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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
religion is not science, yet so many people believe in it. you explain that
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Nov 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 68
He asked to me to promise I'll call back and I did. (Do little thing like that count for a lot in a cap's mind??)
-Anyway, to sum it up faster. We had sex a month after we met. He seemed like he was in a hurry that night. That night, we spent hours just hanging out. Hinted that we would be seeing more of eachother in the future. When I tried to go home, he would intend on me staying a little longer with him. We talked about how I couldn't sleep with him because I thought I might get attached to him and constantly call. He said he wouldn't mind. I would. I knew he wanted more from the beginning. But I took everything as if it was B.S.
-Even after we slept together, he kept in contact with me and once again hinted that we would eventually be I guess a 'couple', partners, whatever. So he didn't disappear after sex.
-If anything, he seemed more shy, awkward, distant. He actually SCHEDULED the times we were intimate. Like as if it were business arrangements. Weird.
-He even forced himself to be intimate with me on two occasions. I backed off and told him to go find another whore to sleep with since he knew so many. I was being mean in a cute way. He kept crying out he didn't want anyone else. So I was like fine, whatever. It's not like the sex means anything to me. It's pretty bad. But both times he was drained and tired but managed to get the energy to be intimate with me. I still don't get it. He's asked me to consider birth control later on. Hint, hint.
Move on to the middle of October, a month and a half. After I didn't call for more than a week, he came over to my house while I was on my phone. He seemed very shy, like a little boy. It Seemed like he was getting soft on me. He had come over to say Hi, but it was awkward (read my other post).
-He watched me again and I notice. This was about the time I started caring less and less.
-The more time that went by, the more shy and distant he seemed, he watched me from my house now like he never had before. He usually pays attention to is friends when he's with them but he started giving me that "look". I couldn't even step outside without having him stalking me with his eyes.
-I called him later on, end of October, to see what he was up to. Didn't call for 2 1/2 weeks. He seemed more gentle and considerate. Talked to me about the issues going on with him. That phone call was where he seemed kinder. He asked me if I wanted to work and if I did he could find me a job that would pay well.
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44're SO coming to a New Year's party with me.
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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
booo....that means I am the only one that likes being late. I thought only capricorns and virgos like being early at work.
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
Virgolibra - yeah...that's exactly what I don't get. I don't see how you can claim to spread the message of love if you are intolerant of others. The two don't go together.
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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
how about does anyone photocopy their asses at work?
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
*scarrrrrmblz to googl*