Why ..

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by P-Angel on Friday, August 24, 2007 and has 5 replies.
Does the thought ever cross your mind as to why you are always put on the defensive?
No need to defend .. heard the defense a million times (envy, jealous, blah, blah, blah) .. the question is why does this happen and whether it's ever thought about.
EG made me think of this when she said something to the effect of, "Are we one this yet AGAIN"

Again ?????
Said as though it's so common to ask, "again" .. like a kid who says, "Mommy" a million times a day.
Again ??? How many "agains" go by before one stops to ponder why this is?
Jealousy of the Gem's!
geminifox 6/29/2007 2:06:22 AM | ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.240
Why do so many Peeps claim they are not jealous of us Gemini
people,yet they come here to try & rag on us?
Makes no sense to me,cuz if your "NOT JEALOUS" ,you don't need
to bring your irrational fears here,& try to be spreading your
hate! We don't go spreading no hate to your message boards,so
why do it on ours?
We are not the ones hating on everyone here,so why not ask your
selves a personal question,ok? ask yourselves," Is it really the
fault of all the other Gemini people that I got my heart broken
into a thousand tiny little microscopic pieces?
Where is your sense of dignity & self esteem?
This thread just started out of nowhere.. it appears to be a retaliation of some sort from the author. Yet, it wasn't.
To address my original question .. it appears that within the Gemini, itself, an opposition was started with this thread with the intention to create a situation in which to be come defensive .. since this isn't answering somebody else with the intent to defend, rather, this thread actually starts the mind into a confrontational mode.
Why? Why do the Gemini's always feel that they are in a defensive position? This has to be coming from somewhere within .... does anybody know?
It's unusual .. on every other board, this doesn't happen. People defend themselves when necessary but they don't create the opposition by "feeling" they are in a defensive position and I'm very curious, since Gemini's are suppose to be thinkers .. if this is ever contemplated.
How do you find personal growth without introspection?
"We are rarely asked what our postion is - we are TOLD what our position is"
This strikes a chord with me .. it's unbalanced, and may just be the explanation to everybody's feelings of being misunderstood much of the time, regardless of sign. Perhaps, we as humans don't have as strong of a handle on our egos than we would like to think, for we expect people to be, rather than let them be.
Thanks for taking the time to answer this EG smile My whole point in this wasn't necessarily looking for a specific answer, really, though I was looking for insight to adjust my own perceptions, for I knew it was askewed .. rather, moreso wondering IF people actually do ponder "why" things happen the way they do. Our reactions normally aren't thought based, rather, prompted from our emotional selves, which we all do .. and I was wondering whether people, AFTER reacting, then go back and do an examination into what would motivate the self to respond/react in the way they did. I know I'm always chewing on the "why" do people see us in the light they do and not so much a defense against it, rather, what do we do that makes people see this in the first place .. we are who we are .. but, that doesn't mean we are viewed by others the way we see ourselves.
Introspection is a biggie with me, and I was curious about this because it wasn't apparant to me on this board, and I figured that there was a misconception. It was disturbing to me that threads started antagonistically, which sends messages to the psyche to confront aggressively and this is what prompted me to wonder "why" from your perspective and then led me inward to look at my own perceptions of how it is processed. Certainly, I have a grasp on being the oppunger and would create contention, that goes without saying, but, seeing that Gemini's like to look at things from a positive perspective, and then threads start from a negative one .. it put my brain into psychoanalyze mode .. it seemed unbalanced. Just as that quote above seems unbalanced .. so, now I see where this is coming from and that I wasn't looking at it from this viewpoint, which caused me to have to ask because I couldn't see it for myself.
Perhaps, I was just looking at it from too narrow of an angle, for just because something isn't said, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Thanks again EG and everything you said sounds as though you consider things deeply :Tongueisces Smiles:: and that in itself, I believe, is key to personal growth.