Lame Forum

This topic was created in the Libra forum by LiBrat on Thursday, March 2, 2006 and has 26 replies.
You know it's kind of emberassing that our forum doesn't have many who post...WE are supposed to be social butterflies..REMEMBER?
My Stats:
Sun Libra
Moon Aquarius
Venus Libra
Ascendent Gemini
Mercury Scorpio
And yours?
"WE are supposed to be social butterflies"
libras are the quietest people i know

Sun Pisces
Moon Taurus
Mercury Pisces
Venus Aquarius
Mars Taurus
your from the middle east?
Sun: Taurus
Moon: Cancer
Rising: Sagittarius
Venus: Aries
Mars: Gemini
uhh.. i'm confused. what's the purpose for this.. ??
Hahahah, everyone who replied wasn't Libra. Incredible, I'm going back to Aqualand, have more fun there Winking
I live here (middle-east) but am not a native.
The title got you to take a look huh? sans the manelo I guess you found something tantalizing enough to grap your attention Winking
I'm still alive...and i'm a libra.
Sun Libra
Moon Leo
Mercury Libra
Venus Scorpio
Mars Capricorn
"I live here (middle-east) but am not a native."
i have arab ancestry but for th most part im indian(bengali) i dont get along with arabs here lol
i know you prolly get this alot but are you in the oil business?
if so how are the ol fields running?
Noooo, I'm not an Arab. I'm American. Not in the oil business either. Wish I was though Winking
sun libra
rising scorpio
moon cap
what importance does mercury, venus and mars play in ones natal chart?
i usually consider myself very social but if a libras life is unbalanced i can see why people would think they are quite.
Sun Libra
Moon Scorpio
Rising Scorpio
I like my mix between Libra and Scorpio. People see me as a nice, charming person who is passionate and intense behind the scenes when people aren't looking. It's hard for people to know me which gives them the impetus to walk over me due to my quietness and reserve. I just found out that some friend of mine was ferreting in my room, looking under everything and everywhere. This ignorant tosspot soon discovered that I wasn't always quiet and nice. That's just a facade for me to study people.
Kennyg: sorry that you're having a slightly hard time, but look on the bright side. You share the same Sun and Rising combo with Margaret Thatcher. I hate her personally, but she was one tough woman. You also share the same Sun and Rising combo with Lord Nelson, Britain's greatest ever hero who defeated the French and Spanish at the battle of Trafalgar. Honestly, if you can mix the Libran iron fist with the Scorpion's sting, you are unstoppable and can get through anything, whatever it is.
sun libra
rising scorpio
moon canpricorn
mercury scorpio
venus libra
mars virgo
jupiter aquarius
saturn scorpio
uranus sagittarius
neptune capricorn
pluto scorpio
node (dont know what that is) taurus
does having so many planets in scorpio mean that scorpio has a really strong influence in my life? people think that im cold and heartless sometime which isnt typical of a libra. its this demeanor i give off due to how many times scorpio pops up in my natal chart?
sun: libra
moon: cappy
mars: libra
venus: scorpio
cappy rising...
Having 3 planets in Scorpio and Scorpio Rising is a lot. Also, you should see whether you have Pluto conjunct any other planets. For example, if you have Sun in Libra conjunct Pluto, then you'll be expressing Libran and Scorpionic traits within your ego as Pluto is melted into the your Sun sign. I have 2 planets in Scorpio and Scorpio Rising. I have 5 planets in Libra. Three of these Libran planets are conjunct Pluto, and Pluto is aspected most of the other planets in my chart, so I feel very passionate, intense, whilst remaining fair.
People say the Sun is the most important in a natal chart, but the North node is beginning to take this title.
my North Node is in Aries. but i dunno what it means, exactly. any help, ppl?? i'd really appreciate it.....
oOk..?? uhh.. thanx. i guess. so, uhh.. nice milk ya got there. uhh.. yeah. yep.
it sure is a cute little booger.
haha.. i like your randomness. very peculiar, indeed.. lol.
I have both my rising sign and my north node in aries...
What does it mean?
Venus Vixen and Libra86
Im still a newbie when it comes to astrology, but I've studied it over the past 9 months. The North Node represents the direction which we are heading in life, destiny. The South Node represents where we have come from or are coming from. North Node in Aries would suggest that you need to become moe assertive and break away from indeciveness and accept disharmony. This is what Bob Marks on his website says:
"North Node in Aries: You can be too reliant on partners because an Aries North Node puts your South Node in Libra, the partnership sign. At critical points, partners won?t be there for you. Something seems to come up making them unavailable. You can start things with others, but you usually have to finish it by yourself. The need here is to develop self-reliance. Take a stand. Stir things up. Be active and assertive. But take a lesson from your South Node in Libra and try to do this in a charming way."
Try typing North Node in aries to get other descriptions. I have North Node in Cancer which means I need to develop nurturing ability whilst abandoning my cautious, reserved, withdrawn, and sometimes cold, South Node in Capricorn. North Node is also in the 8th House which is the equivalent of North Node in Scorpio, meaning I'm moving towards the steamy, sexual side of life, and I most certainly ain't complaining about that!
thanx for your input, Pryce. i get what it means now. hmm.. i'm pretty much assertive, but just not aggressive to the core. i don't like to hurt ppl's feelings, yet i don't really care about what opinion they have about me. i'm considerate, but i'm also indifferent when it comes to ppl. i dunno how to explain. but yes, i see how the north and south nodes can come into play. pretty crazy..
I'm here! I don't hang out here very often cause well ... nothing is ever going on in here. lol!
Sun Libra
Venus Libra
Mars Libra
Uranus Libra
Pluto Libra
Wow Sparrow,
You're full of Libra. Gosh, never saw anything like that. When's your birthday?
Oct 11, 1974
I'm October 22. A couple of hours later and I'd be a Scorp.
Some people say that the cusp theory isn't true; you're either one sign or another, period. But I have Scorp tendencies that I HATE. I have Scorp in Mercury so maybe that accounts for them.
Other than that, I have Virgo in a few places which KILLS me because for the most part, I find Virgos tiresome and totally annoying!
The Scorp side of me over-analyzes EVERTHING and I have this urge to constantly gather information about things.
Now I'm in to Astrology. So whenever I have time to myself, which isn't often, I'm scouring the web for information. This will last about a year or so then I'll find something else and do the same thing.