I wanna vent

This topic was created in the Libra forum by houstonpeach74 on Thursday, November 16, 2006 and has 51 replies.
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I'm just on here this morning to vent because I know the Libra man is interested in me, but I am being selfish.
He's in Florida all this week and each day he's sent me one or two text messages to say hi and asked how I'm feeling (the biopsy stuff). I've replied to a few of the messages, even dropping hints that I'd like to get a phone call...but he hasn't called. He left last Saturday, so I've gone 6 days without talking to him over the phone....BUT he has communicated with me via text, so I can't complain that I haven't heard from him at all.
I know he's busy at this trade show and convention, but even after hinting a couple of times that I'd love to hear his voice, he hasn't dialed my number. I know I should be happy with getting text messages, but I just wished he'd call me. I tried calling him once on Monday after getting a text message from him, but I got his voicemail and I haven't called him since.
I know I'm being selfish, but another part of me says it's not that much to ask to actually call someone and talk for a few minutes. Plus, he knows that I don't have a plan for text messages, so each time I send or receive a text message, I'm charged 20 cents.
Ok, I've vented. I did it here and not to him because I know mostly it's petty, but I know that some of you can relate. smile
As a libra, I don't really pick up little hints like that, I guess I'm too worried about myself to worry about what others need.
But of course, if I'm in fall in love, I mean hard, I'll try to read every single one of your actions and accomodtate to your needs. Or if I think they're worth my time.
I suppose give him some time to think it over, he's probably thinking of what to do next.
Libra does not like to be told what to do. That's a pressure that we might consider suffocating. Also, it means that he is doing something wrong e.g. he is not calling and he has been called on it. Is difficult because we like to get it right. Also, it would hardly be spontaneous if he called you now etc. etc. Then if he waits too long he cannot call you anymore at all (all in his head, I know).
So break this and call him yourself. Matter finished. Everybody happy.
i have tried calling him...he didn't answer. it's ok....i vented and i'm ok for now. smile
Yeah, he thinks he'll get a shouting...
But if his phone is turned off then it won't come through as a missed call. So he won't know.
his phone is on. it has to stay on because of work and his dad is very ill, and i don't shout at him. Tongue
and the number you call from he recognises?
i would imagine so. i'm saved to his phone, so my name pops up....i'm not worried about it at the moment. Like I said, it's not like he's avoiding me...
He is just very busy and Libra can get engrossed as well. As long as you deserve him (once established overall you put in an equal amount of effort) and don't throw too much drama at him (not that you do), a committed Libra is very committed and ultimately thinks for two.
Enjoy some time to yourself!
smile I've been enjoying the time to myself. I saw Borat, it was a funny movie. I also let him initiate the contact, so I know he's thinking about me if he's sending me the messages and not just simply replying to my messages first. life is good. smile
Yeah, you're in a good spot.
When he takes a moment to text you on busy days like that, it brings him great joy, it feels sexy because noone else around him overhere knows about it, and it's also very intimate even though you're so far away.
good evening, everyone. the Libra called me tonight. We talked for about 1 hour. He called twice, but the first time I thought he was some prank caller so I hung up on him! LOL...he called back and said "You give me grief about not calling you and the first thing you do is hang up on me?" LOL..he was calling by using a calling card so no number showed up on my caller id.
The biggest reason why he hasn't called is because his cell phone plan isn't one that is a national plan, but rather regional...so had he used his cell phone to call me, he'd be charged 70 cents per minute...but text messages are part of his plan and that's why he did send me messages.
So like I said earlier today, I know I was being selfish and knew there was a reason why he hadn't called....now i Know!
No hints and tips for a libran please. Though we are good in giving such signals, we are way bad in reading any. "Hey I want to hear your voice now. Please gimme a call. I already tried calling you couple of times but got into voice mail" will do the job easily than hints. and I agree with KennyG on it. While we are in someother town doing something else from our daily routine, we often ignore our need to be romantic or emotional. We love that same old cozy corner at our office or home to dial our sweethearts and all other places make us uncomfortable. I have stopped calling my potential aries gal since i landed back at my parents home. Two times i called her and i couldnt find the same old mood and feel.
and pls stop mentioning about call charges. Thats never a problem for a libran when it comes to romance. We may even avoid a meal to have enough cash to call our sweethearts. Winking
howdy...i only mentioned his call charges once. he can afford it, but i don't pay for a plan to receive bulk text messages, so i'm charged 20 cents for each msg sent and received.
life is good.
This is why I don't have a cell phone. No texting. AND people actually have to make plans with me if they want to see me. None of this I will call you when we get to the place and you can find us stuff.
life is good.
Awwww...I got flowers delivered to me today. smile
by the Libra...but I think most of you figured that out.
probably with a nice card as well.
your typical florist card attached in the vase....on the front
it says:
"Babe, looking forward to coming home and seeing your beautiful and smiling face"
oh, that's sweet hp...i am glad you found a keeper smile
yes, that was sweet of him. we'll see if he's a keeper....i hope he isn't just putting all of his good stuff forward now and i'll see the "real" him in 6 months.
I just got a text message from Mr. Libra. He is about to board a plane back to Houston...he said he can't wait to see me.

ahhhhhhh! That is sooo nice.
He better not screw this up!
I don't think he'll screw up. He called me at the office about an hour ago to talk. Before he got off the phone, he asked if i was going to be at the office all day. I told him yes, but now I wonder why he asked that....hmmmm....the wheels are turning.
Libras are not players. They just can't make up there minds.
Do not follow their lead or you will both get lost!!
Gently guide your Libra man or (woman). You take the lead, while listening to their suggestions and input carefully.
Libras can be very subborn so lead sofly, BUT LEAD! Again if YOU don't lead YOU WILL BOTH GET LOST!
Libras are what they are, attractive and confused!
Girls and boys just be yourself and enjoy their company. HOWEVER, DON"T!! ADAPT TO their BEHAVIOR!! Then things will go bad quickly.
Good luck and have fun.
Aries Man out.
hey aries man. do you experience dating a libra man?
Ha Ha! No experience dating Libra men. However, My Libra wife's ex is a Libra man and I have heard her complaints about him in great detail. To be honest, her complaints make me laugh (inside). Libras are sensitive and judgemental. Always two sides to everything....
Straight married Aries man out!
Just get use to the fact that Libras will never be consistent. If you need re-assurance daily. Forget being with a Libra. They are not Aries or a Leo or other strong signs. They can have high levels of energy and emotion. However, they can't sustain that level of focus for too long. They run out of steam and need to re-charge.
They are very up and down. This has absolutely nothing to do with you. It is the way they work!
Aries man
gmgallagher45.. You seem to know Libras pretty well... I have had a lot of different experiences with different ones. However everything you are saying is consistant with them all.
Advice: I have been seeing a Libra.. (God forbid, I just divorced one a year ago, situation purposes, not so much our relationship). I am like a magnet for Libras, no matter how I try to steer clear of them. They find me and I can't seem to resist... As I am a Scorp, I take my time about getting close to someone new, however with him we became close instantly. He just broke up over and over with a Sag. girl who he was madly in love with. Our friendship initiated on discussing his troubles with that relationship, then you know the rest. However, I can't seem to figure this Libra out. Sometime he is soooo crazy into me and sometime he wants to take it easy. We both decided not to do a relationship thing, but the chemistry between us is insane... One week he decides to be my platonic friend and the next he wants to be all over me. Of course since I have experience with the Libra man. I let him go through his trips and if I am available I go along if not - oh well. He is a kappa and I went to a kappa party with a girlfriend, some of his frats were hitting on me and he tried not to act jealous (mind you females flocked him)but since then he has been really distant and strange acting...
What say you???
Queenscorpio. I am a lot like you, "libra magnet". I was married to a Libra and am now best friends with one, and quite madly in love with him also. REMEMBER* What gmgallagher45 said, Take the Lead and DON'T GET SCARED. What he said is very true for Libras. The same happened to me. I was talking a lot to my Libra BF about going out and meeting others and he did the same thing. Clammed up and got distant. BUT I did not let that scare me and I firmly let him know I love him and he is an important part of my life, but I still talk about meeting other guys (not a lot) but just enough to let him know I am not sitting home waiting for him. I also told him my friends think he is gay because he has not tried to hit on me. Now he has stepped up his game quite a bit and it happened almost immediately. I did not expect that type of response but it is making this thing interesting. Also, I am a Delta so I know how the frat/sorority thing goes. Use it to your advantage, but be smart and know your Libra. Know his limits and don't go past them because you may lose him.
I'm just not quite sure that taking the lead with a Libra is something you want to do. Seems like that would strike an imbalance with them and make them retract.
Seems like that would strike an imbalance with them and make them retract.
Yep. We don't like to be pushed especially into a committed relationship. We don't like being trapped.
I think it is slightly different between male and female libras. I like a dominant man but that is because I need to respect my partner.
the guy QueenScorp is talking about is still in love with his ex. He isn't available. He doesn't want to hurt her (platonic friendship) but he has a strong sex drive and knows she is willing (all over her). The nice thing about Libras is they respect their sex partners. If you sleep with us, you obviously have great taste. smile
Oh but I don't like a guy that comes on too strong. I need my time to weigh out the relationship. So although I like a dominant guy he can't push me. It has to be a balance.
aquarianbrat... I know you are correct. Libras will only go as far as to get you interested and then they will back off. With my ex-husband I had to really space out on him for awhile, then he came around... I didn't think I wanted a relationship right now, but it is rough. I have a 3 year old, and he doesn't have any kids. I was wondering if that could be a factor too. I do miss him. We workout at the same gym and I see him almost every morning, but lately he has been acting like we are only platonic friends, so I am going to play the role and keep it at just that. They love to be chased and once it ends then they eventually become more interested. I don't think I am ready right now to let him know how I think I feel, because I am not positive of my feelings myself.
Oh, and yes we claim to be friends, but when I asked him to go to a play with me and I specified "as friends, not a date" he said he wasn't interested in doing anything resembling dating right now (remember he just got out of a relationship that I helped him get through and I don't think he is ready for another one yet.)
mind you that didn't stop the sex...
I miss him though.
gmgallagher45 ok maybe I am confused. I thought you were talking about Libras in general... Are the men and women that much different? I know you are straight and an aries.
little sparrow, I know you are corect about him. He has to still be in love with her. The last time they broke up was about a month ago and according to him, they stil are. I know in my heart that this is the worst time for him to think about another relationship and I really can't honestly say I was ready for one myself.
If he was to ask me today, I can't say that I would say yes... However, I miss his company period, not just the sex. He keeps me laughing and is so much fun to be with.
Libras will only go as far as to get you interested and then they will back off.
What you are missing is we don't do it intentionally. We talk to you. We find you interesting. We find out all about you and then ... we realize you are looking at us that way or you are taking our interest in you to be INTEREST in you ... then we have to back off to figure out what we want.
It isn't like say a Scorp who gets pissed off and won't talk to someone for a year to punish them. We are genuine in our interest in you. We like you as a person. We flirt and have fun with you because you are fun and flirty and interesting. But the moment we realize you expect more than we are willing to give, there is panic. We don't want to hurt anyone EVAH. We take love very seriously and hurting someone bothers us terribly. That is why we generally aren't confrontational but if you push, push, push eventually we will explode.
little_sparrow : Once again I agree. Scorps can be vengeful and I do cut people off and forget about them, and sad for some, when I do, I can't go back. Libras just want peace and they are a good balance for me to focus on what I would like to change in my own personality. They keep me patient and thoughtful of others, when I (the scorp) normally want to say "screw you" and move on. We also love a challenge. The more challenging a involvement is the more I want it. If it is too easy I am bored with it.
Sick huh?
Yeah. I am not interested in challenge. I am interested in finding someone at my level. A good match. An equal.
challenge and stuff does nothing for me.
I think most people have good points and bad. But I can't settle for someone who in not at my level. Neither of us would be happy.
I wonder how the other Libras relate to that statement.
I think that's why this Libra man and I get along so well. We can challenge each other, but sometimes do it from a distance. IT's still fresh, so why suffocate each other? I've noticed that the Libra man does value intelligence and independence in people. He isn't one to value someone being judgemental and confrontational.
I forgot what this thread is about other than Libra men.
But yes, Libra men, from what I've learned so far, have to stay mentally, physically, and emotionally challenged by the women. They are far too polite to say something to demerit you in person, but they will slowly back away if they lose respect or interest in you.
Trust me, I'm trying my hardest to keep this Libra man challenged. So far, so good.
As a Libra lady, I need someone who is cocky, confident, sassy, and clever.
I loved the last Leo because we used the same language right down to intonation. GAWD that turned me on soooo much. I love a man with a talented tongue meaning can turn a phrase. I still play some of the statements he made said to me over and over in my head. They were/are awesome! He could say everything in one perfect sentence. Phew! Is it hot in here or is it just me?
And if you have no passion in your life, forget it. Have passion for something! Anything! Even if it is just your damn goldfish! Embrace the goldfish! Own it! Accept it as the best damn goldfish that ever lived!
Unpassioned people are pointless.
i They are far too polite to say something to demerit you in person, but they will slowly back away if they lose respect or interest in you.
Pretty much.
hmmmm ... I am still thinking about the Leo's sentence structure. Gawd! It was hot.
He could paint little perfect pictures with metaphor. mmmmm!
That was probably all the Gemini in his chart though not all the Leo. But man, the way that guy talked did it for me.
All the Leo made him very passionate, devil-may-care, self-assured, and masculine.
*happy sigh*
Anyone got a cigarette?
The sentence structure of Libras is pretty amazing too. Oh, and this guy is absolutely hilarious...great joke and story teller!
The sentence structure of Libras is pretty amazing too. Oh, and this guy is absolutely hilarious...great joke and story teller!