Does it end....just like that?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by SASSYARIES on Thursday, September 27, 2007 and has 15 replies.
So...I'm new at this but have been reading up on you Leo's and amazed with the stuff that I have read. It has helped me ease some of the pain that I am feeling with my Leo man...
Meet this guy over my space in July..he works on an Oil Rig so he is offshore so we talk for about two weeks. He comes home and within 2 days we meet. We don't live in the same City so we both met halfway. Hour drive for each. He calls me and tells me, I can't wait to see you and when I do I will know, if you are the one or not. I said lets just see what happens. Well, I pull up and he is sitting in his car...the anticipations was building up and when we finally saw each other, it was amazing. I think at that one moment we both felt the same thingsmile Great dinner, great time. We spent 4 hours together and didn't want to leave each other. He kissed me goodbye and from that moment on we both felt this is it....I think we were exclusive from that moment on. I was crazy about him.
Text messages, everyday from him...The way you make me feel is indescribable, I want u in my life and only u.....I will be true to u for as long as I live and always be good t u. U deserve the best, and I plan on being the best for u....Whatever U need I can make it happen and its not what u need it's what u deserve.....When he would come see me, we just got along, great conversation, we would laugh and he would little by little tell me how he felt. I want the 45 years of marriage. I want it to be with you. I have never felt this way before, you don't understand. You are the women of my dreams, I LOVE YOU!! If he would run an errand he would come back with one dozen orange roses (my favorite color). Just do little things that meant alot. He is everything I ever wanted. WE were ourselves around each other, no pressure to be any other way!!!
Then....after one of our Thursday nights together, which was one of the best one's yet. He was positive about the future. He was going back out on this Oil Rig job and he was doing this for US. Everything he is doing from here on out is for US!! He went back to Troy, AL. and he wanted to see me that weekend. I rearranged my schedule to be off on Sunday and go see him. On Sat. he started to act odd....then by Sunday morning when he called me and told me he was going to play golf!! OK, I thought I was comeing to see you, NO, I'm playing golf. OK!! I called him back hurt, my feelings were hurt!!!!
continuation from bellow: I cried told him how I felt on voicemail and that was that. He texted me: Calm down, I am in the car with Brent; just go and enjoy your day. That is exactly what I did!!! He later that evening texted, we talked, still akwardness!! I asked are we OK, little silent and yea, this is just me!!! I understand but please understand that I have feelings too. I should be able to express how I feel. It may not be what you want to hear but I doesn't mean I love you any less!! You know I just met you and I am trying to learn and understand you. Right before he left on WED. He said with the most sincerity in his voice, I LOVE YOU!!! One of those times where you can truely feel it is real!!! I spoke to him once while he was out there. Then 5 days nothing!!! I would send a random text just of something funny that might of happened to me that day. I left him alone and gave him the space that he obviously needed at this time. He came home and called. WE talked it was good but distant, I asked this is not you, not us...what is wrong. I asked you 3 times before you left, help me out here, let me know if I need to change my mind set before you leave...He says, Stop this Nonsense!!!! So I did, never asked again!!! He says, Commitment...I"m scared!!! What?? I told him why do you put so much pressure on everthing to happen in 6 weeks. WE fell in love, talked about engagement, baby, marriage...EVERYTHING!!! Then he tells me I'm a great girl, amamzing!!! I'm just not ready!! I just got that job back, I want to be the best, when I'm out there I'm in a totally different mind set! I can't tell you to wait for me but if you feel you need to go out with someone else, then do it. NO, I don't want anyone else..just YOU!! Let just date, lets just be here for each other, we don't have to get married right now, let's just let that happen, when it does. I support you in anything that you do. I believe in you and I know you will be the best at anything you set your mind to. Let me be here for you!! The last time I heard from him was Sunday!! Here it is ThursdaySad I left a message yesterday....Hey you...hope your good!! I wasn't going to call but I did..haha! Anyway, I miss you, I miss being the Princess of your Universe...haha! I believe in you and us and right now, I'm just Hopeful!!
It's all goodsmile
So, now, what?? I just feel like there hasn't been any closure. I need that!! I gave him that opportunity, laid it out for him, If you feelings have changed then Just tell me, I will be fine, I just need to know. Maybe it just wasn't "Real Love" for you...He says, "NO"!!
When he said that, I told him, no, you can't tell me to wait but I would. I love you but, if this is what you need then I will respect that. He said, just give me I guess this is my time without him. I just don't see how he can go from talking to me to absolutely nothing!! I just don't want to push him sooo, I said OK!! I guess we've said enough.
Then again I read stuff like this and I think to myself....this is exactly what he is going throughLeo
"When Leo wants to end a relationship, the partner is often still needed as a friend rather than a lover. This state of affairs can lead to divorce if the partner is, understandably, unhappy with this situation. This habit of keeping an ex as a friend can also interfere with Leos' ability to form new relationships. Leo is not the best sign at letting a partner know when it's over, partly due to being a fixed sign and partly due to pride. Consequently some Leos withdraw from their partner or treat them shamefully, in the hope that the partner will drift off and Leo can rewrite history pretending the whole affair never happened. To combat this tendency Leo lovers' who are about to dump (their partner!) might like to try the following exercise."
They completely withdraw from contact right?? Then again this could all be a test to see how I react and will I be on my best behavior!!! Am I faithful to him and can he trust me. He needs to know that my love is true......sometimes that Is how I feel too!!

maybe he was already in another relationship.
well i can't speak for ALL leos when i say this but i'm a leo and although i just can't get enough of that whole fairytale love and romance...i'm too, scared of commitment...just that whole idea of being "tied down", we leos can sometimes get "caught in the moment" of being mushy and cheesy, saying "I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH I COULD SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS" to waking up the next morning with a totally different mood.
i'm not saying that perhaps his feelings have changed for you...infact it has NOTHING to do with's HIM...i think he's effed things up for himself by getting caught in the moment like a typical leo by talking about wanting babies and his head, he made things official between the two of you...and now he's scared...he needs to learn to take things one step at a time and just "go with the flow" when it comes to the possible start of a relationship cos if he doesn't, he'll just freak out and run a mile!
i don't know what you could do to mend this situation, i guess you could make him jealous!
i was in a similar situation to yours once, i took this aries guy in circles, telling him "my feelings for him were STRONG and that i wanted a relationship with him" when in reality, i just wasn't feeling it inside...anyway, this went on for weeks so i thought i'd put him out of his misery by telling him i needed space...i eventually logged on to his myspace and saw heaps of comments from other even said something like "your so beautiful i could plant a field full of you" or some shizzle like that and then i saw another one from this other girl saying that she missed him and couldn't wait to see him "on saturday"...seeing this shit just made my blood boil lemme tell ya!
i think that's what you need to do to get your leo back around...try to get things hot and spicy unpredictable...don't go into the whole babies/ marriage thing just yet, keep it light and fun for now...cos leos are playful little things after all, plus you've only known eachother for 6 weeks for goodness sake LMAO! it's so typical of us "fire signs" isn't it! going into relationships all guns blazing!
wow tight ass, loved that post!!
Fly, at Ur own risk.
Posted by Tight-ass, "well i can't speak for ALL leos when i say this but i'm a leo and although i just can't get enough of that whole fairytale love and romance...i'm too, scared of commitment...just that whole idea of being "tied down", we leos can sometimes get "caught in the moment" of being mushy and cheesy, saying "I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH I COULD SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS" to waking up the next morning with a totally different mood."
Posted by Tight-ass, "i'm not saying that perhaps his feelings have changed for you...infact it has NOTHING to do with's HIM...i think he's effed things up for himself by getting caught in the moment like a typical leo by talking about wanting babies and his head, he made things official between the two of you...and now he's scared...he needs to learn to take things one step at a time and just "go with the flow" when it comes to the possible start of a relationship cos if he doesn't, he'll just freak out and run a mile!"
True to that Tight-ass!!!! Especailly the part's Him not me!!! I can't force him to be with me or love me...take your time do what you have to do. I heard what he had to say and by his actions right now which are "silent", tells me everything!!! I love him and need to grant him his request. I'm letting it go and if it comes back, then we will deal with it then.
So like the Aries that I am....I still wake up every moring with my positive attitude on life and enjoy everyday to the fullest. My days are busy, I work full-time, workout, take kick-boxing and hip hop I have enough there to keep my mind busy while I heal my heart and change my mind set about him from what we were to what we are now. I will always have hope that my leo will come back to me......
Thanks for all the great advice....I'm addictive to this site now....haha!!!
sassyaries...i think you are pushing too much with this leo guy. you need to back off a bit and show him that you have a life of your own and it does not revolve around him! you are giving him WAY too much credit and i think that it is scaring him away. just relax and take things day by day and don't come on so strong.
"perhaps you put to much on this too soon, and when he retreated, like a normal person does when things move too pushed harder."
-leokitten...i know we don't agree with each other all of the time Winking BUT, i definitely agree with you on this one! she did not play her cards right and now she is paying for it. i would have done the same crap 3 yrs. ago, but i know better now!!! thank god!
Wow, this was an interesting post.
I agree with LeoKitten here...
Sassy, you sure do bring on the heat, girl!! Even reading your posts made me want to turn tail and run. I can't imagine how your guy felt. I would honestly chill out, not contact, not anything. When leos want something badly enough, we will go out of our way to get it and I think we like challenges. Just give it time and if he doesn't come back, it was only 6 weeks, right? You'll rebound just fine and maybe the next time you meet a sweet-talker, you'll instintively roll your eyes at hearing his sweet-nothings.
Ok, "LeowithCapandAnnoyed", I reduced the Heat and left him alone. Other than that voicmail on Wed. NO contact!!!
So, Friday about 4:30, I get a Text: What Up? Waited a couple of minutes....Not much Hot pants!! Whatcha doin?? I'm still at work and these people are wearin me out...haha! He says, About to fly out in 5 min. (He works on the Oil rig) Took me about 10 mins to respond due to work but I said, "OH WOW! Well you tell the pilot that there is precious cargo on board and it is a MUST that he gets you there safe!! haha! I know your mom would agreesmile Same Rig?" He says, "Yep take care we r leaving. I send back a, "You too...S~"
Simple as that! Wasn't much but maybe baby steps for him?? I don't know but all I know is that my stomach fell to my knee's..haha! I do know, how nervous he gets before he fly's out on that Helocopter and he used to talk to me all the time. It made me feel better that he found comfort in contacting me! Maybe??
Sure, just keep it fun and flirty. Get to know one another better and for now, forget discussion of marriage, kids, etc. You might get to where you want to be faster if you just relax and take what is said with a grain of salt. :-)

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