I need help from you Libras!!

This topic was created in the Libra forum by aries.goddess on Thursday, March 12, 2009 and has 19 replies.
So I really like this guy, hes a Libra, and hes my opposite sign, and I have heard from alot of people that Aries and Libra wouldn't get along together, but I really am superly attracted to him. I find him attractive because he IS opposite from me, hes a very sensitive and caring, really nice guy. And I admire that from him because most guys I have met are too brash and mean, and he is not like that. How do ya'll think that we would go good together?? Also, I can't tell if he likes me or not, because he flirts alot around me, but I have heard from some people that Libras are known to flirt, does this trait mean that he likes me? or not?
if he likes you, he won't flirt, he will flirt and be all nice and smiley to everyone else not you... that's my experience
My longest relationship was with an Aries...me being a Libran. We were polar opposites of one another with a few aspects to help smooth the edges out. When we were together it was normally harmony because of the fact we complimented each other just like you said. I personally disagree with anyone who says that Aries/Libra matches won't work. It's all about the rest of your chart (Rising Sign/Moon Sign/Venus) that will tell you just how frustrating/smooth the relationship will be.
The only reason we broke up was not my Libran or his Aries tendency....
My Sagittarius Rising had me wanting to travel everywhere and his Cancer aspects wanted to keep him with family and close to home. If it wasn't for that pesky not wanting to be tied down freedom that Sags are notorious for...I prolly would be married to him by now.
I say go for it Ariesgoddess! There's a great chance it will be an exciting pair ^.^ Just make sure you make him feel wanted always and give him approval for all the nice things he does smile
thanks! smile
aries women suck sorry i hate everything the aries stand for libra men are sensitive we love peace aries love war we are ruled by venus a feminine planet we love women love to flirt he will piss u off if you talk to him if you really want him i will tell u how to get him
Posted by v s o p
aries women suck sorry i hate everything the aries stand for libra men are sensitive we love peace aries love war we are ruled by venus a feminine planet we love women love to flirt he will piss u off if you talk to him if you really want him i will tell u how to get him

Wow...just wow. Way to be really positive and get her to listen to your advice by opening up your post with "aries women suck sorry i hate everythng the aries stad for"
I would be all for listening to you advice after that one too! lol *facepalm*
Posted by v s o p
aries women suck sorry i hate everything the aries stand for libra men are sensitive we love peace aries love war we are ruled by venus a feminine planet we love women love to flirt he will piss u off if you talk to him if you really want him i will tell u how to get him

LOL ! oh brother
sombody lied to you aries women make the libra male sick ask any libra male !bed room boom is as far as it will go period.
This attraction is common. We are both cardinal signs so there is strong attraction between us (along with cancer and capricorn).
Go for it! It could be a lovely match.
Posted by DancingArianFlame
Posted by v s o p
aries women suck sorry i hate everything the aries stand for libra men are sensitive we love peace aries love war we are ruled by venus a feminine planet we love women love to flirt he will piss u off if you talk to him if you really want him i will tell u how to get him

haha. that's fairly odd and way off mark all the aries i know act more like libras and all the libras i know act like aries. the libras are always wanting to fight and the aries don't unless they have too don't know who bursted you're bubble or maybe you live in a bubble idk but, i think you're off smile

click to expand

I agree!! My best friend is Aries and she is way sweeter than me. Always asking have I been good cuz she know im so freakin mean. I wake up ready 2 fight and it does take her longer to explode! BUT WHEN SHE DO... *EARTH QUAKE* LOL!
Most libras flirt innocently but others take it the wrong way. Libras when in a relationship I think are pretty loyal. A single libra is a whore, some not all. Personally I love aries women, they are hot, sexy, caring, loving, loyal when they are ready to settle and mature. When they are not ready to settle or mature, I'm not even going there..... Just don't you get bored with those things that he is patient about, when you want to ram ahead full force. ALWAYS STAY PEACEFUL WITH LIBRA. NEVER CONFRONTATIONAL.....THAT'S A NO NO!!!!
Don't blame them or accuse them of doing something wrong.
They don't like to feel they have upset anyone.
If they do things that pisses you off and you confront them,
they will always find some kind of logic to tell you how you perceive it all wrong.
Classic... I love my Libra buddy, he helps me see things differently.
If you do it over and over, it gives them a sense of misunderstanding on your part
and they may feel unappreciated and then they say byebye b/c
they don't know how else to make you happy and peaceful.
sometime you have to give him a hint that you like him lol keep us in checked , you kno what i mean? my aries took charge when we first met and look at where we at lol been together for pass a year and we still a happy couple Big Grin we are getting engage soon, end of this year i hope. its a perfect couple once you understand each other.
Posted by Temperess
Don't blame them or accuse them of doing something wrong.
They don't like to feel they have upset anyone.
If they do things that pisses you off and you confront them,
they will always find some kind of logic to tell you how you perceive it all wrong.
Classic... I love my Libra buddy, he helps me see things differently.
If you do it over and over, it gives them a sense of misunderstanding on your part
and they may feel unappreciated and then they say byebye b/c
they don't know how else to make you happy and peaceful.

amen lol good read.
we flirt with aries before we get into a relationship with them. after that we flirt with everyone else but not with our partner. dont keep him hanging around you. just go for it and see how it gets.
I agree with what most said about Libras. It's very common to meet a Libra & them tell you that they are often "misunderstood." To others, their Libra is just full of ish, BUT the problem is that to a Libra, they REALLY do believe that half of the things they do/don't do isn't wrong, even if they technically have no valid reason for doing something. It's not that a Libra won't flirt at all with the person that they actually really like. Oh they will! It's just that they tend to be more focused on showing their admiration for you in more creative ways, outside of just the typical flirting. To them, them doing that is them showing you that they see you as different than all the others, thus it only makes sense for them to treat you a little different than they would everyone else. When a Libra thinks you are different (in a good way) than any of the others, they'll literally treat you & act differently b/c it's literally their way of proving to you that they really do set you aside & apart from others. Others often misunderstand this & of course it doesn't make things any easier for a Libra when they just happen to attract someone who was hurt by someone (Non-Libra) that had similar ways/habits). By the time they get to a Libra, they don't even want to hear it; they'll pass/shrug everything off like a Libra's reasons are just mere excuses. Sucks for the Libras
Id say he likes you. we flirt but we are smart about it. if your libra man flirts around you aries then its to get a reaction out of you. come on, aries are known to mask or just not like to talk about their feelings and you could look it up. you guys go off of impulse and my find it mind numbing to get into discussions about our cloud 9 love about you. we are manipulators and i think he is playing you a nice mind gave to get true feelings out of you. we are patient but if you arent worth while a libra will not let you know...he will just float like the wind to someone else. so if you are still together then he likes you.
I had a rockn'roll relationship with aries and after all, it was good for me. It didn't end up very good but the situation was complex. She was older than me but that wasn't the only problem... one day she left me and after a while she called me again to say that she wants to be with me again but I rejected... I was just too hurt to be with her again... and she keeps calling me now(after years), we talk about the good old days =)
btw, she made the first step.