When you're not interested...

This topic was created in the Libra forum by sweethearts on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 and has 32 replies.
You're in a bar/club/park/shops, where ever...
Someone approaches you to show they are interested/pick you up/flatter you BUT doesn't leave
how do you handle it? Politely without being offensive /aggressive or a prick
Posted by THEKingofLibra
Well that's easy. I put both my hands on her breasts and yell "THE MILKS GONE BAD!!!"

Question was...how do you handle it? Politely without being offensive /aggressive or a prick

brings to mind...maybe I should act interested and come on hard and easy while vigorously scratching my pussy!
If I came across someone like you in RL Kol I'd have no problem smacking you down...you are so transparent in your intentions...I dont give anytime to rude arrogant little pervs, so wouldnt be a problem. Plus I wouldn't feel bad at all! Sheesh someone did a number on you little man...so much anger...go jack off it might relieve some of that tension Winking
And another thing, not all woman are out looking to get laid/picked up or have some dumb jackass like yourself pay for anything. Some of us like to go out and have fun with our girls and dance catchup talk & drink!
On the other hand, and I realise that these guys are really out for kitty but I get annoyed when they dont take the subtle hints of disinterest and hang around. Why should I have to resort to being blatantly rude.. why should any gal?
Normally I would excuse myself and go to the toilet and not return to that person but instead talk with my friends. Or lie and say I'm seeing someone!
Posted by THEKingofLibra
Posted by sweethearts
...go jack off it might relieve some of that tension Winking

I am jacking off reading this
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I saw this response coming a mile away... pun intended Tongue
I'm not a Libra, and I don't know if my way is best.. but this is what I do..
I tell Mr. Creepy Pants, point-blank, "Thank you, but I'm not interested. Have a nice night." Just like I tell telemarketers. I even smile. Bet he hates that, though -- can't flip out over what a bitch I am.. cuz I was nice, but firm. If he persists (some have, esp those bursting with Liquid Courage) yes, I've had to flat out tell them to fuck off, or my friends have circled me like prairie wagons and told him to back off while herding me away.
Mr. Nice But Not My Type, I might chat with for a bit (I can talk to anyone), but eventually if it's clear his interest is in more than talking and he makes an obvious pass, I say, "Oh, that's very sweet - and I do appreciate the guts it took to approach a stranger. I feel very flattered by your interest. You're very nice, but I'll have to pass. I'm just here to listen to the jukebox or band/have fun with my friends/drink my blues away/whatever." And I ALWAYS smile, and ALWAYS look them in the face.
I never assume he's hitting on me.. so if he's talked for awhile, and I'm thinking he MIGHT be hitting on me, and I'm not interested or comfortable, I simply tell him I appreciated the company, but now I want to listen to the jukebox or band/dance or talk with my friends/sit there quietly/whatever.
But yeah, no matter HOW nicely it's phrased.. rejection stings! To put yourself out there and be turned down HURTS! I'm sure my efforts to minimize the "rude" factor doesn't help much with the "painful rejection" factor.. but unless he's a flaming jackass, I can't be mean.
I pass these out... it says it all.
Posted by LibraSid
I pass these out... it says it all.

Well, sure.. you can give me one of these.. but why would I ever want to redeem it so I can bitch slap YOU? Psssh.
"Excuse me, Miss.. but does this rag smell like chloroform?"
I normally mirror...so find it hard to tell someone that is generally a nice person that I'd prefer he go back to where he came from and then I end up talking to him all night...
This is what I was really thinking when I put the question up because I have no problem being rude to men with "little dick syndrome"
LS I cant see what you put up? But Nefer's comment has me baffled as to what it is... You name should be "KING OF LIBRAS" what better person to represent us!
Posted by Nefer
Posted by LibraSid
I pass these out... it says it all.

Well, sure.. you can give me one of these.. but why would I ever want to redeem it so I can bitch slap YOU? Psssh.
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Slap me around and call me Susan!
< title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" ="http:
Honestly, I've always just said I was married and let it go there. Never really had a problem with this. If someone keep up with wanting more than conversation after I said that I didn't care if they thought I was rude anymore.
Well they always gain a laugh and that's an attraction for me there...someone that has me laughing!
Posted by TasteOfChaos
I like corny pick up lines... they crack me up!

Haha they are funny but there's no way they work.
Do you work for UPS? I could have sworn I saw you checking out my package.
Have I seen you before? Oh, yeah, I remember - it was in the dictionary under the word FANFUCKINGTASTIC!
Hey I'm looking for treasure, Can I look around your chest?
Hi, will you help me find my lost puppy? I think he went into this cheap hotel room across the street.
Hi. I'm an astronaut, and my next mission is to explore Uranus.
OMG some of these are terrible...
Did you fart, cause you blew me away.
Are your parents retarded, 'cause you sure are special
My Love for you is like diarrahia ... I can't hold it in
Do you have a library card, 'cause I'd like to sign you out.
Is there a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in them.
Are you a gardner, 'cos I want to put your tulips and my tulups together
You've got all the curves, and I got all the angles
I can't make a cherry pop, but I can make a bananna cream
If you and I were Squirrels, I'd store my nuts in your hole
Hey do you live on a chicken farm? 'cos you're really good at raising cocks
Iunno, Sid.. I might easily fall for a guy so secure that he can actually USE those lines with a straight face. Winking
Ew? They're getting worse? o.o
Those aren't even the worst I've seen/heard. Some of them are innocent enough but there's no originality in them anymore.
Are you tired? You've been running through my mind all day.

Oh! Fresh Prince...
Embedding disabled Sad
Niiiiiiiice, TOC! Ssssssssssssssspicy!
My brother uses:
Do you have sex on the first date?
Would you mind lying down while I do?
And for some reason it works!!!
Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me...
I lost the Teddy Bear that I sleep with, could you help replace him?

Ouch, I just bit my lip. Quick! Kiss it and make it better.
Posted by LibraSid
Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me...

Oh, THIS one would made me talk to the guy hahaha!
I'd simply say "No thanks" and keep on moving.
Thanks, I think?
Just keep saying, "No! No! No!". In total of 6 times. Hopefully he'll get annoyed and leave you alone. If all else fails, just point to his hot friend in the corner and ask him, "Is he single, coz if he is holllaaaaa!!"
Posted by THEKingofLibra
Posted by aquarius09
just point to his hot friend in the corner and ask him, "Is he single, coz if he is holllaaaaa!!"

No.. that leads to a threesome invitation
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No. A sexually repressed douchebag like yourself would interpret it that way.
Posted by THEKingofLibra
Posted by aquarius09

No. A sexually repressed douchebag like yourself would interpret it that way.

Those are big words for an aquarius.. Did your mommy teach them to you?
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For someone who got his heart shattered by an Aqua, you don't know much about us, do you?!
Posted by THEKingofLibra
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by THEKingofLibra
Posted by aquarius09

No. A sexually repressed douchebag like yourself would interpret it that way.

Those are big words for an aquarius.. Did your mommy teach them to you?

For someone who got his heart shattered by an Aqua, you don't know much about us, do you?!

Well you are obviously not aware that I am not a fan. And she is a liar and a manipulator, so that much I know about her. You are not her, and I am not anyone you know, so present your shit logically or be prepared to have my cock wrapped around your neck and me starting you like a lawnmower.
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She was a liar and a manipulator? That's called one side of the story. I bet you played mind games to make her that way. How's that for logic for that lil libra, scale juggling brain of yours? You want logic from me? I'll give you that if you maintain decency in your comments instead of shooting vulgarity. Disgusting.
Posted by THEKingofLibra
Posted by aquarius09

You want logic from me? I'll give you that if you maintain decency in your comments instead of shooting vulgarity.

I don't negotiate with logic terrorists.
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LOL. Just remember: if you want logic, respond like a civilized human being. You speak like an animal, you probably won't get logic or a response.
P.S If your aqua was a manipulator or liar, then I sympathize with you because nobody deserves that. My libra was a lying manipulator as well, but I'm not immature like you and hold a grudge against the zodiac sign.
*facepalm* I must be sick, KoL must be contagious.. I actually thought the "threesome" comment was funny! Scared
Triple E, that song was perfecttttttt for my response.."no no no no there's no limit". LOL
I don't know how to post videos or pictures on this website but if I could then I'd post Fabulous' -Holla back youngin ohh ohh.