This topic was created in the Leo forum by SASSYARIES on Thursday, November 22, 2007 and has 22 replies.
"Never EVER feel "great about yourself" because a LEO likes you. There is a lot of calculation going on his mind about the girl that he likes. It takes time to open up because of that calculation."
Ooooh, I really don't think I know anymoreSad
Refer back to my posting on the 21st....topic, "prrringleo...can I get a breakdown. Little insight there. Didn't mention that two weeks ago, he asked me to come up and spend the day w/ him playing gold, whatever. I went, we spend the day together, that night went back to him parents house where met 4 of his brothers and sisters, hung out with his mom while he practiced with the family band then went in and watched as they played and he played the drums. I finally got to see him playsmile. After, went back to his sisters and stayed over night there. I slept in the guest room, he on the couch!! It was the most perfect day!!! Everyone loved me and kept asking, what is wrong with him??? His mother at one point wanted to talk about him and just appologized for the way he can be but he has such a sweet heart. I told her that is why all of this is worth it. I know, I've seen it, in our 1st attempt to this relationship. The way he is acting right now, giving me attention, pushing me away, giving...pushing...I just take it as it comes!!
If you read my previous posting to Prrringleo, this is our second attempt to this. HE CAME BACK!! He started the calls and the text. It all started when I was at the beach and didn't have good signal. Didn't get his very angry voicemail til the next morning. Very upset thinking I was ignoring his calls and not recipicating. The next morning, really calm I said...why are you so mad??? I didn't have signal, it's okaysmile We started talking and after a couple of day, I just told him, Let's start off as friends, lets just get to know each other, let the relationship develop on its' own. How can you trust someone if you don't know them. I know all these things are important to him, trust, loyalty...ect. So from there on the text calls at night talking for about an hour, were lighthearted or not (I let him lead) whatever he wanted to talk about, let him make the next step. WE laugh all the time!! His mom told his sister, it's amazing how she can just listen to the important things he has to say and can let the other stupid stuff just roll off her shoulders and she can laugh at it instead of taking it offensivly...they just compliment each other that way. WE just GET EACH OTHER. The sister told me your perfect for him. I just hope he can stop playing his games and realize that before it's to late. I told her this is why we are just hanging out as friends right now, I ca
Dang it I lost the rest of my message, let me try this again....
I can't make mayself vulnerable to him again.
After spending that day together, about 5 days later he is texting me, I'm feeling the change!! I would joke back, you are gay!! WE would laugh and I would quickly let him know you don't have to say anything. WEll the next night he calls me at about 10:30 after band practice and tell me, as I put in Prrringleo message, I love you, everything about you, family is so important, I want you to be part of my family...bla bla bla...I hope you feel the same. I told him I love a lot of people but I know I'm in love with you. He just seemed so happy for me to confirm that with him but he still wanted the relationship to proceed as it was. One step at a time...just wanted me to know that he sees me in the future just give me time to get everything else in order....Everytime I see him I bring him a goody bag. This past time (golf day) I had him a bag with a "Drum Naked" tshirt and other misc drum stuff. He loved it!!! Then this past weekend, I had his new driver!! He actually knew about it cause he asked me to look one up for him on the computer and find the best price. Well, we did and I bought him some new golf tennies toosmile I had his stuff this past Friday when he came up and we even went to the driving range that night. He and his brother-in-law were here to finish painting his sisters house, YES, his sister is moving to my town!!! She thinks things will get better then. Cause he loves his BIL and she thinks he'll be coming up a lot more and we will all be together. But his distance lately has proven different. He called me yesterday to tell me they were coming up tomorrow and no one else was coming up there to paint and he told his siter that. I told him, well don't worry, I won't be there, I have to work all day tomorrow anyways. He also said she will meet met to get the key back that I had to the house. WEll, I went ahead and took the key to the house hid it outside and sent them both a text of where it was late last night. Then I just asked him, Are you OK?? Talk to me what's goin on?? He said, Are you OK, everything alright?? Yeeeaa, it's all gravy, just doing my thing you know. I said, Talk to me, I'm your friend, this is not you, Are you seeing someone? (I asked cause I think this is what he wanted me to believe by his text that would say, Hanging at a friends house...getting ready to watch a movie at a friends house) H
He proceeds to answer, Oh, I've always been seeing someone. Really?? Yea!! OH, WOW, OK...he says well maybe there's nothing more here than us being friends....I calmly let him know, you know what, we are friends and I love you unconditionally no matter what...we hang up. I've read so much stuff on here and I have tried to follow through with this realtionship the best I can out of all the information I get from you guys. I listen, I don't pressure him but I do put my foot down and I don't take any of his crap and he knows it. I am not going to sit there and call him every name in the book, I will once again walk away the better person!!! It hurts like hell but in my mind, i'm thinking...when will he call again...lets see how many days it takes him....I still don't feel like its over!!! What makes him freak out and pull away???
It's definately all about him. I feel like my feelings aren't even takin in consideration. How many calls or text do I ignore this time till I respond??
Leokitten....when his sister said that..."You are perfect for him", I wondered...what makes her say that!! What does she see...the way we are compatable...the way we can talk to each other look each other in the eyes and laugh....we definately compliment each other in that way. My only assertion to make is that, this guy is great and he make me feel goodsmile I feel good when I talk to him and when I'm around him that is why i'm willing to give this realtionship/friendship a try.
From that first kiss, it's as if he has biwitched my body and soul!!! When we kiss, which it has only been just that, a kiss, it's so sweet and he always says, that felt nice. It's the most comforting feeling when you don't notice anyone else but him....
leos absolutely hate being ignored ,i also observe men and check them out for a while to find out what they are really like
"I feel like my feelings aren't even takin in consideration. How many calls or text do I ignore this time till I respond??"

You ignore his calls/texts and have the audacity to say that he doesn't take your feelings into consideration.

geeeeeez .............
"I calmly let him know, you know what, we are friends and I love you unconditionally no matter what...we hang up"

And yet .. there are conditions to your feelings, as you've so stated, for if your feelings are hurt, you will ignore him .. which is a consequence to him for not giving your feelings what it wants = conditional.
I don't get it ....
From that first kiss, it's as if he has biwitched my body and soul!!!
You leos do have that affect, huh??? smile
"To make my long explanation short, he just want sex, my goodness!"

He just wants sex.

Since you brought up one of my ex's instead of me, while I was talking about SA .. perhaps, you should start the new topic smile
"when his sister said that..."You are perfect for him", I wondered...what makes her say that!! What does she see...the way we are compatable...the way we can talk to each other look each other in the eyes and laugh....we definately compliment each other in that way. My only assertion to make is that, this guy is great and he make me feel good I feel good when I talk to him and when I'm around him that is why i'm willing to give this realtionship/friendship a try."

Sounds like you're trying to get the family to accept you, so he will want you. What difference does it make what the family thinks, if you then turn around and say that he's hurting your feelings?
I HOPE you're not using the family to convince him that you two are perfect for each other .. for you two being perfect for each other is how you make it sound, eventhough, he's not, for it's only been a kiss.

"From that first kiss, it's as if he has biwitched my body and soul!!! When we kiss, which it has only been just that, a kiss, it's so sweet and he always says, that felt nice. It's the most comforting feeling when you don't notice anyone else but him...."
Aries girls are so easy to get .. and they fall head over heels.
Not much competition is scoring their hearts.
Most men don't find that very attractive, from my experience .. they normally like women who don't become desperate after a kiss, for it's an indication to them that you're easy to win over.
Perhaps, you're best bet is pull back and not appear so easy to conquer, if your aim is gaining his respect.
Taurus/ moon in Capricorn
She's very stubborn .. very, very, very stubborn and doesn't put up with his male crap.
However, she also strokes him .. so, he seems to be happy, though, he can't talk to her about his emotions because she's too practical and realistic to discuss messy feelings with him.
No whatevers like that .. naughty boy !!!!!
Although, I have to admit that when she was going through a tough time during two of her pregnancies .. I did service him because she couldn't. But, that was a long time ago.
We're just really good friends and pour our hearts out to each other about life, philosophies, problems/solutions, children drama. He means a hell of a lot to me.
"I am exactly that way. I'm always observing the potential "prospect" without saying a word. You're under a microscope until we make our final decision. I want to make sure first before doing something I will regret later on. How long will this observation lasts? An hour...days...weeks...months. It depends how much I like you or not"
My Leo is sooo like this and he tells me, "It can take one word or action that you make, that will make me, never want to speak to you again". He says, "there is not one thing you do that bothers me" smile Also, when he called to tell me, "he was feeling the change within his feelings" he also said, "I want to be with you, when I can give you, my 100% !!"
"Most men don't find that very attractive, from my experience .. they normally like women who don't become desperate after a kiss, for it's an indication to them that you're easy to win over."
"Perhaps, you're best bet is pull back and not appear so easy to conquer, if your aim is gaining his respect."
P-Angel, when I'm with him and the last time I spent the day with him. I gave him his goody bag in the car and he loved every bit of it. He thanked me and gave me a kiss/peck and said that was nice and leaned over and gave me another one. I said, that was nice was nice thanks....and continued on with my conversation!!! He says, "you see you don't even care, you just blow me off, i'm sitting here telling you how I feel....." we just laughed and I tpld him "no I'm not, I heard you and those were very nice"!!! Of course I wanted to grab his face and give him more, haha, but I just didn't feel it was the right place or time. I think I wanted him to sit on that one lip lock for a while and make him want more.....
"Sounds like you're trying to get the family to accept you, so he will want you. What difference does it make what the family thinks, if you then turn around and say that he's hurting your feelings?"
"I HOPE you're not using the family to convince him that you two are perfect for each other .. for you two being perfect for each other is how you make it sound, eventhough, he's not, for it's only been a kiss."
I don't think it is more me wanting their accptance, as it is more him!!! His family is soooo important to him and I can't emphasize on this enough!!! When I met his baby sister one night. He called me later to tell me verbatim what she said, "Where is your head? Hello!!!! What is wrong with you? She is amazing, beautiful and her personality is awesome!! There was so much excitment in his voice as if he couldn't wait to tell me. I responded with, "Awww are you serious..Well, she beautiful, adorable, just like you said!!! He said yea...that's my Shelbs and I told her, You know, I'm just doing my thing, taking my time with this!! I said, Absolutely, it's all goodsmile
To me it's seem, if him love's me and his family lov's me, only makes it's more complete for him!!
After our ordeal on Thursday and they came up to paint on Friday. I did not hear from him til he sent me a text Friday afternoon. I didn't even respond, not matter how funny and cute it was, I blew it off. WEll his sister called me, What are you doing?? Told her, I was at the mall working my part-time job!! She said yea, Shannon said he sent you a text but you didn't respond....I told her I was busy!! I told her to come see mesmile Come shop!! She said Shannon wasn't lettin her paint and I said better reason to come. She came and when she left she asked me to come by the house when I got off and we'll have some wine. So, I went by and didn't even go up to see him. I brought him a lamp for lighting but had her take it up. She even commented the he said, now you guys stay down there and let me get this done. I told her I had no intentions on going up anyway, I know how he issmile He got done showered and came down. I hoped off the counter and said lets go look. He came up and I complimented him on everthing he had done. He just smiled and ate it up. WE all joked around and then I left. AS I was leaving she told me if you go to Auburn let me know and I said I will. He immediately responded, "Why are you going to Auburn??" Gracefully responded with a smile, "Cause I wa
Gracefully responded with a smile, "Cause I was invited and I need to get out of town!!" He said, OK!! No more than two minutes in my car he calls!!! Again, "Why are you going to Auburn?" What?? I'm going with the girls, just want to have a good time and get out of birmingham, NO big deal!!! We talked, he was sooo nice!! His 2 sisters (he has 4) are coming down this thursday for a concert and staying with me. He said that him and Brent, brother-in-law may come down too. He doesn't know yet. I said, well if you do, we can all do something after the concert.
Dec. 1st, I will be going out of town to his sisters Graduation/moving party. It is that night and a really big deal. She has already made plans with me to come up early, I'm helping with the set up and then after the party we are all going out on the town. I mentioned all this him and he was all good with it. He said, it's gonna be fun!!
WEll, Sat. didn't hear from him at all!! They finished up the painting and left. ON my way to Auburn he calls. He knew I was working til 4 and then leaving. He says "where are you??" "ON our way to Aurburn, where are you??" (laughing)IN AUBURN!!! I stop laughing...."Are you really??" He says, Yeeeea...up here with Shelby (his sister) and some friends!! I said, before he could ask, Well, we are going to Locos and Supper Club after!! Come see us if you guys can!!" He says, "NO, I was just checking on you and making sure you made it down here safe" I said, Very sweet, thanks!! Chatted for a min and said good-bye!!
It's funny, I go out and I meet so many guys and it's all fun but in the end, they're not him!!! I remember Shannon telling me the same thing one time. Which I guess is a good thing cause I think it only comfirms the way we feel about each other. It's like spin the bottle, it just keeps pointing at us.

Proverbs..."You want to know what holds him back. It's because you are sassy and you are an Aries. I believe you won't tag the sassy as part of your user name "sassyaries" if that doesn't reflect your personality. The same thing that I didn't choose "proverbs" as my user name for nothing"
"Aries same as Leo are self-centered and attention seeker in a child-like cute way of course.
I'm not saying that you must change your attitude ? just don't overdo, don't exaggerate, control the acid-tongue"
WOW!! You pinned that one on the nose!! "Child-like way" me always a laughing and smile on my face and the most possitive person ever!!! And as far as controlling the acid-tongue...that all come with age. I have definately learned.
Good Gosh!! Everything you have said is right on are good!! "Drama" is the word!! I know he says things about other girls to get a rise out of me!! One night his sister had called me from his parents house to get my addres and we started chatting. She said he was there, when in a text he had just sent me, he was on his way to a so called "friends" house. I mentioned it to her and said he is just trying to make me jealous. (You know since we are at a friendship level) She said girl, he's lying!! I'm about to go in there and ruffle his feathers!! (laughing) I said please don't and not my account!! haha!! We just laughed!!
Leo are really big with Freedom, to do what they want when they want to do it!! I told Shannon, it should always be that way!!! Relationship, marriage, whatever it is!!! Why do some guys get scared to be like that in a relationship?? This is why communication is soooo important. I told him a relationship/marrieage is someone to share your life with, a partner!! I remember my ex used to fear telling me that he wanted to go hunting that weekend, or fishing with the guys. I told Shannon, if you can't be yourself with me, express your moods (which he does all the time, trust me) your feelings, then you don't need to be with me.
This weekend is the big party and I will meet every member of his family...all eight brother and sisters. I've got my sassy dress and shoes set aside, it's time to step it up a little....bring on the heat...haha!! He's looking forwards it and so am I. He's asked, You're staying overnight with Morgan, right?? Yep, she wouldn't have it any other waysmile

RF-LIONESS72...."It sounds like he's not sure about you yet. He's still observing and analyzing"
I feel that too but that day that I had spent with him, He took me around and introduced me to sooo many poeple. His Uncle, who immediately said, OMG, your beautiful!! Shannon just laughed and then asked him to guess my age!! (Which I wonder if it's a factor, i'm 7 years older but he always says no!!) I think he loves the fact that NO ONE ever guesses it right, I always get hit 10 years younger which is great for me!! It's that child-like spirit as Proverbs says about us Aries, along with the olive italian skin...we age pretty wellsmile He had to make sure that I met Miss Betty in the Pro shop, Mr. Andy and of course a couple of his friends. Nothing but wonderful comments from everybody which made him SO PROUD!!!! I think it is important to him to have a beautiful women under his arms!! smile
I just want him to know he can have the whole package deal and everything that I have given him so far.... trust, loyalty, laughter and love!!! Only when he's ready to realize it and want it, is when it will his him, right, smack, in the forhead!!! haha!!

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