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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Hay Yall. Im back and done with the Cancer thing...except now Im dealing with a Gemini man, who is the first and I'd like to know a little more about them. He seems like a really sweet caring although repetitive admittedly self centered type of guy. He has a mad at the world militant kinda that normal?
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Apr 03, 2009Comments: 3 · Posts: 4341 · Topics: 104
Not normal. But I'm sure P-Angel will come in here giving her wrong ass opinnions as usual (she's obsessed with Gemini's). Depending on how old the gent is will tell me alot about him. Being a Gemini is an art, believe me. Not even all Gems can handle it. From my experience with my Taurean father. He was a true Bull. We got along great considering my Moon is in Taurus. But, we Gems need to be intellectually/mentally stimulated.....AT ALL TIMES!!!!! Sex starts in the mind with us. The key to keeping us interested is not to bore us. We bore easily. At least I do. As far as the militant thing. That may have something to do with upbringing. Or living in the "Durty" south. Self-centered? Us? You betcha! In our minds we are justified. And don't care who has something to say about it. But, with the person that we are with, we focus on them totally. Until.......
You won't find a more loyal sign in the Gemini. When we love you, we love you. When we don't, we forget about you. That simple. But, Gemini's through living have to know and correct their weaknessess. At a young age, I don't know if he can. But, you might be a bit sensitive for him, so be careful. He will RUN! Do not show jealousy Taurean. He will make you regret it. Earth and Air they say don't mix. But, I've been with a Pisces woman for 3 years now. So duh! People are attracted to what they are attracted to. If the relationship is worth it then try to make it work. And buckle up! It's going to be a wild ride. Don't smother, Bull! We need to be free like air. He will disappear from time to time. But, don't get upset by that. That's just what we do. If you let us feel free. We always will appreciate you for that. And we always return to the people that appreciates us. Always.
Signed Up:
Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Thank you. I know its been a minute since I posted. Things are actually going great with him. He does like to go out with the fellas every once in a while, but his loyalty and attentiveness really help me to trust him. He reallym likes to stay private so i havent been to any family functions although most of his friends know me by name...weird to me, but nothing i cant handle.
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
gemini men can be great guys when they want to be....ive been involved with a gem a little over a year and I am very happy.....he is a little controlling but I can deal with it...he is very loyal and very hardworking so I have no complaints...just be should not have to dictate your moves around anyone else....he will love you for being a strong woman.
Please dont be a sapp...he will walk all over you.
Signed Up:
Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Thanks a lot for the feedback. I notice that while he can appreciate sincere emotions he isnt one to tolerate whining or unfounded anxiety. Are all Gemini guys mostly talk? He talks about not understanding emotions but hes very emotional and even romantic...? He commends me all the time for having my own mind and standing my ground when I dont agree with him (I think mostly because he enjoys the fact that I have to actually listen to what he's saying to formulate a valid counter argument and he just wants to know SOMEONE is listening and he does make points, however unvalid they are percieved as being).
He's really cute when he's nervous,but Im starting to sense that he has a fear of being hurt so he might eventually go for the "get her before you get hurt"...and I have no intention of hurting him....any suggestions on how to calm his fear?
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May 28, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 12
it will take some time to "come under hes skin" ..dont be fooled that you allready are,.
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
dward is right girl! So is the Gemini man Geminimind,he's spot on cuz I
know cuz us females are the same on these things.The male is even more
so,but we are the same & if you are there for him,thats real important.
Be real at all times girl & show he can trust in you!!!
Signed Up:
Jan 07, 2009Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
also don't be clingy,just show you care & that your smart &
got your wits about you & fun to be with. No heaviness,ok?
I love an aries man,& he's controlling by nature but I know
how to deal with it & we keep each other on our toes!!!
It always stays fresh,exciting & new,& seems to be better
than the first time we met!!! He is my passion,before he
was the man I was passionate about,now we are the life &
passion to each other & it's excellent!!!
Signed Up:
Jan 07, 2009Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
me & My aries Baby always stay in the Honeymoon!
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
lol I believe you GemtheFox. I was born on the Taurus/Aries cusp and i think that has a lot to do with our attraction. It definitely doesnt seem like the honeymoon will end. We're getting accustomed to one another and things seem to be going very well on the day to day basis. We're more defining our roles and starting to see one another without the good behavior, but its still very passionate and romantic.
He seems to be very goal oriented and he is very good at prioritizing. Only knowing of his past and not knowing him in the past it seems like he is really trying to grow up and be more adult about things. He is very responsible and I do love his sensibility when it comes to maintaining his own home. His budgeting skills are very impressive. He does seem a bit rash when he is upset and does have a bit of a temper, but he is usually pen to discussion and seems to be the type to resolve disagreements before bed time. I could see him waking up and changing his mind about his circumstances one day, but only if I seriously slight him and not just out of the blue.
I dont doubt he wouldnt have a backup in mind should things go south, but hopefully the need for that doesnt arise and if it does then it most likely means its time to move on anyway.
Once again thank you for all the sharing and insights
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107 gem mother is gem and his dad is aries...they have 14 kids and have been together about 50 years...
you are in store for a long journey and hopefully happy journey
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
I read what yall are saying about the need for air and freedom and disappearing and not liking clinginess, but it seems like he's the clingy always there, wanting to be affectionate and interacting all the time. It only seems like he wants to mentally check out from time to time and sit uninterrupted in his "throne" aross the room free to his own thoughts without interruption, and of course I dont mind, it gives me time to my reading, writing, and various musings.I like when he goes out with the guys too because he comes back like he really missed me, with hugs kisses and open arms lol.
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
awwww....sweetest i think you two will be okay
Signed Up:
Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
thanks d, I hope we will and deep inside I think so too