Mad at Leo male

This topic was created in the Leo forum by softshell_crab on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 and has 21 replies.
My Leo and I were supposed to have a date yesterday. Every time we get ready to go out or any other event where we will be together, drama always happens in HIS world that prevents us from going. He does not even bother to call me and let me know the date is cancelled. I call him (a few days later after no contact) and that?s when I find out what happened. The first couple of times I gave him the benefit of doubt but yesterday I got fed up. (I'm a Cancer Female)
When I spoke with him that morning he assured me that we would be going out and to call him later. When 6:30 p.m. came around and I noticed no call from him (surprise), I called him?.no answer. Becoming agitated, I called him every half hour until 9 p.m and all I got was VOICEMAIL. (I was livid, calling like this is not something I normally do)
At 9 I was so upset I went to a friends house in tears. I called him once more and left a message on his voicemail calling him a B***h. My friends? husband and his friends, thought it would be funny to do the same. So now my jerk boyfriend had 12 voicemail messages of nothing but thugs calling him a B***h and several other colorful metaphors. Low and Behold!!! I get a call from him around midnight asking me if I had some guys leave messages on his voicemail. I told him why the messages were left. I told him how I stand by him as his woman and help him but he can?t give me the same in return. He won?t even pick up a phone to cancel a date. He said to me that he was MAD BEYOND WORDS and HOW COULD I DO THAT TO HIM, HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO ME. He said he would call me back when he gets over his anger. His reason for not calling me was his cell phone was roaming!
This guy pursued me for two years. When we became a couple, he told me he loved me, couldn?t wait to get to see me and on the one outing we had together, could not stop touching me. Three months later, he stopped telling me he loved me. We stopped having sex (he said he was too stressed and referred to sex as a chore. We?ve since started again but for me the ?damage? is done). He won?t come to my house because it is too far. A distance of 12 miles from his house to mine by highway. He has a car.
On the other hand, two days ago I met with his parents, and now he?s talking of us going to family dinners and other family functions, etc.
Whew! Thanks for letting me Vent! After writing this out I can now see the writing on the wall but any input would be appreciated.
Tell him he needs to get his act together and dump him. He will continue to treat you that way if you let him. If he doesn't come crawling back, you'll know that he was mistreating you because he wanted to end the relationship but was too chickensh*t to do it himself.
Cancers are much too forgiving, it sounds like he's given you a million reasons already. Just DTMFA (you won't understand that acronym unless you read Savage Love)
Oh no! I don't think you should have embarrassed him like that. I get the feeling leos are a bit like libras ... image is everything.
I have come to the conclusion that leo males are flakey but this one sounds like an ass.
Do you really want to be treated this way forever?

thanks for the input I don't get the chance to read savage love as often as I'd like but I can decipher the acronym.
At this point we are talking it out and trying to work through this. He is focused on who left the messages. He feels that we cannot move on as a couple unless I tell him who the guys were. He is so focused on his pride and not the cause. I dont even know their names they were friends of my friends husband...anyway does it matter...they are not the problem point is the big picture, the real issue is why I chose to "snap" and do something (admittedly) stupid and imature. This issue is, why can't he respect me enough to pick up a damn phone and call me....THATS THE ISSUE. I am looking at my REACTION to a repeated ACTION and all he can focus on is the REACTION.
*** ...anyway does it matter...they are not the problem here.
Yes. It does matter. It matters a lot. You dragged them into your relationship. You betrayed a sacred trust. You made him look bad to others. You made him a joke to a bunch of people.
If you did that to me, it would be over. End of story.
I think you are very lucky that he is even talking to you. The fact that you don't get it kind of floors me.
Sparrow, He states that I crossed the line with him, well crossing the line with me sitting at home all dressed up looking forward to going out with my man on a Friday night and not only being stood up but not even hearing from him for 4 days! This happened on our FIRST (non)Date....and every (non) date since that day. Wanna know the excuses..."I owe my cousin money and he wants to kill me. My Grandmother got sick. I zipped up my dick in my zipper?...
This is my fault, I should not have let this go on, I should have not been patient I should have dumped him when he crossed the line with me the first time...when he betrayed my trust...when he made me feel like I was a joke. Instead I did not pass judgment I considered the circumstance (more detailed then I care to tell) I waited, discussed the issue with him and kept the waters calm. But the last time he did it?I had said ENOUGH.
Now after my stunt he claims he loves me, I changed his life and made him a better person, so how could I have done what I did... Did he tell this jaw dropping news to me HELL NO...he told this info to a third party, yes SPARROW he too brings outsiders into our relationship.
A relationship takes work, give and take, compromise, forgiveness and love. We are not perfect, we all have failings and do immature things, that does not mean that WE are immature but our actions can be. In order to prove his point with what I did to him, my Leo asked me how I would have felt if I found out he had cheated on me. I told him, the truth?I would pray, we would work on it (why did he cheat, what part did I play, what can we do to correct the hurt) work it out and keep on stepping TOGETHER. Because for me, for a relationship to flourish, love needs to be stronger than pride and judgment is left up to God.

RONI - what did you do to your cancer to make her feel that she had no other choice but to "act out"?
*** This happened on our FIRST (non)Date....and every (non) date since that day. Wanna know the excuses..."I owe my cousin money and he wants to kill me. My Grandmother got sick. I zipped up my dick in my zipper?...
Why are you dating this guy?
He isn't going to change. This is who he is. You don't like who he is so stop seeing him.
you're the one who was wronged softshell_crab, ditch the loser and don't accept his phone calls.
LayBak as I stated in a previous reponse. A relationship takes work. My act was immature. My Leo man and I are working it out and ARE BACK TOGETHER (after a few days of sleepless nights (him) and constant crying (me). He, although angry with me, was willing to work through the incident, help me with any insecurities I have about the relationship and once again, encourages me to come to him when I have a problem with us. This is something no other man has done with me. In a way I am SOOOOOOOOOO glad it happened. It lets me know how we can recouperate from a problem such as this and how committed we both are to working out the "kinks". Believe me I will NEVER do that mess again. Up until the incident I, being a typical (submissive) cancer, "praised and fussed over him". He, being the prideful Leo, loved it. This incident took him for a loop and was based on frustration I had built up inside me since a Cancer always retreats to their shell when hurt even slightly.
Dealing with this incident let me know that we both love each other dearly. With him I have the security that a cancer needs and he has the Praise and love that he so desires.
We are devoted to each other.
Good to see you worked it out. I could easily see how a Cancer or Pisces female would really be a good asset to the Leo male. That type of gender/astrological combo seems very good!
I wish you the best!
Thanks to All
I am posting a new message. HELP MY LEO IS DEPRESSED! Your input/advice is appreciated.

I cannot believe what I am reading in this post. This chick is....and I hate to put it so bluntly....crazy.
SSCrab is not crazy... she is in love with a Leo man... Leo's are lovable, as they are maddening! Before you know it, after all the drama the Leo throws at you, you can't help but to act out/react! My advice is to ignore him, his drama, and all the moodiness. With the sex... just take charge! Don't give up your power. You can be nice. You can be loving, and shower him with attention (that's the great part of a leo, you can't over dose with the affection) without losing yourself. Be strong, but be nice. No more low blows, and definitely never, never embarass him. He is the king of the jungle, and very, very proud... respect this, and you will be fine. You have to get thicker skin, as well due to the fact he only thinks of himself... in his world he is the only one with feelings. Good luck. smile
lol!i don't think this CRAZY chick is around anymore.
softshell_crab, I am going 2 text U Ok! I am a Leo and after reading your posts. I kind of feel like I am doing the SAME EXACT thing 2 my Cancer friend. Dam! I feel kind of bad now, since I do this 2 him 2. I am going 2 send U a text. I will tell U what 2 do.
..."I owe my cousin money and he wants to kill me. My Grandmother got sick. I zipped up my dick in my zipper?...Jesus christ....crab....
This man doesn't love you. He's just not into you.
HE'S USING YOU JUST FOR A SHAG....SHAG, SHAG, SHAG, SHAG....there are no if, buts or whys in this scenario or need for analysing his motives and modus operandi
"With him I have the security that a cancer needs and he has the Praise and love that he so desires"...yep until his next zipper gets stuck or he is stuck up someone else!!!....I'm sorry to be so harsh on you Crab.....but it's as plain as the sky is blue,
he has someone else in his life and you are not on his B List and will never make it to the A for the 12 guys ringing, rejoice in that stunt, pat on the back for that:-) - make no apologies, dump him and gather a new circle but first take a long hard look at yourself and your expectations.....raise your bar, higher and higher still and then when you realize that you are second to nobody, things will begin to look different.
Alana x
crab leo's (especially men) fall out of love quickly, love to play, love to chase but hope isn't lost, I can't speak for leo women but for leo men, they are very very selfish, self absorbed, dramatic, me me me type of sign, if you want him then you will have to be the solid foundation and be emotionally stable one if he's not, if you want him then you will be the one yielding and bending, and it will be left up to you to have to find ways to rekindle the passion that is dwindling, which isn't hard to do, some leo's are all over the place emotionally, don't dispair b/c you will have to endure a lot of BS with this sign, the key is to make him FEEL GOOD about himself, yes it works, no complaining, whining, jealousy, crying, drama, jus make him feel good and he will return his honor to you. Honor doesn't necessarily mean him being faithful, yes he will be committed but he will seek out attention out of sheer boredom, normal routines isn't going to make it with a leo male, get out your belly dancing outfit, anything by the beach outfit, lets go on a trip outfit, lets gamble you see were I'm going? Yes you have to wear many hats to keep this creature comforted and never be predictable! Respect is #1, jealousy, being clingy and needy is a huge turn off! If you can revert to how you were when he was chasing that would be a huge benefit for you but as it stands your too emotional for him and its turning him off, he will continue to slink away b/c he's not that INTO your behavior, so he seeks out another that will put him back on his KINGLY THRONE...praise praise praise and more praise is what he's seeking and if he's not getting it from you then he's definitely seeking it thru another so no more criticisms and long talks, no more games, be straight forward and less talk is more unless your praising and worshing that kingly beast. This is jus one sign you can't get to indepth with, only when he deeply trust you will he ever show that part of himself, until then HAVE FUN! (:
its up to you to continue with this guy if you believe he's worth
No leos don't suck...not at all, I love em, afterall my mom and brother are leos and yes they are both show offs lol! But not in an annoying way, they jus KNOW they are the best even when they clearly may not be lol!! I have learned how to manuever a bit around the ego, still a work in progress (:
I totally agree....knowing when to play hard to get and when to surrender is said tell us what you like about us...which means(PRAISE ME) afterall I'm the KING and who can resist ME, I'm clearly the best and don't feel like you have to hold back on mirroring what I already know about myself lol!
Be honest but error with caution...mystery will get a girl a long way with the lion
because your worth it!!
LOL!! Your right on Kris *hugs*
his aqua moon is a mess LOL!! But hey it is what it is, stopped trying to figure it out ages ago.
I guess this leo was my inauguration into leo land lol!!
i'm in love and when an Aqua is in out