
Posted by Haruuka

Posted by Soul

My accounts make themselves. The first was Darkfire. It was every aspect of evil. I forced myself to get banned just to get away from it. Then I made Soul, which is a combination of everything. Funny, dry, deep, shallow, real, fake, sarcastic, direct, intelligent, stupid, and everything else. I've tried to delete Soul 3 times now, but it doesn't work. So I guess I'm stuck like this.

I made the chill music thread, which is a milestone on this platform. I give the thread ownership to those who posted in it. Everyone made that thread.

Other than that I'm just everything and nothing at the exact same time. I don't want to be here as much as I do. I'm an anomaly.

Forced yourself to get banned, how so?

Why didn’t you just delete!!?
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I just blew up the front page with threads and the feed section with "Delete this account" for like 15 minutes straight, and then it was gone. I felt like I was free, but then made Soul like 2 weeks later.

Dxpnet always had this weird pull towards me. Other veteran members will relate. No matter how hard you try to leave, some just can't. And never will.

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One of my favorite songs...

Posted by xoxflute

Posted by ellesbelles

@Toti would like them all to have libra venus.
The best venus for @Ram416 to tease 😝
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You got that right.
Is it something you guys like?

Cancers do get attached quickly it is interesting though why she could left if you pampered her with attention, bought a car you guys started living together.. hmm. What's her ascendant and moon sign?

Pisces and cancer seem to get along well. Maybe you hurt her unintentionally? They do get hurt, hide emotions even small things, if not..maybe she is not sure if the relationship, but at 37 and us 5 years of dating that is a long time..

Good luck
Posted by Twinkitty91

Being a Cancer.... Too sensitive now I'm way vulnerable. Too unlucky in love. I wonder if every cancerian had face hard luck in love.

I was never desparately seeking out for love until it came by itself knocking me down but look what it had done to me, I had seen how my life had took me through. By now I know those life pattern were so exact and repeated. It always happenrd to me. People have multiple breakups I had multiple one sided.. (No relationship)

I dont know how much more I have to tolerate. I'm very much in pain.
What is your Ascendant or moon sign?

Maybe you have too much water in your chart? I think with time you'll learn not to show to much emotions, or don't get easily attached, it seems curse for Cancers I know.
Posted by Luny7

Posted by Twinkitty91

Being a Cancer.... Too sensitive now I'm way vulnerable. Too unlucky in love. I wonder if every cancerian had face hard luck in love.

I was never desparately seeking out for love until it came by itself knocking me down but look what it had done to me, I had seen how my life had took me through. By now I know those life pattern were so exact and repeated. It always happenrd to me. People have multiple breakups I had multiple one sided.. (No relationship)

I dont know how much more I have to tolerate. I'm very much in pain.
What is your Ascendant or moon sign?

Maybe you have too much water in your chart? I think with time you'll learn not to show to much emotions, or don't get easily attached, it seems curse for Cancers I know.
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My moon is Leo and Ascendant is Capricorn
Posted by Luny7

Posted by Twinkitty91

Posted by Luny7

Posted by Gemitati

How long are you together and how ‘together’ are you?

It's been 4 years we are closer than friends but not lovers..

It's like we both have a crush on each other, but afraid to lose what we have now. I can see that he likes me, opens up to me, but no steps forward.

Hi... I just need to know... What are the signs you feel that he likes you? And are you confident tgat he likes you based on those behaviours? Did you guys ever had fights in four years? Pls help me out with ur answers will help me

He stared first, seemed obsessed with my presence at work, but he was shy to take a step since he didn't have lot of experience. No we didn't fight, some arguing
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Ohh oki... Because even in my case it was quite same... He used to stare, always took opportunity to stand, walk or sit beside me (sometimes he would also stay away from me maybe becaus being scorpion they dont want others to catch their cozy behaviour) then he always used to take me phone and check it without my permission, used to get bit possessive and try to know if I was dating someone, then there would be times when we would walk beside each other and I thought he used to brush his hand to mine because it never happened with anyone but only him, he always allowed me to touch him or caress him also he never denied but blushed whenever I flirted with him and with all this I was in sense maybe we both had something for each other But then I thought what if I'm overthinking! Things are bit changed some instances came to my sight that changed situation.

Well currently we are not in good terms... I have stop to much interactions and so did he. And so I feel that I always had misconception that we both had something but it was only me who thought like this, maybe he had always treated me like good friend and since I'm not interacting much, he is least bother and least intrested.
Posted by Commodus

Posted by Moloch

Posted by Commodus

Theyre all wrong. Its caps.
Nope.. its cancers


Cancer moons and cancer mars? I'd agree.
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Clearly the writer is a dumbass...
Posted by Black-Mamba

Clearly Leo moons are the best
💯 Truth!