Funny stuff....

I purchased this book today for an xmas gift for my Libra friend and it is basically a man's book, so I had to put mysel...

This topic was created in the Libra forum by aquarianbrat on Saturday, December 16, 2006 and has 89 replies.
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It fits me until Mr. Leo hunts me down and takes me for the kill.
Me and my roomie sing that song when we need a boost of girl power. HAS to be the Nico version though. She has a great voice.
hee Libra.
I remember that conversation. Idiots.
OK, guys, while we are on songs etc. Here is a poem my Libra friend (now without the bene's sent me today) LS and thelibran, Libra what do you guys think this means if anything other than what it says. I thought this was sweet and I am shocked.

"Portrait of a Friend"
I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts,
or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
search for answers.
I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.
I can't keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.
Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.
Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.
I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.
I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.
I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.
I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you as my special friend.
Your Buddy.
Can't do drama for the sake of drama though...and I never will
Sounds like he thinks you are in love with him and pining away for him.
BTW, I am totally in an unserious mood. My thoughts may change on this tomorrow when I am a little less restless.
AND I am upset that no one wants to talk about MY crush.
LS and Libra please elaborate. I took it as a very sweet frienship poem. I have gotten great peoms from some of my closest female friends on some of the same lines. Especially the pisces friend who is all into being that great friend through thick and thin and all emotional about friendships and relationships.
What is pining away? Do you mean he thinks I am in love with him and running?
So I am just going to sit in the corner and pout ... for two minutes. Then I am going home.
No. Pining means more longing. Sitting by the phone and demanding it rings kind of stuff.
I wrote a spoken word peice for my best Scorp friend's wedding. It was awesome. But it was generic like that. It was very specific and used a lot of imagery from our lives together.
I miss her. I love her.
"I can only love you as my special friend."
Queen, it's the ultimate he could have done. He leaves completely in the middle what he means. He could mean that he loves you as a friend or he's hinting that he would like to be much more. Very, very Libra and he must like you a lot to have taken the gentle risk.
Sparrow, back to you...what's up with your crush??
Queen, I do want to say though that for us to go down the poem/lyrics path and to be indirect and nicely leaving things in the middle is saying something, too.
That he does not want to get his heart broken at 90 miles per hour...
OK, maybe I see things too black and white. Thanks guys I needed that libran color on the situation, because otherwise, I am clueless. LS, that longing and sitting by the phone thing has never been me. He has called me the last 3 times, we talked since the frienship w/o bene's so it would be hard to think he thinks that. I dunno, just happy he seems to be a sincere friend, that is always important to scorps.
OH, sorry LS, we are so caught up in our own crap we totally have been ignoring our so wonderful advisors episodes. So what is the word on the Leo love!!!
Queen, your friend altered the end of the poem to suit what you guys have.
If you do a search you will find that the original ends differently...
"I can't tell you who you are. I can only love you and be your friend."
What does that tell you??
Oh, so he added the "special", probably because he reffers to himself as my "special friend", well that was when there were bene's. Give me a hint, wow I really can't read between the lines huh? Humor me :-)
I am not entirely sure also, but...
- it shows effort on his part to send you anything (plain and simple)
- he elevates himself by calling himself special, so he acknowledges that there is more
In general, I have never sent a poem to anyone (one person in this whole wide world that I have sent (parts of) songs to) and trust me - way too dramatic for me, so in order for me to send this out I have to feel something, some kind of emotion...
I doubt it is that serious with him though and if it is I am very afraid right now!!!!
Think what you like but we are not emotional people and we will also not add fuel when this is not desirable.
Libra when we had our 2 hour heart-to-heart and we decided to be friends w/o the bene's I assumed everything was clear and again we are on the same page. I couldn't handle anything more right now. He definitely can't, hence his recent break up with the Sag. girl, who he loved dearly (Our friendship initiated around his break up) so you see, this would be a disasterous situationa and we both agreed that it wouldn't work. However we do like having eachother in our lives as friends because we relate on so many different levels outside of sex. I miss the sex, but I can proudly say the past two times I refrained. He made sort of a pass that I kindly turned into something else, although I was on fire!
Good for you. He'll be longing though.
I'm going to keep shut because what do I know...
I don't think he will for long if he is at all, he is so wishy washy.... For all I know he could get back with his ex next week. If he did I would be happy for him, whatever makes him happy, he is my friend...
Ok, guys I am back...
QS Loving the poem.. it actually brought some tears to my eyes..
So, Libra.. how do you know this poem? Who is it by?
QS I am glad everything is working out with your Libra...
I know it has to feel like a ton is lifted off your shoulders.. well at least for now anyway. He is coming towards you slowly.. but he is making an effort. That deserves acknowledgement. I guess the way to a man's heart is through his pants Winking... Everyone who is having sexual relations with their Libra is on top of the world.. well except HP74 she is on top of someone else.. but things are still going well for her.
You all seem to be having a great turn-of-luck and that is awesome.
yes QS looks like things are looking up smile
Tis the season to be "on top of the world" Aquarianbrat and I love the HP comment - I just love it~!
But then again, having a sexual relation with a Libran does NOT guarantee a relationship as such - we can only hope *sigh*
Yeah.. but your getting more action and having more fun than me!!... all my action and fun are going on in my head and that just really isn't all that fun!!
Chatz why don't you start a new thread.. something fun so we can chat about something else.. I'm semi bored..
Chatz.. hold up though.. I thought your libra said he wanted to be exclusive..Meaning date you bf and gf type stuff?
yes but it doesnt guarantee a relationship for the long term LOL....Im hoping so but you never know....Im just playing....all good here smile Hmmm another thread? ok let's do it!!!
"I love the HP comment - I just love it~!"
I can no longer keep up...what comment did I type?
**I guess the way to a man's heart is through his pants ... Everyone who is having sexual relations with their Libra is on top of the world.. well except HP74 she is on top of someone else.. but things are still going well for her.
THAT comment!!! You cracked me up!!
ah yes

"A way to get over one man is to get on top af another"
I made that up....I shared that with the Scorpio. He was the guy I stopped seeing because I wanted to see where it would go with the Libra. Amazing he forgave, huh? But I hear that Scorpio and Taurus have a kind of kindred connection.
Brat, I'm not sure my luck has changed; it's just shifted. I miss the Libra terribly. Sad
Things may still work out HP.....he may miss you and then you won't be able to get rid of him smile......I will think positive for you even if you don't...its in my nature smile smile
No.... aqua you don't understand this couldn't be good for me right now. I will have to coast him into keeping it as friends for now. He knows as well as I that this would not be a good time for either of us. I also don't want to jump to conclusions. I think it is just a sweet friendship poem and he wants me to know he cherishes our friendship for now... But I see things so black and white, not with much color.
HP, hold tight, if he is really interested he will be back... Make sure this is what you want, because if not don't go there, when he is yours "you won't be able to get rid of him for a long time........"
HP74, yeah.. but if Libra does come back around.. to finding his senses.. will you then have to let Scorpio go again?? uuuwwww! he is going to be mad then.. I bet.