Posted by Havoc077Wait.. What? You're saying you don't want to follow your instincts..? Even if the person is quality?
Libra Sun / AS here -
I know quality when I see it. Just most people are interested in holding themselves up like quality and want to follow their (usually bad) instincts and impulses.
Posted by MutabullI can see that.. Sometimes it just doesn't feel like enough! Like here i am! Lets hang out lets do stuff lets share lets bond!! Frustrating.
Sometimes they realize it, but just don't show it.. libras show they feel it by giving you attention. They don't pour on the emotions thick..
Posted by boxcarmirntaThe things you think are precious
To realize an amazing thing?? That you have an incredible unique and shocking connection with someone.. I love you guys you know this.. But really?!?! You wouldn't know a diamond if you held it in your hand.... ??
Posted by MontgomeryAhhhhhhh yeeeaaaaaaaPosted by boxcarmirntaThe things you think are precious
To realize an amazing thing?? That you have an incredible unique and shocking connection with someone.. I love you guys you know this.. But really?!?! You wouldn't know a diamond if you held it in your hand.... ??
I can't understand... ?click to expand
Posted by MutabullPosted by boxcarmirntaHahaha story of my life for the last year... it takes a long time for them to open up... I said "I love you" months before he did. Now I know the way he shows love, but yeah, doesn't always make it easy. Mine does love spending all the free time I have with him though and is nosy about what I'm doing.. gets jealous in a understated way but wil never ever admit it..only in some of his passive aggressive reactions can I tell..Posted by MutabullI can see that.. Sometimes it just doesn't feel like enough! Like here i am! Lets hang out lets do stuff lets share lets bond!! Frustrating.
Sometimes they realize it, but just don't show it.. libras show they feel it by giving you attention. They don't pour on the emotions to expand
Posted by boxcarmirnta❤?Posted by MontgomeryAhhhhhhh yeeeaaaaaaa ❤Posted by boxcarmirntaThe things you think are precious
To realize an amazing thing?? That you have an incredible unique and shocking connection with someone.. I love you guys you know this.. But really?!?! You wouldn't know a diamond if you held it in your hand.... ??
I can't understand... ?click to expand
Posted by boxcarmirntaI made an error in writing that. I meant AREN'T lolPosted by Havoc077Wait.. What? You're saying you don't want to follow your instincts..? Even if the person is quality?
Libra Sun / AS here -
I know quality when I see it. Just most people are interested in holding themselves up like quality and want to follow their (usually bad) instincts and to expand
Posted by MutabullYea.. That is pretty much what i do... Its long distance so thats rough. Itd be amazing if i heard from him every day.. Not there yet. He SAYS he wants to hang out again.. But the actions arent quite there yet.. I'm about to just let it slip slip awaaaaayyyyyPosted by boxcarmirntaThere's no big secret. They are just more's taken me a long time to be okay with that..if I even am now, time will tell..Posted by MutabullPosted by boxcarmirntaHahaha story of my life for the last year... it takes a long time for them to open up... I said "I love you" months before he did. Now I know the way he shows love, but yeah, doesn't always make it easy. Mine does love spending all the free time I have with him though and is nosy about what I'm doing.. gets jealous in a understated way but wil never ever admit it..only in some of his passive aggressive reactions can I tell..Posted by MutabullI can see that.. Sometimes it just doesn't feel like enough! Like here i am! Lets hang out lets do stuff lets share lets bond!! Frustrating.
Sometimes they realize it, but just don't show it.. libras show they feel it by giving you attention. They don't pour on the emotions thick..
Omg... So you know!!! Please please share your secrets! I know hes into me... I just don't understand why he doesn't act on it more!
But, I will say I've never had an issue with mine initiating.. I still won't initiate almost ever with him, even after a year.. so days when we assume we are going to be together, I will still get a late afternoon text like "what time are you getting off?" Or "you're coming over right?"
Just mirror him. When he initiates, be all in and flirty and into him. When the conversation dies just stay quiet. If he likes you, eventually he will notice it's quiet and miss you, contact you. Mine texts at least 3-4 times per day. Good morning, check ins throughout and always a goodnight to expand
Posted by Havoc077Oh i get it.Posted by boxcarmirntaI made an error in writing that. I meant AREN'T lolPosted by Havoc077Wait.. What? You're saying you don't want to follow your instincts..? Even if the person is quality?
Libra Sun / AS here -
I know quality when I see it. Just most people are interested in holding themselves up like quality and want to follow their (usually bad) instincts and to expand
Posted by Havoc077Oh i get it.Posted by boxcarmirntaI made an error in writing that. I meant AREN'T lolPosted by Havoc077Wait.. What? You're saying you don't want to follow your instincts..? Even if the person is quality?
Libra Sun / AS here -
I know quality when I see it. Just most people are interested in holding themselves up like quality and want to follow their (usually bad) instincts and to expand
Posted by LibraVibesOk, so I broke up with my Libra man (I am an Aquarius woman) because of his temper. A lot of things happened and it took me a while to get over all the hurt. Now that I have, he is seeing someone else and tells me he thinks of me everyday, even when he is with her. He won't get back together with me now because he wants to see how this relationship plays out and says he can't fuck it up with her because she has children. However he said a couple of weeks ago that I can't expect him not to give up and hope that we get back together someday. Because I finally told him 2 days ago that I realized I am still in love with him and realized he has moved on, that we can't communicate and he agreed but then goes to say that if his relationship doesn't work out, I will be the first to know. WTF?! I told him I am not his back-up plan. What do you make of this?
Libras do things on there own time, do not rush them. You must connect with them mentally (Given that we are air signs/connect on an intellectual level). Libras tend to be very friendly so if they are not connecting with you on that level they may be connecting somewhere else. Libras know what they find valuable so if they have yet to voice that too you most likely you aren't that to them. You may seem like a diamond in your eyes, but not in theirs. Not to be taken personally, I'm just a libra myself and I know how we are.
Posted by MutabullPosted by boxcarmirntaUgh that's rough. I really don't know how people can handle long distance to be honest..and communication is super important to me, to feel connected daily.Posted by MutabullYea.. That is pretty much what i do... Its long distance so thats rough. Itd be amazing if i heard from him every day.. Not there yet. He SAYS he wants to hang out again.. But the actions arent quite there yet.. I'm about to just let it slip slip awaaaaayyyyyPosted by boxcarmirntaThere's no big secret. They are just more's taken me a long time to be okay with that..if I even am now, time will tell..Posted by MutabullPosted by boxcarmirntaHahaha story of my life for the last year... it takes a long time for them to open up... I said "I love you" months before he did. Now I know the way he shows love, but yeah, doesn't always make it easy. Mine does love spending all the free time I have with him though and is nosy about what I'm doing.. gets jealous in a understated way but wil never ever admit it..only in some of his passive aggressive reactions can I tell..Posted by MutabullI can see that.. Sometimes it just doesn't feel like enough! Like here i am! Lets hang out lets do stuff lets share lets bond!! Frustrating.
Sometimes they realize it, but just don't show it.. libras show they feel it by giving you attention. They don't pour on the emotions thick..
Omg... So you know!!! Please please share your secrets! I know hes into me... I just don't understand why he doesn't act on it more!
But, I will say I've never had an issue with mine initiating.. I still won't initiate almost ever with him, even after a year.. so days when we assume we are going to be together, I will still get a late afternoon text like "what time are you getting off?" Or "you're coming over right?"
Just mirror him. When he initiates, be all in and flirty and into him. When the conversation dies just stay quiet. If he likes you, eventually he will notice it's quiet and miss you, contact you. Mine texts at least 3-4 times per day. Good morning, check ins throughout and always a goodnight text.
Well, let the actions speak louder than the words and if it slips away then something better will come along. ?click to expand
Posted by tizianiArrrrrrgghhhh!!! There must be a way around this....
"Like here i am! Lets hang out lets do stuff lets share lets bond!!"
I like this lol
Long distance is a killer and I personally would not do it.
Posted by jeaneHi.. Nice to meet you!
I know quality when I see it. The problem is that it happens so rarely.
Posted by RozaeonA ha!! Ok.. That i get..
No it's rather quick for me to realize something. However to express it it's another story
Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by jeaneHi.. Nice to meet you!
I know quality when I see it. The problem is that it happens so rarely.
click to expand
Posted by jeanePosted by boxcarmirntaPosted by jeaneHi.. Nice to meet you!
I know quality when I see it. The problem is that it happens so rarely.![]()
Lol, ironically the more someone tries to convince me of it, the less likely I am to to expand
Posted by RozaeonYup, that's how I am too.
No it's rather quick for me to realize something. However to express it it's another story
Posted by Scotteh007I used to be like that.. Could never pick up cues.. I'm much better now.. I feel like ive been pretty obvious.. And i don't wanna try any harder or seem desperate.. Id like him to pursue me!!
You're situation prolly isn't the same as mine. Idk if its me or if its a Libra thing. I don't get hints what so ever. They go over my head. You need to be blunt about it. Hold their hand, kiss them. Do something. Even if you're a girl. Make the first move. Let them know.
Posted by compyI always love your advice.. Well... Ive hinted many times and also said LETS HANG OUT AGAIN!!.... Nothing.. Just a 'yea we should'... No plans.. I'm starting to feel like the dude.. I want to know he's into me.. I don't like pursuing dudes! The ultimatum would only be in my own head.... :/
So why do you wait for confirmation here? Speak up. We are very laid back. We speak a different love language. A talk can be clear enough. Just don't make it an ultimatum. Only make him think. Be subtle. Tickle his mind.
Posted by LibraVibesPreeesh. But i know he's not fucking anyone else. I see no reason at this point for him to think it wouldn't work out..... Unless he's simply unsure...
@Gixxie Sad to say he is keeping you as an option, if things don't work out with her he will come to you to avoid being alone in the situation. However, if you told him that you didn't want him at all he most likely won't leave his relationship. I've personally have done this before, I had a few female friends that I talked to and didn't want to commit to any of them so I could keep mutual relationships amongst them all. Its a balance thing, I would have to know without a doubt that if I committed to one it would be worth it in the long run. I wasn't going to risk losing a nature with them over trying to be in a relationship with one that would not work out. I would rather keep a mutual relationship with more than one, rather lose those connections for a unsure potential.
Posted by RozaeonWhere is this post?? I don't see it..Posted by LibraVibesAre you sure that you know how " we " are ? I'll be curious to see how a stranger can know how and who i am based on my sun sign alone
Libras do things on there own time, do not rush them. You must connect with them mentally (Given that we are air signs/connect on an intellectual level). Libras tend to be very friendly so if they are not connecting with you on that level they may be connecting somewhere else. Libras know what they find valuable so if they have yet to voice that too you most likely you aren't that to them. You may seem like a diamond in your eyes, but not in theirs. Not to be taken personally, I'm just a libra myself and I know how we are.
That's a really presumptuous statement you are making right nowclick to expand
Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by LibraVibesPreeesh. But i know he's not fucking anyone else. I see no reason at this point for him to think it wouldn't work out..... Unless he's simply unsure...
@Gixxie Sad to say he is keeping you as an option, if things don't work out with her he will come to you to avoid being alone in the situation. However, if you told him that you didn't want him at all he most likely won't leave his relationship. I've personally have done this before, I had a few female friends that I talked to and didn't want to commit to any of them so I could keep mutual relationships amongst them all. Its a balance thing, I would have to know without a doubt that if I committed to one it would be worth it in the long run. I wasn't going to risk losing a nature with them over trying to be in a relationship with one that would not work out. I would rather keep a mutual relationship with more than one, rather lose those connections for a unsure to expand
Posted by LordComplexityHaha! Technically I'd be a fuck GIRL but i don't play like that... I also don't believe in friend zone I've unfriendzoned many men.. It just depends on how you feel at the moment! Love has nothing to do with this..Posted by boxcarmirnta
To realize an amazing thing?? That you have an incredible unique and shocking connection with someone.. I love you guys you know this.. But really?!?! You wouldn't know a diamond if you held it in your hand.... ??
That's not how shit works OP. Stop being a fuckboi and just accept the friendzone. Love is not a choice nor is it a predictable pattern like chemistry. Deal with to expand
Posted by jeaneNo he's never said anything about just being friends... We've never really talked about this.. He's just come to see me and we talk all the time..Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by LibraVibesPreeesh. But i know he's not fucking anyone else. I see no reason at this point for him to think it wouldn't work out..... Unless he's simply unsure...
@Gixxie Sad to say he is keeping you as an option, if things don't work out with her he will come to you to avoid being alone in the situation. However, if you told him that you didn't want him at all he most likely won't leave his relationship. I've personally have done this before, I had a few female friends that I talked to and didn't want to commit to any of them so I could keep mutual relationships amongst them all. Its a balance thing, I would have to know without a doubt that if I committed to one it would be worth it in the long run. I wasn't going to risk losing a nature with them over trying to be in a relationship with one that would not work out. I would rather keep a mutual relationship with more than one, rather lose those connections for a unsure potential.
Is this still the guy who said he wanted to be friends? Has he said anything else besides this?click to expand
Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by jeaneNo he's never said anything about just being friends... We've never really talked about this.. He's just come to see me and we talk all the time..Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by LibraVibesPreeesh. But i know he's not fucking anyone else. I see no reason at this point for him to think it wouldn't work out..... Unless he's simply unsure...
@Gixxie Sad to say he is keeping you as an option, if things don't work out with her he will come to you to avoid being alone in the situation. However, if you told him that you didn't want him at all he most likely won't leave his relationship. I've personally have done this before, I had a few female friends that I talked to and didn't want to commit to any of them so I could keep mutual relationships amongst them all. Its a balance thing, I would have to know without a doubt that if I committed to one it would be worth it in the long run. I wasn't going to risk losing a nature with them over trying to be in a relationship with one that would not work out. I would rather keep a mutual relationship with more than one, rather lose those connections for a unsure potential.
Is this still the guy who said he wanted to be friends? Has he said anything else besides this?
Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by tizianiHe only wanta friends right now meh.... You're not big on sex?!?!?
Best to just tell him where you stand, like MyStarsShine was suggesting. That way it saves making a lot of stuff up in our head.
I'm personally not big on sex, it is what it is. You want to get laid, can't wait around and nurture the dude into bed forever it'll just wear you out.
Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by MyStarsShineI didn't even ask. He said he only wanted women as friends right now.. Cuz they listen and have fun etc... Meh
I would bite the bullet and tell him exactly how you feel and what you want and ask him the same? At least then you will be clear.....
Let us know what he says
click to expand
Posted by GixxieStart your own thread noob. Piggybacking on to someone else's about your own shit is rude as fuck.Posted by LibraVibesOk, so I broke up with my Libra man (I am an Aquarius woman) because of his temper. A lot of things happened and it took me a while to get over all the hurt. Now that I have, he is seeing someone else and tells me he thinks of me everyday, even when he is with her. He won't get back together with me now because he wants to see how this relationship plays out and says he can't fuck it up with her because she has children. However he said a couple of weeks ago that I can't expect him not to give up and hope that we get back together someday. Because I finally told him 2 days ago that I realized I am still in love with him and realized he has moved on, that we can't communicate and he agreed but then goes to say that if his relationship doesn't work out, I will be the first to know. WTF?! I told him I am not his back-up plan. What do you make of this?
Libras do things on there own time, do not rush them. You must connect with them mentally (Given that we are air signs/connect on an intellectual level). Libras tend to be very friendly so if they are not connecting with you on that level they may be connecting somewhere else. Libras know what they find valuable so if they have yet to voice that too you most likely you aren't that to them. You may seem like a diamond in your eyes, but not in theirs. Not to be taken personally, I'm just a libra myself and I know how we to expand
Posted by jeaneSo another lame ass trying to force some shit to happen because that's what THEY want and fuck the other person and their feelings.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by jeaneNo he's never said anything about just being friends... We've never really talked about this.. He's just come to see me and we talk all the time..Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by LibraVibesPreeesh. But i know he's not fucking anyone else. I see no reason at this point for him to think it wouldn't work out..... Unless he's simply unsure...
@Gixxie Sad to say he is keeping you as an option, if things don't work out with her he will come to you to avoid being alone in the situation. However, if you told him that you didn't want him at all he most likely won't leave his relationship. I've personally have done this before, I had a few female friends that I talked to and didn't want to commit to any of them so I could keep mutual relationships amongst them all. Its a balance thing, I would have to know without a doubt that if I committed to one it would be worth it in the long run. I wasn't going to risk losing a nature with them over trying to be in a relationship with one that would not work out. I would rather keep a mutual relationship with more than one, rather lose those connections for a unsure potential.
Is this still the guy who said he wanted to be friends? Has he said anything else besides this?
Oh ok. So not this guy? Different guy.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by tizianiHe only wanta friends right now meh.... You're not big on sex?!?!?
Best to just tell him where you stand, like MyStarsShine was suggesting. That way it saves making a lot of stuff up in our head.
I'm personally not big on sex, it is what it is. You want to get laid, can't wait around and nurture the dude into bed forever it'll just wear you out.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by MyStarsShineI didn't even ask. He said he only wanted women as friends right now.. Cuz they listen and have fun etc... Meh
I would bite the bullet and tell him exactly how you feel and what you want and ask him the same? At least then you will be clear.....
Let us know what he says
click to expand
Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by jeaneSo another lame ass trying to force some shit to happen because that's what THEY want and fuck the other person and their feelings.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by jeaneNo he's never said anything about just being friends... We've never really talked about this.. He's just come to see me and we talk all the time..Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by LibraVibesPreeesh. But i know he's not fucking anyone else. I see no reason at this point for him to think it wouldn't work out..... Unless he's simply unsure...
@Gixxie Sad to say he is keeping you as an option, if things don't work out with her he will come to you to avoid being alone in the situation. However, if you told him that you didn't want him at all he most likely won't leave his relationship. I've personally have done this before, I had a few female friends that I talked to and didn't want to commit to any of them so I could keep mutual relationships amongst them all. Its a balance thing, I would have to know without a doubt that if I committed to one it would be worth it in the long run. I wasn't going to risk losing a nature with them over trying to be in a relationship with one that would not work out. I would rather keep a mutual relationship with more than one, rather lose those connections for a unsure potential.
Is this still the guy who said he wanted to be friends? Has he said anything else besides this?
Oh ok. So not this guy? Different guy.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by tizianiHe only wanta friends right now meh.... You're not big on sex?!?!?
Best to just tell him where you stand, like MyStarsShine was suggesting. That way it saves making a lot of stuff up in our head.
I'm personally not big on sex, it is what it is. You want to get laid, can't wait around and nurture the dude into bed forever it'll just wear you out.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by MyStarsShineI didn't even ask. He said he only wanted women as friends right now.. Cuz they listen and have fun etc... Meh
I would bite the bullet and tell him exactly how you feel and what you want and ask him the same? At least then you will be clear.....
Let us know what he says![]()
OP, sometimes people just aren't into you. It sucks, but deal with it and move to expand
Posted by jeaneWho knows.Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by jeaneSo another lame ass trying to force some shit to happen because that's what THEY want and fuck the other person and their feelings.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by jeaneNo he's never said anything about just being friends... We've never really talked about this.. He's just come to see me and we talk all the time..Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by LibraVibesPreeesh. But i know he's not fucking anyone else. I see no reason at this point for him to think it wouldn't work out..... Unless he's simply unsure...
@Gixxie Sad to say he is keeping you as an option, if things don't work out with her he will come to you to avoid being alone in the situation. However, if you told him that you didn't want him at all he most likely won't leave his relationship. I've personally have done this before, I had a few female friends that I talked to and didn't want to commit to any of them so I could keep mutual relationships amongst them all. Its a balance thing, I would have to know without a doubt that if I committed to one it would be worth it in the long run. I wasn't going to risk losing a nature with them over trying to be in a relationship with one that would not work out. I would rather keep a mutual relationship with more than one, rather lose those connections for a unsure potential.
Is this still the guy who said he wanted to be friends? Has he said anything else besides this?
Oh ok. So not this guy? Different guy.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by tizianiHe only wanta friends right now meh.... You're not big on sex?!?!?
Best to just tell him where you stand, like MyStarsShine was suggesting. That way it saves making a lot of stuff up in our head.
I'm personally not big on sex, it is what it is. You want to get laid, can't wait around and nurture the dude into bed forever it'll just wear you out.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by MyStarsShineI didn't even ask. He said he only wanted women as friends right now.. Cuz they listen and have fun etc... Meh
I would bite the bullet and tell him exactly how you feel and what you want and ask him the same? At least then you will be clear.....
Let us know what he says![]()
OP, sometimes people just aren't into you. It sucks, but deal with it and move on.
who knows? maybe she has another libra on the to expand
Posted by LordComplexityPosted by boxcarmirnta
Haha! Technically I'd be a fuck GIRL but i don't play like that... I also don't believe in friend zone I've unfriendzoned many men.. It just depends on how you feel at the moment! Love has nothing to do with this..
How in the fuck does love have nothing to do with this? What in the fuck else is there when you're talking about diamond connections and shit?
Wut?click to expand
Posted by Gob_ShiteYou're a dick.Posted by boxcarmirnta
To realize an amazing thing?? That you have an incredible unique and shocking connection with someone.. I love you guys you know this.. But really?!?! You wouldn't know a diamond if you held it in your hand.... ??
click to expand
Posted by jeaneSorry i waa super drunk last night.... He mentioned he only wanted women friends cuz they were more understanding and fun, as opposed to men.... He never said he just wanted to be friends with me...that was a misunderstanding..Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by jeaneNo he's never said anything about just being friends... We've never really talked about this.. He's just come to see me and we talk all the time..Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by LibraVibesPreeesh. But i know he's not fucking anyone else. I see no reason at this point for him to think it wouldn't work out..... Unless he's simply unsure...
@Gixxie Sad to say he is keeping you as an option, if things don't work out with her he will come to you to avoid being alone in the situation. However, if you told him that you didn't want him at all he most likely won't leave his relationship. I've personally have done this before, I had a few female friends that I talked to and didn't want to commit to any of them so I could keep mutual relationships amongst them all. Its a balance thing, I would have to know without a doubt that if I committed to one it would be worth it in the long run. I wasn't going to risk losing a nature with them over trying to be in a relationship with one that would not work out. I would rather keep a mutual relationship with more than one, rather lose those connections for a unsure potential.
Is this still the guy who said he wanted to be friends? Has he said anything else besides this?
Oh ok. So not this guy? Different guy.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by tizianiHe only wanta friends right now meh.... You're not big on sex?!?!?
Best to just tell him where you stand, like MyStarsShine was suggesting. That way it saves making a lot of stuff up in our head.
I'm personally not big on sex, it is what it is. You want to get laid, can't wait around and nurture the dude into bed forever it'll just wear you out.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by MyStarsShineI didn't even ask. He said he only wanted women as friends right now.. Cuz they listen and have fun etc... Meh
I would bite the bullet and tell him exactly how you feel and what you want and ask him the same? At least then you will be clear.....
Let us know what he says
click to expand
Posted by NinjagirlThanks.. Yea no.. Just wanting women friends as opposed to male.. I forgot about that part..
Yeah, this is a tad weird. I'm sure she mentioned that he said he wanted to be friends with her only; I remember her story from a few weeks ago.
OP good luck with this mission!
Posted by Gob_ShiteAlways has to be one stinker fucking up the thread.. Congrats! You're the winner! I AM awesome and i have great self esteem and i don't throw tantrums cuz I'm not 3....going slower than i would like... But still going fine.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by Gob_ShiteYou're a dick.Posted by boxcarmirnta
To realize an amazing thing?? That you have an incredible unique and shocking connection with someone.. I love you guys you know this.. But really?!?! You wouldn't know a diamond if you held it in your hand.... ??![]()
And you have a hugely inflated ego, throwing a tantrum because things didn't go your way.
If that makes me a dick for pointing that out then so be to expand
Posted by ShrewdsharpI think i recall you saying this... Why so long you think? And what would you want the dude to do during that time to tip you over the edge?
It takes me about a year.
Posted by LordComplexityPosted by boxcarmirnta
Bc love comes later... I'm not in love yet..
So you're just being deliberately deceptive because you're just that stubborn to refuse to accept what I am trying to say. Love is the whole point here. You wouldn't have made this topic and been saying all this shit if your intention was to just accept that he's not into you and that you were willing to be nothing more than friends.
Love does NOT come later. Because people typically DON'T get involved with someone unless they are hoping or know that they will fall in love with the person in the process. So while it is not a present condition, as a prospective one it is the whole core cause and point. Because otherwise if they know there is no chance. Then it won't go anywhere period. The "friendzone" exists in the sense that nobody is attracted to everybody else, thus there is explicitly going to be only 1 lover and everyone else is not feasible as anything more than a friend for one reason or another. The idea that being friends is the reason unto itself why you stay friends, is wrong.
But in other words, to say that there is no such thing as there being "no chance" with someone is just wrong. To the contrary it happens all the time, and even when someone does test the waters 9 cases out of 10 results in exactly that outcome anyways actually. If you weren't just already thrown into the no chance rung to begin with.
That's the point here. It's not because you are friends that he isn't into you. Rather because he isn't into you, you are friends and stuck that way end of story. To say that isn't possible, that it can't happen, that it doesn't exist. Is just you being in denial. Because there is a huge difference between not believing that someone is stuck friends just because they're friends. Which is fine and dandy. And believing that there is no such thing in someone just not being into you and thinking they would be into you if they just gave you the chance.
You're using connection to persist on chasing this guy. But connection has nothing to do with Love and THAT is the point. Because no matter how you try to rationalize it. He's not going to love you ever. So there's no reason to do so, to pursue him. To sum up what you're really trying to do when you say love has nothing to do with it. Is, you're trying to CHEAT. Love is the end game, but you're trying to side step it and say you and him can still be involved. But to be involved is the journey, you do the journey to reach the destination.
So yes, love has everything to do with it. It's a dead end, so there's no point nor right for you to pursue and try to drag this guy with you to said dead end because you're to expand
Posted by boxcarmirntaSo he does know that you're amazing but it isn't going as fast as you would like?Posted by LordComplexityPosted by boxcarmirnta
Bc love comes later... I'm not in love yet..
So you're just being deliberately deceptive because you're just that stubborn to refuse to accept what I am trying to say. Love is the whole point here. You wouldn't have made this topic and been saying all this shit if your intention was to just accept that he's not into you and that you were willing to be nothing more than friends.
Love does NOT come later. Because people typically DON'T get involved with someone unless they are hoping or know that they will fall in love with the person in the process. So while it is not a present condition, as a prospective one it is the whole core cause and point. Because otherwise if they know there is no chance. Then it won't go anywhere period. The "friendzone" exists in the sense that nobody is attracted to everybody else, thus there is explicitly going to be only 1 lover and everyone else is not feasible as anything more than a friend for one reason or another. The idea that being friends is the reason unto itself why you stay friends, is wrong.
But in other words, to say that there is no such thing as there being "no chance" with someone is just wrong. To the contrary it happens all the time, and even when someone does test the waters 9 cases out of 10 results in exactly that outcome anyways actually. If you weren't just already thrown into the no chance rung to begin with.
That's the point here. It's not because you are friends that he isn't into you. Rather because he isn't into you, you are friends and stuck that way end of story. To say that isn't possible, that it can't happen, that it doesn't exist. Is just you being in denial. Because there is a huge difference between not believing that someone is stuck friends just because they're friends. Which is fine and dandy. And believing that there is no such thing in someone just not being into you and thinking they would be into you if they just gave you the chance.
You're using connection to persist on chasing this guy. But connection has nothing to do with Love and THAT is the point. Because no matter how you try to rationalize it. He's not going to love you ever. So there's no reason to do so, to pursue him. To sum up what you're really trying to do when you say love has nothing to do with it. Is, you're trying to CHEAT. Love is the end game, but you're trying to side step it and say you and him can still be involved. But to be involved is the journey, you do the journey to reach the destination.
So yes, love has everything to do with it. It's a dead end, so there's no point nor right for you to pursue and try to drag this guy with you to said dead end because you're desparate.
Um.. He is into me.. It's just not going at a pace I'm used to. There is no friendzone. And i have absolutely no idea if love will happen between us... What i WOULD like to know is other i said earlier.. I wanna hang out i wanna do fun shit wanna share and bond and fuck. Love isn't something i think about right out the gate and you can say whatever you want.. That won't change reality.
Oh also not desperate in any way.. I'm quite lucky to be able to land pretty much any guy i want.. No problems to expand
Posted by jeaneYea you're right... I just get impatient, think it's my aries venus!Posted by boxcarmirntaSo he does know that you're amazing but it isn't going as fast as you would like?Posted by LordComplexityPosted by boxcarmirnta
Bc love comes later... I'm not in love yet..
So you're just being deliberately deceptive because you're just that stubborn to refuse to accept what I am trying to say. Love is the whole point here. You wouldn't have made this topic and been saying all this shit if your intention was to just accept that he's not into you and that you were willing to be nothing more than friends.
Love does NOT come later. Because people typically DON'T get involved with someone unless they are hoping or know that they will fall in love with the person in the process. So while it is not a present condition, as a prospective one it is the whole core cause and point. Because otherwise if they know there is no chance. Then it won't go anywhere period. The "friendzone" exists in the sense that nobody is attracted to everybody else, thus there is explicitly going to be only 1 lover and everyone else is not feasible as anything more than a friend for one reason or another. The idea that being friends is the reason unto itself why you stay friends, is wrong.
But in other words, to say that there is no such thing as there being "no chance" with someone is just wrong. To the contrary it happens all the time, and even when someone does test the waters 9 cases out of 10 results in exactly that outcome anyways actually. If you weren't just already thrown into the no chance rung to begin with.
That's the point here. It's not because you are friends that he isn't into you. Rather because he isn't into you, you are friends and stuck that way end of story. To say that isn't possible, that it can't happen, that it doesn't exist. Is just you being in denial. Because there is a huge difference between not believing that someone is stuck friends just because they're friends. Which is fine and dandy. And believing that there is no such thing in someone just not being into you and thinking they would be into you if they just gave you the chance.
You're using connection to persist on chasing this guy. But connection has nothing to do with Love and THAT is the point. Because no matter how you try to rationalize it. He's not going to love you ever. So there's no reason to do so, to pursue him. To sum up what you're really trying to do when you say love has nothing to do with it. Is, you're trying to CHEAT. Love is the end game, but you're trying to side step it and say you and him can still be involved. But to be involved is the journey, you do the journey to reach the destination.
So yes, love has everything to do with it. It's a dead end, so there's no point nor right for you to pursue and try to drag this guy with you to said dead end because you're desparate.
Um.. He is into me.. It's just not going at a pace I'm used to. There is no friendzone. And i have absolutely no idea if love will happen between us... What i WOULD like to know is other i said earlier.. I wanna hang out i wanna do fun shit wanna share and bond and fuck. Love isn't something i think about right out the gate and you can say whatever you want.. That won't change reality.
Oh also not desperate in any way.. I'm quite lucky to be able to land pretty much any guy i want.. No problems there.
What's the rush? You guys are long distance, things are always going to be slower than if you were closer in proximity.
If you are both into each other then you know it's going to happen eventually. Just enjoy the to expand