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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
It depends on the strength of the bond, and the foundation it is based on.
If let's say the couple's foundation is based on physical attraction mostly, or if they are not really in love, distance will crumble their bond, because then both do not have much interest to work hard at bridging the distance.
However, if the bond ios solid and based on real love, distance will sometimes bring them closer because they miss each other.
Distance can be the true test of a relationship. The results you get will often amaze you, and let you know your true feelings towards the person.
So, it can go either way, depending on the original feelings of the subjects.
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
You seem to be talking about internet relationships here
is the feeling real?
is it an illusion an desire for the unattainable?
Feelings, all of them, are real. You can't dispute that. But whether they are based on something real is another thing altogether. LDR are also not unattainable, who says they are? Time is the bridge that they must cross to prove themselves. Unattainable only physically. But if they're mentally in tune, then they're sitting right beside you the whole time.
Hey Mojo,
How about posting an update as my story is also kind of similar to yours and knowing that what happened in your story will help me!
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
"I told my friend and she said well that's okay, he should have had cash with him! He should have done the research!"
I think its very unfair especially if on a first date....I agree, MOST places take credit cards...if you knew they only took cash, you should have said something and to save face, at least had some on you to take care of the situation and he could have paid you back....Im sure most men would thank you for putting them out of their misery!!!
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Oct 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 12
You should have mentioned it out of courtesy. He may not have had the time to google in those "few hours" before your date. I think he probably learned the hard way that there are still some places in the world that don't take debit or credit. (I rarely ever have cash).I don't think it was fair on your part if you knew to not tell him. If you had not known than you could have both shared the humility equally. Hopefully, you were both able to laugh it off.
How did the date go? Did he call you back afterwards? It's possible the situation was a turnoff to him but if it was (and he doesn't have a sense of humor) you don't need him anyway.
But in the should have just mentioned "there's a nice restaurant I like, BUT they only take cash." and you should ALWAYS take enough cash to cover your own expenses and don't order more than you could cover with your own cash.
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Jul 23, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 45
aquariusch24 - I am not a Cancer man, but I am a Cancer female who was in love with and dated an Aqua male for several years. We too had communication problems. I know that when I would say things to him maybe in a monotone or sarcastic tone, I would later find out that his feelings were hurt, although he never showed me in a way that I understood that I had done so at the time. It takes a lot of patience and persistence for an Aqua/Cancer relationship to work. I think that both people need to step back and realize that their needs can be met; however, each has to be willing to express them in a way that the other understands. If both people are willing to open the lines of communication and understanding the relationship can be rewarding.
"I of course got mad and hurt and said I just need a friend right now. Without blinking an eye he said " I dont want to be your friend, I dont need friends"
My ex-Aqua has said this to me too. He'd say things like "first and foremost we are friends." I know that Aqua's value friendship, but when you are in a relationship with a Cancer the last thing we want to be is your friend. We want the relationship to have an element of friendship to it but we want to be more than that.
We want to be recognized and acknowledged as your partner/lover. Maybe he feels as though he is not special to you because you interact with him as you do with all of your friends. We do have a tendency to be sensitive. I highly doubt that his is abusing you verbally. I think that because you are used to him being so loving and kind to you, that when he has a melt down it comes as a shock to you, especially since you can't understand his moods.
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Jul 23, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 45
My ex-Aqua would always talk about everything that was going on in his life/day and at times I felt like I was just a listener. It made me feel as though the problems/things that I had going on did not exist because he was too busy out in the world dealing with everyone's problems and when there was time for us, he talked about him and his issues.
Cancers are nurturers most times, but when they feel neglected they can withhold that from their loved ones. They are not being mean or manipulative most times when they do this. It just sometimes becomes overwhelming dealing with our own emotions and then taking on the emotions of those we love too. We are very protective of those we hold dear, and I when we hear that someone is going through something we sometimes take on their issue as our own. We feel what they feel.
My suggestion would be to allow him space and when you feel he is in a better mood talk about your feelings (which most times Aqua's have a hard time doing). Just a discussion about your feelings should improve things a bit because at least he'd know that you do feel. When I say feel, I mean say it not show it. Do not get mad and sulk. When dating a Cancer get used to starting your sentences with ?I feel.? Of course aquariusch24, this is after you have though about and rationalized your feelings.
I got more expression of feeling from my ex-Aqua after we split than when we were together. Strange but true how they say you never know what you have until it's gone. Good luck to you!
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Seems to me like the cumulative difference between Taurus men and women is that women will respond to flirting and men with initiate it, both with no intention of pursuit. I agree with the person that said dont make it more than it is if he isnt making it more than flirting. I have all the man I need and I flirt, the most with people that know Im in a relationship so that they know it is only flirting, fun and games.I recently had a guy (that didnt know me, but did hear me say I was seeing someone) go off on me because I told him I wasnt interested in flirting with him while he was trying to flirt with me, it was so weird, I wish I knew his sign.