attractions and turn-offs

This topic was created in the Libra forum by LiBrat on Thursday, March 9, 2006 and has 23 replies.
What are the things you find most attractive? What turns you off?

Me: (Female)
Square hands. I love to look at well kept, masculine looking hands. I don't like tapered fingers. I like nice looking feet too. I dated an Aries who used to get manicures..WOW, blew me away!
Nice teeth, beautiful smile.
As far as actual looks go, I've been attracted to the beautiful and the ugly, fat and skinny. But a person with a neat clean appearance who takes care of himself is always very attractive.
I can't stand rudeness, bad language or men who are critical and/or patronizing.
Biggest turn-on: Love of life, positive attitude, brutal honesty, affectionate (without beign too clingy), good sense of humor, intelligence, and someone who gives me my freedom.
And finally:
Great taste in jewelry... Winking
Me: female
I like the Clark Kent type. Short dark hair, tall, glasses, well dressed, yummmm .... I LOVE men in suits.
Rougher looking men can be attractive too like Leonard Cohen.
Charming, engaging, thoughtful i.e. notices when your drink is finished and gets you another, brilliant with speech, thought, and dress. I love very successfull, confident men. *sigh*
Crass, rude, blunt men put him a pair of sweatpants and stained t-shirt, give him a pot belly and you have my nightmare.
I also don't like men I who mentally can't keep up, are too easy to figure out, and have bad manners. If you have the social grace of a cow, you aren't for me.
Me: Male
Volumptuous figure, the femme fatale type of women, dark hair, pale skin, red lips, lithe, eyes that say I could f**k you for days.
All round kisser, mixture of feminity and aggression, soft lips, gentle touch with malignant intent, a woman with a husky voice (Kathleen Turner), a woman who values intense intimacy.
Women who are skinny.
People have always said I get the crazy women.
Me: Male (Libra with Aries Rising and Moon in Leo)
Physichal: Very long hair,mellow eyes,big breast,tall,equilibrated.
Turn-on: Likes humor,likes love,clever,has the manner of a real lady,likes the fine things in life,likes fun but can be serious when she has to be.
Turn-off: Stupid,big-headed,cold,chickeny
Women that are fat
What I meant by rude, more than anything, is rudeness to people in general. Being rude with waiters, salespeople, etc. It's such a turn-off to see people treat others without respect.
Brutal honesty is OK with me. I don't like people to walk on eggshells if they have criticisms or comments. Just say it as it is right off the cuff if it's constructive. This is how my mother is. Yeah, it can turn off people but you always know where you stand with those types. Hahahah, there's no gray area!

WOW, so most guys here like the voluptuos look Winking Tastes are changing...That's good to know!
Yeah, charming, attentive men make me crazy. 100% gentlemen with lots of class who are masculine and smell great.
I have this thing with cologne!
Oh, and I hate hearing guys talk about past women they dated. Makes me feel like they would do the same to me.
I forgot one thing on the turn-ons...
Dresses in a feminine way,sexy but never vulgar.
>>>Sensual all around great kissers, and nice touchy feeliness. Great with hugs as well.
"I went out with a guy once who kissed like he was devouring my entire face. I ended up with his spit in my nose.
It was the most disgusting slimy feeling I've ever had and I still get freaked out when I think about it."
Yuck! I was eating my breakfast when I read that. Bye bye cornflakes.
I can't imagine how horrible that was. The smell of spit before your nose is disgusting. You should have puked in his face.
He was wearing Manelos...
Me: Female (Sun in Libra, Moon in Aquarius)
Turn-ons: Physically very fit and healthy, not phased over hair/eye colours but usually end up with guys with dark hair and eyes. Has to have a twinkle in his eye but! Um I like tall guys, who are proportioned well, pretty sporty. Tanned skin is a winner too. But really as gay as it sounds, Im more a personality girl.
Has to be witty, intellegent, talkative, energetic and mostly an optimist. Dont go for the big, loner, depressive types. If he can keep up with me and have good convos, Im in.
Probably the biggest thing for me is if the guy is able to be a total idiot with me, im hooked. The wackier and stupider the better.
Gem lover
I am a libra with Sag rising, Leo Moon, Libra in Venus
I am like your libra twin!
Ummmmm, a man who can speak different languages...YUMMY!
Yeah, I'd love to hear "I love you" in a different language.
But what I'd like to hear in English is:
"How big do you want that diamond I'm getting ready to buy you?"
"Sure, you can use my Black American Express anytime you want honey."
"Wow, you always look so skinny! Have another cream-puff sweetie."
Thought of some more:
Long eyelashes, nice teeth..
But you know what? The hands kill me.
I swear, that's the first thing I look at, (after the eyes and bum). Big masculine hands.

Let me stop this RIGHT NOW, UGH!
OK, I'm back to this topic by myself. I keep thinking of new things to add.
Nice chest, not too hairy, firm and tanned.
Exotic looking face, sculptured, strong features. Dark hair, brown eyes; very intense looking. Doesn't have to be gorgeous.
And sexy, sexy, sexy...YUMMY Winking
Ahhhhhhh, mmmmmmm end of the day almost.
No, absolutely NO piercings or tatoos. Very trailer-trash.
No bullshitting either. Ugh, I hate to listen to nonsense.
Again, has to know how to kiss. I kissed a guy once who slobbered all over my face, I think I already posted that somewhere. Pissed me off to high-heaven. Some of it got in my nose. He was eating my face, literally. Never went out with him again. Wish I would have had a towel or some disinfectant wet-wipes with me.

Here I am AGAIN.....
Dancing....being able to dance good is a BIG (no HUGE) turn-on. Nothing freaky with the hips gyrating and head bouncing all over the place.
OK Bling....Just where exactly is the tatoo???? Do you have pictures? I can't change my opinion unless I see flesh.
I need to see flesh Bling, just can't take your word for it.
I never thought of getting one, it would clash with all my freckles......Winking
I like my men soft and fluffy. Not sloppy fat. Tall. I hate hard bodies......I'm so NOT in to muscles. Eyes have to have a feeling of depth...color doesnt matter. Hair, I like long and thick and wavy if they can pull it off...if not a cut that looks good on them is cool. A nice dresser but not TRENDY. Nice hands, he doesnt have to get manicures as long as he's not a nail biter. I like long fingers with a nice oval long nail bed....I love nice hands on a man YUM. Good teeth, they dont have to be pearly white but no billy bob mouth...or bad breath. I also have a fetish for the back of a mans neck after a hair cut...YUM YUM.
He has to be funny any kind of humor is cool, intelligent, I dont care about book smart I'm more into common sense and personal thoughts. I like men who like to talk a lot, but shut the he!ll up when I'm talking. I like a mans man. He has to walk in front of me and make all important decisions. I like a man who knows that he is THE MAN and I am THE WOMAN.......and that line should never be crossed.
Oh my God!
OK, I have to put that in the Hall of Fame later.
Good one Primer!
>>>the wings are still a bit scabby,and I'm resisting the temptation to pick them off....
>>>>there's only a couple of scabby bits left now, I was going to wait and post the pics of both tattoo's together....soooo impatient, missie
Ahhhhhh censorship...This is the message I get when I try Prime's link.....These damn things ALWAYS come up when there's something good to be seen...