I like to drink, not that fussy on what I drink, just like being drunk. Well until I phucked up my liver, now I just fantasize about it, until my liver is well enough to drink again. It's my one vice and I love it.
Thanks to everyone for their feedback on this one. Mr Nice--you are absolutely right, Gems are terribly fickle! (Can I ask what sign you are?) I think what I find so shocking is how quickly Gems detach. One of my work colleagues is a Gem, and he just left a 25 year marriage without even looking back! He won't accept any of his ex-wife's calls (even though the marriage ended because...he had an affair lol) He used to talk about how he and his ex were great friends, that they'd been there for each other through tough times and pulled through, then the minute he finds someone else, he ditches her--shocking. He told me that he finds it very easy to move on when it comes to love. Viva, you made some very good points about Libra/Gem interraction, very accurate, especially when you said that both signs would glaze over problems because they want to avoid conflict. This is so true, and I think this is where problems arise in a Libra/Gem relationship. When it good, it's amazing though, such a connection.
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Oct 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 12
Come back DD, Come back !!! I want to hear more about how you, and anyone else, goes about exposing a player. Come on......dish it up!!! It's getting much more interesting now.
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 764 · Topics: 33
To express indignant disbelief at another's fanciful proclamation.
Up until around the age of 12 this is a common phrase in every child's vocabulary. Used to question the validity of somebody's statement. In cambridgeshire there were two variations of chinny reckon or "Chinny Rah-Kon". Firstly one would put their tongue imbetween their bottom teeth and lip, making it swell, and make a low noise before saying "Chinny Reckon" or "Itchy Chin". The phrase "Chin Spin" was also used in the same context.
source:Urban dictionary
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Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Thank you Tiki!! I sooo needed this reminder. I know you are right. I do know all this. I'm in the Therapy business and I tell my clients this stuff every day, but all of my training and instincts go out the window when it's me in the relationship. Hahahaha!!
I'm just letting an old relationship that I had with a Virgo come creeping back in. He did all of this I love you stuff and coming on strong at the beginning and when he pulled away for no reason I was patient and gave him his space and did everything right and he never came back. In fact he really broke my heart. I'm trying to remind myself that this situation is different. That old relationship I was just the rebound girl. With the Leo, there is no rebound.
What worries me is that he told me that normally when he is on a first date with a woman he is telling her that he never wants to get married again, but with me he found himself sitting there thinking how do I get this woman to marry me. I know he is telling me the truth to because I caught him looking at my ring finger at one point while I was talking. LOL! So much so quick though is not good in my opinion and he may fall out of love just as quickly as he fell in love and until it is completely real and I learn his patterns I guess I'm going to worry about every little move he makes.
But, as long as I have this forum to come to freak out he will never know how he has affected me. I don't even allow my friends to see how I'm freaking out. As far as he knows, I am totally confident and self reliant. Every part of me is screaming to ask him what is going on but forunately my Scorpio pride keeps me from doing this.
I also have to fight a different urge. That other bad Scorpio side wants to get revenge for my hurt and start dating other people to show him that I wait for no man and that he can't just go a week and half without seeing me and hardly any contact and expect me to be here waiting for him. I feel like telling him that I'm busy on Tuesday night and that I can't see him until Friday just to try to make him think he is not affecting me.
Hahaha!! I was just thinking about how I hate being out of control and I'm realizing that he is going through the exact same thing that I am. Being a Leo, he really hates being out of control too and I have totally thrown him out of control which is why he is doing all of this pulling back. Well I've got news for him. The next time I see him he will be right back under my spell again. LOL
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4935 · Topics: 117
I most definately agree with "clapperman" in the back, BEAUTIFUL...simply beautiful.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
yaeger bombs!
I myself am a 151 champ...meh.