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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Garfield .. it's very difficult for me NOT to project back onto a person the energy they are emitting. You ask for no negativity .. yet, this is the very energy in which is coming out of you.
That said .. here's something positive, from my perspective (hopefully)
At one time, before you met him, you admit that your life was spiralling downwards in regards to how you regarded yourself, your self-esteem, your severe jealousy issues .... now, you find yourself actually being uplifted and more secure in yourself BECAUSE of this relationship with your P-man.
So, maybe what you might try is to look at this experience from a different perspective, such as .. his purpose in your life wasn't to be life-long, soulful .. rather, to bring to you what you needed to become a better person. And I'll bet you, if you look at him in this aspect, you will likely find that you have made him a better person too, in many ways ..
Instead of thinking you two should be together "forever" .. look at this as you two giving a gift to each other .. you each take the gift given and carry it forward to another love relationship in which will be better because you two made each other better because of your gifts to each other.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Sounds like you are well...doesn't sleeping too much make you groggy though?
If I sleep more than the needed amount..i.e. 8 back starts hurting and I get a fuzzy head feeling and thats it..bad mood for the rest of the day
I agree with Mystic_ Fish, You have to let her spread her wings and the strenght of your love will handle the rest.. if it's meant.. things will line up...
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
** raises hand **
I can relate to your passed neighbor. Recently, I've gone to work outside of the home (for personal reasons) .. however, am very much a recluse by nature. When in the grocery store, I'll purposely hide from people I know so they won't see me, for if they do .. they will want to talk to me. Friends have to leave harsh phone messages to get me to phone them back. Only go to parties because of duty and will quickly exit once the appearance has been made. Won't even go outside if neighbors are in their yards .. mainly only go outside at night, so not to be seen.
It's called: Social Anxiety Disorder
Starts sweating, throat tightens up, mouth gets dry, heart races, panic attack threatens to erupt. Most times, I don't even go to the store, my husband goes for me because he knows I'll freak out if someone I know approaches.
However, after teaching .. kind of getting a grip with this, and it's not as burdensome as it used to be (with Meds).
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"Played recorder for a couple of years and did a couple music grades."
Me too. Made me feel like Pan in the woods or some shit. lol
"It's an instrument that's better learnt whilst a child when the bones in the fingers are still soft. A lot harder when you're older."
Yeah, I'm sure it is. If I do it I'm going to feel like an idiot performing at recitals with 8-year-olds, too. :o
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
No, I am not Miss pyschic!
First off, for any woman, I LOVE YOU is just "words". Anybody can let the words "I Love You fall out of their mouth. Even if you or I say the words, they will fall out of our mouths. Words are different from "actions". You can show a man or woman more with "your" actions better than you can ever say with just words alone.
Unless another person is showing me love with their actions, then I am going to assume that I cannot just trust words alone and from that perspective, you have not earned my time, energy, effort or trust until you have proven to me, with the same actions that I am willing to prove to "you" that I love you.
However, no man owes us anything. He is not obligated to show us love with his actions. If he wants to fine, if not then that is fine to because in truth, it is not his responsibility to show you love. He does not owe it to you, and maybe, I am not positively for sure, if he feels pressured into have to constantly "prove" himself to a woman, he may consider that as too much pressure and just walk away.
Why? I don't know, maybe he feels as if you thinks he "owes" you something, or you are seeking love in return from him instead of letting him give you love on "his" own time and terms. In truth, the only person that can make you independent is you, and you are the only person who can make yourself happy. If you are seeking love from another person through neediness, desperation, or trying to "win" him over, he will still walk out.
Why do men walk away from love? I don't know, sometimes, they want you to love them but not be so wrapped up into them and their problems that you cannot deal with life yourself without them being around. Or sometimes maybe they do love you and you make them feel trapped or contained simply by loving him too much.
Just a suggestion. I would let him go, detach myself and I would simply not take him serious or allow him to ask me do "wifely" things for him if he has not earned my time or attention.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
vl, from reading this whole situation from the beginning .. below on the 8th of June, she says she's a Libra .....
lotus 6/8/2007 10:53:33 AM | ip:
Hey, hey, dear folks, let's not get out of topic here. I'm in serious confusion. I will see the guy again in one month and don't know how to approach the topic. Oh, did I mention I am a Libra? For some reason, I've always gotten along really well with Scorps, both female and male. No Scorpio in my chart though (oops, my Jupiter is in Scorp).
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
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