****AIRES Really confused with CAPPY male****

Cap male here! I have a friend whos a Cap and he acts like that. I dont understand it at all really. I do know that he's playing games with you and thats obvious. Sometimes we can be very countering. Usually its because we think the other person has done something to us that we feel didnt have to go down like that and that you should know better because it may break proper etiquette so to speak, or you could come off as just plain ridiculous in your decision making. Cap males hate games with a passion normally, until we think we are forced or being invited to play. Then a crazy cap like you had will engage you just to be opposite and try to turn you to their way of doing things by blanketing you with not only fact and fiction mixed for convincing confusion, but also add in there logical progression and there you have a pretty detrimental psychological cocktail that is definitely not for the weak-minded. Be warned..Caps dont like to lose and we can see all aspects of "losing". Im glad you got away from that fool. Next time if you really want to get away from him quicker tell him you've only banged Marines and used to live near a military base. Then admire everything BUT him while never acknowledging his sense of humor IF, (its a good sense of humor because, honestly he just sounds depressed and doesnt know it) More than likely he was rejected before you, by someone he really really cared about and needed confirmation of his "self". Next time just tell him to chill out and be cool like he was in his freshman and sophomore years in highschool when he wasnt cool enough. Did you let him know that he screwed up from the beginning by being too forward and inviting? Anyway im not going to take up for him because he's old enough to know better. Do your thang lady.

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