Am a and this leo man were friends for almost a year now...we started it online and we met once in real life as we both live in 2 different started casually but recently we become closer and he started flirting and complimenting me...we were both flirting to the extend I thought we were together...I even joked about feeling jealous of his female friends and he didn't seem like it bothered him ..he was reacting actually to me pursuing him...thats why I thought it was time to ask him if I was special to him...his answer shocked me because it was too honest and direct...he said: you are a special friend! And that its a very nice and respectful friendship that he is proud of...I cant explain the pain i felt...I didn't expect that this is how he feels and didn't expect it to be so easy for him to say it...I acted cool and told him I have to go...its been 2 days now I haven't logged in facebook or contacted him...he didn't contact me am stuck between:
1- the usual pathetic excuse the one got rejected think of.. that he doesn't want a relationship with anyone not only me because his ex got married 7 months ago and that I think he still loves her even though he assured me he is over her..and that he will change his opinion n think of me with time if I remained his close friend
2- cut contact with him completely because I have lost one whole year of my life waiting for someone who doesn't reciprocate my feelings. .and him being that man who sticks to his decisions will never change his mind or think of me romantically (this is the most difficult option for me but I think I should go for it for my dignity ..and again..maybe he will realize what he lost and re-think if I disappeared!)
I know that this sound too pathetic. .but I was and still am in love with this man....he is my addiction I can't live without
Help my broken heart with a solution please!!
Forgot to mention that right after our conversation he wrote few comments on facebook where he was laughing and joking on his friends topics...I mean..he just broke his friend's least he should be a little sorry about it! I think he didnt even notice he hurt my feelings...He used to be sarcastic at the beginning of our friendship but his attitude has changed over time and he became more soft and gentle with me...I don't know why he reacted like this....
Signed Up:
Oct 09, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 579 · Topics: 30
I do not understand how anyone could think they are in a serious "relationship" with someone online in another country! People wake up! It's so easy to " pretend" your anyone and anything online.. You don't really know someone unroll you have actually spent real time together...your deluding yourself if you think anything else.. Sorry for the blunt words but come on.. Pinch yourself! Get out and meet someone who is available and looking for a real companion! SMH
Ok just to make it clear...he is not a total stranger...he is my relative's friend and I know his sisters...
Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
The man just sees you as a friend, which is nothing wrong with that, at least he isn't playing with your feelings
Now if you haven't asked him for a date or even hanged out with the Leo, how the hell is he suppose to feel about you other than friendship
Your better off trying to get a guy who you can see on a regular basis, cause online never works
TaurusNikki I know ..I appreciate his honesty actually but I just want to know if there is any hope this friendship will turn into something else one day question was should I just continue being his friend or cut contact with him altogether...thx for ur reply...although it is very difficult to just forget about him
Signed Up:
Oct 09, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 579 · Topics: 30
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Oct 30, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 230 · Topics: 12
And to answer your question, long distance can work if one person is willing/open to relocating...eventually and has the funds to travel back and forth. If not, then no it won't work. My ex, the virgo, and I met online and talked for years but a lot happened in that time and we could never be fully faithful or 100% together bc there was no way to get to each other. Years later we eventually got together after he broke up with his ex and we moved in together for a year. I have a new it's safe to say it did NOT work out lol. But he's still head over heels for me
FierryKitty ...thanks a lot for your answer...yeah I think I should take some time away and think if am going to continue my friendship with him or not...
He's a Leo, they have very large Egos and shine the brightest when showered in attention, really sounds like he's using you to stroke his ego. Leo's do reciprocate just enough to keep you interested but will always place you off stage...because its their stage and they want to be surrounded by admirers.
I am a Leo and was married to a Leo for 20 years, explosive relationship, he was the biggest flirt, thankfully I'm a very secure woman and do not have a jealous bone...male Leo's are extremely jealous, they roar when they see another animal around one of their admirers.
He could not stay faithful..because me as a Leo couldn't keep up with the constant praise and adoration he required as it wasn't being reciprocated...he was already married to me and had me as a docile kitty for home.
Leo's often mate for life because of that, however if you are a jealous person and show that...they will disrespect you. they like to know you are jealous but only for ego purposes.
I have watched my husband tear apart plenty of hearts, the charm a Leo possesses when they are being showered does have the power to reel the strongest woman in.
They have the tenancy to reel in more when hurt, but turn to another closer individual when they shine a brighter light. If he's just ending s relationship you better believe he's still looking at his mate.
My husband and I rebounded with each other several times before I decided to move across country, and even then he poured on the charm...until he met someone closer, now he won't even talk to me about the kids lol...yes Leo men do mate for life...even if divorced they watch their first mate.
Good luck with him, I suggest a different approach. Walk away!
Hi,U need to know 2 things about Leo
1. Leos know what they want & they always want the same at that instant
2. Leos will always state d truth about their relationship status - they wont play with the gal
Since he has directly told u that he sees u as a special friend - then that will be his honest ans. It will be very difficult to turn this over as he seems to be very clear.
Way forward - 2 Options
1. Ignore him & find a new mate
2. Be Friends with him - he will continue to care for u as a friend, it will be solely upto u to convince him that u r more than special
hi ...i have terrible updates on this>>
so me and this leo man i know got really really close (as friends) and we met each other few weeks ago..he seemed happy we finally got to meet in real life and he still have other plans to visit me again and meet more...he is excited that he discovered my personality more and more and sees me as a great person to know..
things were great and i thought he started to think of me as more than just a friend...he made it clear that he enjoys my company in many occasion..until he suddenly told me he just started a relationship with someone..
although it was expected...since he made it clear that we are just friends...but i was surprised that at the same time he got into the new relationship he was being so close to me..
i acted cool and told him that she is such a lucky girl and that's it..
now i found myself not able to contact him or initiate anything with him...i just don't think it was appropriate to spin over a guy with a girlfriend...
he seemed like he doesn't like it and kept contacting me..
i found myself not able to cut him off and i continued to talk as just friends...he continued to flirt with me but i always stop him reminding him jokingly that he now has a gf ...he jokingly said they are not yet engaged ...and i asked him how the relationship was going..he said it's ok but the still need to meet each other and get to know each other more (it's a long-distance relationship)
i don't know why i still have these strong feelings...i still think i shouldn't cut him off and remain friends just in case ...who knows..they break up..i know that sounds desperate and i don't want to be the other woman...but seriously i tried cutting contact before and it was more painful than staying just friends...
i want to keep trying..i deeply love this man...i don't want to give up...i have nothing i can do...but i know that am not strong enough to not wait for him until he announce his official commitment...only then i can go away...otherwise i can't...i really really can't
he has some plans to visit me in my country soon....i don't know if i should keep on meeting him one-to-one
advice please....but don't ask me to put myself in the gf's shoes..sorry i don't know her...i don't care...i love him as selfish as this sounds...
and now that he told me about the gf...he seems more attracted to me...and ignores my questions about the gf for some weird reason...he is giving me more attention than before...i just d
btw he is a grown up the relationship might lead to engagement and marriage soon....
i hate myself for thinking they might break up...but plz try to understand my situation...its been a long time i can't give any chance to anyone to enter my obsessed with him.....
also, he is supposed to travel to our hometown by end of this month for a religious occasion , and so do i...i didn't mention to him that i might be going too...because i don't want him to think am chasing's obvious that he is going to get to know his girl more. he didn't mention it but i know she lives there ...yet..still he is trying to convince me to go, and he would love to see me there...and that he is staying for a good amount i can come at any time..
why would he be interested in seeing me while his holiday should all be dedicated to get to know her?
he is also paying a lot of attention to how i deal with him...for example if i act silent and never like or comment on anything he posts on facebook (we usually comment on each others posts alot)..he does the same..
once i act cool about it and like for example one post he will go liking and commenting on most of my stuff
That explains some of it...
I will..thank u very much...
I also had a somewhat similar situation happen with a Leo male. I can empathize and mine has seemingly moved on.......and we are friends. At first you ARE going to miss him like crazy! Do not make my same mistake- I then started chasing him trying to get back what I thought we had and lost. It didn't work....but what did work... is...give him space and focus more on yourself... If he is meant for you and respects, appreciates and even admires you...he will come around again... BUT you will need to meet again in a sense as new people... It is not that he does not love you or did not love is just that his ego has him loving himself more right now in my opinion...let him miss you so keep in contact but only if he initiates for awhile....let time tell what will be. Good luck!
Thanks for all the responses...
Just a small note for you all...I don't chase him...I never did and until this moment I keep HIM initiate all the time..I do nothing at all but reply and react...when he does disappear for a while I do the same...I don't remember I initiated that we meet up or even initiating texts...its not even my personality ..I wish I could though
If I was the one chasing him then I wouldn't be so confused on how to react after I knew he is in a relationship
Montgomery...thanks..u can ignore replying again if u regret giving me any advises before.
that assh* $ (% leos suck such ass
Signed Up:
Apr 26, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 983 · Topics: 24
I am a leo cusp plus i was married to a leo for four year plus i have had a few leo boyfriends in the past. From what i have noticed Leo men know pretty quickly, if as what one woman said on this post "if they want to make you their "little kitten at home". If he hasn't talked to you about a relationship by now i don't think that he will in the future. I noticed that you have not told him about how you feel. May i ask why? Also when you are married to one, that all you really are is their "little kitten at home". They are also estremely jealous, not in a good way either.
Signed Up:
Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
He has already rejected you. He has a GIRLFRIEND.
You're in denial. Eventually you will be hurt enough that the denial bubble will pop.
With regards your advise Montgomery ...thanks..much appreciated