be honest with him and tell him that you are not talking to your ex anymore cause yalls friendship means more. if he won't answer the phone then either email or text explaining to him you would have told him in person but he won't answer. your right he is hurt so after you tell him give him time to think of what you told him and i am sure he will come out of his shell. we cancers are screwed up in that we are very insecure yet we let pride sometimes stand in our way..
cause we do know everything..libradiva if you knew everything then you would have known
Signed Up:
May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
Yelling at him wasn't a good idea. Whatever cansir tells you to do - just listen.
Signed Up:
May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
oh - I should mention I say just listen because the best advice you will get will be from him.
thanks all for the info.
and I make sure to reply to her the SECOND she messages me. I know you guys hate to wait.
and I am being fickle about sex or even a "hook up" I'm just impatient and ruled by my wang like most other Librans I know. but I will wait, talk to her (that's almost as good as sex to me.) and if she is interested she will make a move. (to which I will quickly reply as well.. ha!)
thanks again!
I'm new here but I think I'll stay, my newfound astrology quirks are too much to ignore, and you all seem to know what it's about.
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 335 · Topics: 19
Recent update, i decided to stop being a chicken and messaged him a simple "hey whats up, been thinking about you and wondered what u were up to'. My gf's told me that considering hes declaired that he likes me, and aparently wants to marry me, the problem might be that i havent mentioned my feelings what so ever. so i just figured a little 'been thinking about you', might strike his attention and i got a long reply back. but at the same time, i just dont kno how to go about him, hes so... silent. do scorpio's naturally hid everything and watch you like a new experiment?
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
air signs are typically known for their quick and agile minds. It is likely the aquas you know have more water or earth in their charts. I know TONS of aquas and all are quick to debate, quick to think, and extremely intelligent. The double talk I was referring to is quite intelligent, they are VERY convincing if not always accurate.
yeah when I brought up astrology she got very angry and said "there's this little thing called REALITY you know."
I tried to make her see that she lives in two worlds too, the fantasy and the real.. but she keeps saying stuff like "may as well read the back of a CEREAL box!" when I start talking about our signs.
and I can't tell if she honestly believes that or if she just thinks I'm being pedantic and showing her the truth (two things that Pisces HATE) and just ignoring that fact by getting angry and deflecting.
I don't know if I will ever understand Pisces, and it sucks because they are inspiring people.. so wild with the personality you are! I just don't understand.
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Hi Chocolate,
Yes I'm a scorp. I know. Leo and Scorp, not the best combination.
You give great advice and it confirms that what I've been doing is on track until this incident. I'm just afraid I've ruined everything. The whole time we have been together he has not gone more than 4 hours without a phone call, text message or e-mail, but after he canceled on me Tuesday and I got pissy with him I got nothing the entire day yesterday until I sent him an e-mail at 10:30 at night and he wrote back to me. I'm afraid letting him know that what he did bothered me also let him know how I feel and made me seem too needy. I'm going to be with him Friday and make sure we have a really good time and then I'm going to disappear into my work for the week. He will have his son so it will be really hard for us to get together next week anyway.
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 335 · Topics: 19
I'd definately say they're really considerate, but also very LAZY! they're very controling 'ur my precious', but definately a heart of gold. if you want a man who will talk to you just about a majority of the time, and willbe there for you whenever u need, and will fact-check all your friends of your whereabouts.... then ur good to go. personally i think they are far to stubborn, whinny, and clingy.