Posted by fkpkr
Dating this gemini guy for almost 3 years. Then I found out that he went on a trip with a platonic girl friend - which is a huge taboo in their culture. I asked him how come he didn't tell me when I was with him just the night before his trip. I have nothing against him going on trip even with a girll, what really annoyed me is when he took it against me when I told him that it's a taboo in their culture. And the fact that he didn't tell me right away. Guy unfriended me in Facebook. I tried to apologize but he blocked my calls and said he doesn't want to deal with me anymore because he finds me threatening. He thinks every time I raise something to him, he considers it as a threat.
He said the girl is not his girl friend and that the girl knew about me... so why on earth would he hide the travel from me?
I know Geminis can be stubborn and I find it annoying how this quarrel blew out of proportion. I don't even know if we'll be able to fix this. Fight has been going on for weeks, he won't nudge. He knows he is wrong so why take it against me and reverse it in such a way that he makes it appear I'm the one who is wrong.
Posted by LittleStar
You say "dating" for 3 years. Is that a relationship or just hanging out?
It could be that you offended him by assuming that you knew his culture better than him.
Posted by MoonbutterPosted by fkpkr
Dating this gemini guy for almost 3 years. Then I found out that he went on a trip with a platonic girl friend - which is a huge taboo in their culture. I asked him how come he didn't tell me when I was with him just the night before his trip. I have nothing against him going on trip even with a girll, what really annoyed me is when he took it against me when I told him that it's a taboo in their culture. And the fact that he didn't tell me right away. Guy unfriended me in Facebook. I tried to apologize but he blocked my calls and said he doesn't want to deal with me anymore because he finds me threatening. He thinks every time I raise something to him, he considers it as a threat.
He said the girl is not his girl friend and that the girl knew about me... so why on earth would he hide the travel from me?
I know Geminis can be stubborn and I find it annoying how this quarrel blew out of proportion. I don't even know if we'll be able to fix this. Fight has been going on for weeks, he won't nudge. He knows he is wrong so why take it against me and reverse it in such a way that he makes it appear I'm the one who is wrong.
Wow, ummm he acts guilty, or just plain irrational/crazy cuz that's waay overreacting so what else is going on?click to expand
Posted by Moonbutter
This doesn't make any were living together then this happens and he moves out!?
Posted by BlackMamba
Obviously cheating. What an ahoke
Posted by Lust
It's not worth spending more energy for this guy. It's good that you move out. The best revenge is to ignore him, delete him completely out of your life.
Just think of this as a blessing, you are not married to him so you can easily move on.
Before you do anything to get even with him, take a moment to pause, and chill. You don't want to do anything that you may regret later on. Family is family, they forgive soon or later. But your bad action, people will never forget. Let justice done by itself.
You'll be alright, trust your inner voice.
Posted by Lust
It's not worth spending more energy for this guy. It's good that you move out. The best revenge is to ignore him, delete him completely out of your life.
Just think of this as a blessing, you are not married to him so you can easily move on.
Before you do anything to get even with him, take a moment to pause, and chill. You don't want to do anything that you may regret later on. Family is family, they forgive soon or later. But your bad action, people will never forget. Let justice done by itself.
You'll be alright, trust your inner voice.
Posted by MoonbutterPosted by Lust
It's not worth spending more energy for this guy. It's good that you move out. The best revenge is to ignore him, delete him completely out of your life.
Just think of this as a blessing, you are not married to him so you can easily move on.
Before you do anything to get even with him, take a moment to pause, and chill. You don't want to do anything that you may regret later on. Family is family, they forgive soon or later. But your bad action, people will never forget. Let justice done by itself.
You'll be alright, trust your inner voice.
Dang Lust, I think that's the best advice I ever seen from you! Totally agree!click to expand
Posted by Rambunctious76Posted by fkpkrPosted by BlackMamba
Obviously cheating. What an ahoke
He's going to regret it. I'll make sure. I'm a Libra with Scorpio moon. We can be peacelovers but we seek justice. I don't just get mad, I get even.
And you wonder why he has distanced himself to the point of blocking you?
You're wasting your time and precious life plotting revenge against him. If he was really cheating or doing something wrong, those will eventually catch up with him. If he did nothing wrong, you will both get clarification for it.
From one Scorpio moon to another, carrying out acts of revenge is a very temporary measure and may even result in a boomerang effect for you. The worst thing a Scorpio moon can do to someone who has hurt him/her, is to become indifferent to that person almost to a point of to expand
Posted by fkpkr
Dating this gemini guy for almost 3 years. Then I found out that he went on a trip with a platonic girl friend - which is a huge taboo in their culture. I asked him how come he didn't tell me when I was with him just the night before his trip. I have nothing against him going on trip even with a girll, what really annoyed me is when he took it against me when I told him that it's a taboo in their culture. And the fact that he didn't tell me right away. Guy unfriended me in Facebook. I tried to apologize but he blocked my calls and said he doesn't want to deal with me anymore because he finds me threatening. He thinks every time I raise something to him, he considers it as a threat.
He said the girl is not his girl friend and that the girl knew about me... so why on earth would he hide the travel from me?
I know Geminis can be stubborn and I find it annoying how this quarrel blew out of proportion. I don't even know if we'll be able to fix this. Fight has been going on for weeks, he won't nudge. He knows he is wrong so why take it against me and reverse it in such a way that he makes it appear I'm the one who is wrong.
Posted by fkpkr
I don't just get mad, I get even. No I don't get even I can do something worse. His family never knew about the fact that he went to travel with just one girl and it will be chaos if they found out. I know because he reacted by saying "don't you dare even involve my family here". Wrong answer, now I know what to do.
Posted by gemguyaz34Posted by fkpkr
Dating this gemini guy for almost 3 years. Then I found out that he went on a trip with a platonic girl friend - which is a huge taboo in their culture. I asked him how come he didn't tell me when I was with him just the night before his trip. I have nothing against him going on trip even with a girll, what really annoyed me is when he took it against me when I told him that it's a taboo in their culture. And the fact that he didn't tell me right away. Guy unfriended me in Facebook. I tried to apologize but he blocked my calls and said he doesn't want to deal with me anymore because he finds me threatening. He thinks every time I raise something to him, he considers it as a threat.
He said the girl is not his girl friend and that the girl knew about me... so why on earth would he hide the travel from me?
I know Geminis can be stubborn and I find it annoying how this quarrel blew out of proportion. I don't even know if we'll be able to fix this. Fight has been going on for weeks, he won't nudge. He knows he is wrong so why take it against me and reverse it in such a way that he makes it appear I'm the one who is wrong.
You and I should get together and have coffee and discuss the do's and dont's where it comes to Libra and Gem. If I wasn't going through something identical, I would be less biased. You must have done something to really anger him. Still, regardless of Lib or Gem, both sides should be able to discuss an issue, not cowardly run to expand
Posted by P-Angel
At first I was thinking ...... what fucking dickhead.
And when you said "he doesn't want to deal with me anymore because he finds me threatening. He thinks every time I raise something to him, he considers it as a threat." ..... you had your viewing audience believing that he was acting guilty.
Until you let this paramount information slip ....
Posted by fkpkr
I don't just get mad, I get even. No I don't get even I can do something worse. His family never knew about the fact that he went to travel with just one girl and it will be chaos if they found out. I know because he reacted by saying "don't you dare even involve my family here". Wrong answer, now I know what to do.
Then everything become crystal clear.
You do try and intimidate him, the situation ..... and how he is treating you, is how you taught him to treat you, by threats, just as he stated.
Considering the term of the relationship, and that you haven't earned respect and trust .... and you're still there, playing along in this game .. only to go whining about it to a forum of random people - shows you have no intentions of actually developing an honest relationship, rather you just want to be validated for being a fuck up.
It is his bad that he most likely cheated on you .... but, the Universe comes calling on people. It's just a matter of when/how.
Instead of picking of the pieces and moving away from this ..... you choose to be vindictive, and so continue in the game.
And that's your bad ... own it !!!click to expand
Posted by littlemegabyte
I think it would be logical to assume that there was something more-than-platonic going on between him and this other woman. For what other reason would he not br honest with you about it? And doesn't want his family to know?
Whenever a guy tells you to move on.... have enough respect for yourself to do that....
Posted by fkpkr
Dating this gemini guy for almost 3 years. Then I found out that he went on a trip with a platonic girl friend - which is a huge taboo in their culture. I asked him how come he didn't tell me when I was with him just the night before his trip. I have nothing against him going on trip even with a girll, what really annoyed me is when he took it against me when I told him that it's a taboo in their culture. And the fact that he didn't tell me right away. Guy unfriended me in Facebook. I tried to apologize but he blocked my calls and said he doesn't want to deal with me anymore because he finds me threatening. He thinks every time I raise something to him, he considers it as a threat.
He said the girl is not his girl friend and that the girl knew about me... so why on earth would he hide the travel from me?
I know Geminis can be stubborn and I find it annoying how this quarrel blew out of proportion. I don't even know if we'll be able to fix this. Fight has been going on for weeks, he won't nudge. He knows he is wrong so why take it against me and reverse it in such a way that he makes it appear I'm the one who is wrong.
Posted by gemguyaz34
P-Angel just needs to go back to her bridge. Very bitter that one is.