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May 28, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 194 · Topics: 28
So the heading for the Gemini forums states Gemini's love life but can be impatient with others.
I have read that Gemini's don't realize what that had until it's gone; that we are always in search of something better, faster, higher? Your thoughts?
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Nov 16, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 2245 · Topics: 36
I used to be pretty patient, but the older I get the more impatient I get. Even when I'm being patient, I'm probably impatient underneath and am holding back because I know I should. I just get more and more "over" all the b.s. that happens in daily life. LOL- am I going to be the grumpy old person yelling at the kids to "get off my lawn"?
In relationships, I often wonder if I made the right choice. While I don't necessarily have one foot out the door, I at least (mentally)have it hovering over the threshold. It doesn't mean I'm going anywhere, though. I think it might be some sort of mental relief, when things get a little routing and boring, to think about what alternatives would still exist if I wanted them.
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
Yep absolutely impatient. And I'm always in search of something better, so unfortunately for the people I date (which takes a bunch of detective work just to even get a date with me behind the scenes) if you don't act right then my awareness shifts. I'm not sorry for it either. You either are good for me and compatible or you're just not. However if you are really my type, my eyes don't wander looking for the BBD (bigger better deal). I always ALWAYS warn people I hope you act right (insert laugh) but it's not a joke.
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Apr 25, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1292 · Topics: 149
I'm very much... while the first impression people get from me is being laid back, but it's not really true once they know me well enough.
I'm a Gemini male and very impatient. trying to build a relationship is hard and new for me. I want to hurry up and "be there" it makes us feel like there is something wrong with us to be patient and give the other person their needed time. I hate that I can't be more patient but it's who I am. all the time waiting makes me or us feel that we aren't good enough. a Gemini will always do better with a quick or rash decision as to waiting to figure things out. - good luck!
It takes a while for me to make a decision cos I'm always changing my mind but when the decision is made then I get impatient when things don't happen immediately. I don't want to wait on people or situations, I want it done now!
With people, I'm generally patient.
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May 28, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 194 · Topics: 28
2nd that SassyGem.
GeminiStellium, I hope u find your balance with so much energy.
I've tried meditating for patience, to no avail. I find it hard to be patient with a guy I'm interested if he doesn't take progressive steps during courtship. That's happening to me now and I'm
Thinking I'm giving this guy one more day to contact me or else I'm moving on. Same with an acquaintance I just made. They don't have their life together and are always being short with everyone who gets on the phone with them. Sorry but I'm about to scratch them if my list.
I have enough going on in my head to worry about people who are insignificant.
very. to the extreme. unless someone really has caught my eye and then i'll allow them some leeway. just enough for them to hang themselves. and it usually happens.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Some Geminis are the epitomy of the word "DOUBLE STANDARD!"
Half of what they put others through, they wouldn't allow someone to do to them
And half of the traits they love about you 1 day may very well become the same traits they resent about you the next day
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May 28, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 194 · Topics: 28
Impatient is hitting me like bricks. I hate it. I have never experienced anything like this. I am pushing to change my work situation but I want to rush. I want to appreciate my journey. I am feeling uneasy. What should I do?
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Jun 18, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 846 · Topics: 52
4 threads in 1/3 hr
In a word: yes.
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May 28, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 194 · Topics: 28
I need answers Draumstafir
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Jun 18, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 846 · Topics: 52
I've been stuck in retail since 2004 (you know, when I got IN) and have been trying to get out with no success. Have lowered the high standards to basic clerical, and STILL, am being rejected from scraps because people with tons of outside-retail experience are competing for them. It's the economy. It's really not very good and it can really drive you nuts. But I've got some tenacious qualities when I need them. The 'stick it out it'll get better' comes naturally to me. It's not my favorite mindset but it's useful for when I can't change things. Unfortunately it's not easily shared.
Another fine lady on these threads recently mentioned something about making lists as a way to divvy up pro's and con's of a relationship with a person. Best I've got is to modify that. Make a list of all the pro's you have going for you right now. This includes any nice co-workers or customers who happen to make your day. The weather was nice. Your laundry smells good. Some cute guy smiled at you or had 'wide eyes'. Your boss was appreciative or at least lenient. Searching for opportunities is hard, but it involves light research, which can be interesting for you. Then take these all in for at least a few minutes. Go get some small chore done to feel productive. Go eat something tasty that won't upset whatever diet you happen to be on. Learn something new you've been curious about. By bedtime, you'll have enough for good dreams.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
My ex is a gemini. He was very impatient. I can see this being a gemini thing too. You're ruled by mercury and mercury is the fleet footed messenger of the zodiac. He's the one god who could give mars a run for his money in the speed department.
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May 28, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 194 · Topics: 28
Este8: that is the cutest pic of a cat that I have ever seen. Yea my dad is a cancer/leo and of late I feel as if I am not handling his nurturing way. He has always been there for me and now I am always hurried. Not a good feeling after a day. I feel like I have so much to do and if he can help do his small part w/out waiting on me, the pressure would be off of me. I am trying to do everything simultaneously.