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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
And I am here because I am now anti-Scorpioboard.
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Oct 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 12
***We are better at understanding others bcoz we can freeze our own emotions and walk in the shoes of others.*** LOL That is a big crock of BS . From what you're posting now it is clear you aren't walking in anyone's shoes but your own. You clearly do not practice this "walkn in the shoes of others" yourself by the remarks and comments you have made. It is far easier to sit back and be "judgmental" (as you pointed out) then to do any real work to see this from anyone else's perspective but your own.
****Why leave them broken and then let them chase you? Do you enjoy doing that to a libra?***** Are you kidding me?? Leave them broken and let them chase you? This is NOT anything I produced nor asked for from my Libra as a result of putting 80% or more into a relationship and getting nothing back in return and finally saying enough is enough when I am the one who has been broken down to the point of finally giving up. At this point I've tried to let go and move on but trying to leave the relationship is difficult for several reasons. One reason is he won't let me because he doesn't want me to. He keeps popping back up in my life. No Libran, you have it all wrong and quite in reverse. I am pretty sure any woman sharing my same position past or present will agree with me on that and I can further assure you they are not all a water sign. They are women of all signs caught in the same scenerio with a Libra the same as I or Chatz, or even QS, or or hundreds of other women reading this thread that haven't even contributed to this discussion.******Now as it stands I always try to run away from him and he never lets go.****** Joi seems to be having the same problem Libran. Are you going to try to persuade her that she's broken a Libra too and is responsible for him chasing her because of it and she's enjoying it??
****tats bcoz you are water. see the point?**** NO, I see other people (not water signs) disagreeing with you but you choose to ignore that. *** same reason the explanations of QS looks more convincing to you. She too is water. So its a general water perspective on libra.**** Facts ARE convincing to me Libran not the implication of the person being of water, air, fire, & earth perspective you suggest.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
haha Looooove the new avatar! It's hella fab.
She told me to stick out my right hand, and she traced the lines. It was kinda awkward. She'd ask me questions, looking for affirmation and I would almost hesitate to say no. Maybe I was trying to spare her feelings? I dunno.
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Jan 02, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 196 · Topics: 14
yes I am a libra.. He is back... just as the comment said earlier like nothing is wrong.. and no time has elapsed. I do accept him just was wondering more about understanding how men get close and process things- Not complaining or freaking out about it just wanting to get an insight into how the intimacy thing works for men. I know everyone isnt the same just because of their sex... but the general process... and the rubberband theory is a male state... women have lots of other issues but this one seems as though its a guy thing....
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 457 · Topics: 28
This topic has been removed by the user community (flagging).
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
Whoa, alot of water against the air now.. lol.
What I do not understand either, about Libra men is why they seem not to want a relationship and then keep popping up in the lives of the women who liked them. I believe this is very torturous for the women invovled and it is as if he either doesn't realize the extent of the damage, or that he purposely did it. Alot of people in that situation would think he purposely did it, but could never know why. I myself have been frustrated by this one many accounts; it is like, a withdrawal, but with an arm that sticks out at the side.
What I may gather about this or deduce is that he may not want a relationship but may not want to lose a friend in his life. Or a person, once loved, whatever. Sometimes I find myself contacting an "ex", but when he doesn't reply, THEN I get the message. Maybe I am going too far to reach out to him again when it is over. But soon, he will contact me still. Maybe other signs are like that too?
So, regarding the air sign men who leave the ladies hanging, maybe they aren't into psychology, or figuring out how the other party thinks - they don't even study astrology. I must assume, that it would be very difficult for them (all signs, not especially libra) to figure out what a partner wants. But the best conclusion I can think of, is that the scenarios are all part of our life path. We are fated to learn the difficult lessons that they will teach us, because we can learn no other way.