I wish she'd afford me the same respect. She just got uglier. Ok fine I am an ADULT so I just deleted her from my Facebook page and said a prayer that she gets help.
Couple days later, someone mentions in a group I am a member of that She's grateful for my friendship and the humble, caring person I am and that she wanted to thank me for always encouraging her and having something kind to say. What happens? This woman gets upsets and attacks anyone who mentions my name for no reason at all and goes on a smear campaign. Honestly, this is baffling to me.
I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this, how people can turn on you for who you are? Do you think it has something to do with being a Capricorn? I've been told it does and that most people can't accept us for who we are.

well, this said person was a recovering drug addict who was addicted to a very powerful substance so maybe that had something to do with it. but then in other ways, i get what you're saying. i had a friend who had a mood disorder, we were cool for the longest time then he pulled a 180 on me and started talking shit saying that i was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. (trust me, i am nowhere near to being wealthy, i had to move back in with my parents for Christ's sake) i wouldn't say he was a lower class than me or anything like that, but his family had less than i did in terms of net worth. to this day, i'm still clueless as to where this POV came from, but he still sends me friend requests on Facebook. i'm honestly not gonna waste my time with people like that. there's no need for stupid pissing contests. why can't people just communicate feelings without smearing your name?
Its time we be more self aware
Cowpuncher as much as I tried to not digress back to my "Old" self of not befriending people and questioning others motive and only taking them for face value-I believe Life was simpler then. I'm burnt out on this friend thing, I think I will brush people off who come proclaiming friendship.
'Are we mirrors or sponges? I can't figure out why people see their own traits in me and usually traits they don't like about themselves.'
know what u mean...
I heart this thread. Its nice to see men talking about how important friendship is. I am die hard in love with my good pals.
Lets see, my good friends are:
Irma - Cap
Laura - Cap
Robbie - Cap
Yoli - Taurus
Barb - Aqua
Hmmm..lots Cappies in my life. Lucky me smile
Oh crap, I forgot one of my closest pals.
Joe - Leo 100000%
"Are we mirrors or sponges? I can't figure out why people see their own traits in me and usually traits they don't like about themselves."
Interesting. I've talked about something similar before. I've noticed that when two Caps get together in a relationship it usually ends with one wanting to kill the other. I said before that it's because one see their reflection and border-line hate theory at-least. I thought this only applied to Cap/Cap, but you just made me think that maybe it applies to Cap interactions with others as well.
Also if Capricorn is so called the "Father" of the zodiac, maybe it's not reflection but more-so that person fighting off a feeling of being disciplined. My family always shy away from me in fear of being "judged" when sometimes I say no more than the next person.