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Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10
cmon did not hurt my feelings. LOL. Stop. You gave an opinion. I took it =]. If you hurt my feelings then you would have seen a whole different side! But don't worry, no feelings hurt here.
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10
Spatchel, I had an Aqua best friend that did that. Oh goodness.
Every hour on the hour
"Are you mad at me?"
She would always ask me that and then I just eventually gave her something to be mad at.
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10
Haha,'re right. But Pisces guys dont have to leave me alone, I love that sign, but THIS one has gotta go lol.
You Aquarius always crack me up and are very GOOFY! It's a tie between you guys and gemini's over who cracks me up the most. Hmmmm
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10
And when I say crack me up that doesn't mean "you're such a mess it's funny", you guys really know how to make someone laugh!!
i don't get it. i've dated a cap for 2.5 yrs and never did he pull a "disappearing act" on me. not when we first dated or when we've had a huge argument.
i'm dating one now and it's the same thing. he texts/calls back immediately (but never initiates, of course). his actions are parallel to his words. he's inclusive by telling me what he's up to (even when i don't ask) and shares stories about himself, his family and friends.
i've read so many posts that are contrary from my experiences with these cappies. to be honest, i'm getting worried! especially with the disappearing and unfaithfulness.
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10
Got sick of looking at that 4099.
Well, I haven't been here in "ages" but it seems that the scorp bored still leads the way with the aqua's being the competitor.
It was like that last time, and that was a long time ago.
Okay move along.
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10
LOL. Yeah, it's like that we me and my friend
We're on bad terms in my book but she likes to pretend...she knows.
I still have love for her though, she is a very sweet girl but it seems she hates to see me happy and is jealous of my scorpio and aries best friends. She likes to sabotage things. But she's very funny and cool to talk to.
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10
And she can't seem to figure me out but then again I don't understand why she does what she does sometimes. She told me one day "I've known you for so many years and it still feels like I don't know you." .. . =\
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10's strange but it's hilarious cause I'm strange sometimes too.
But they do do a lot of things that just make me give them the straight face.
Very unique people who like to think they're the first to do something...well in my opinion.