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Apr 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 116 · Topics: 23
the libra i had told you guys about up and leaves me a message the other day. he said he was checking on me and hoped everything was ok. and that i will always be his girl no matter what. blah blah blah. and that's where i get things confused. blah blah blah. and i can talk to him anytime. we haven't spoken since the baby issue that ended our relationship a few weeks ago. he left that loooonnnnggg message on my voicemail. what is his deal? i haven't bothered him one time. can somebody tell me something? by the way i did not respond to the message.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 705 · Topics: 18
Yep, it's definitely a DEAL that I am wanting us to stick to. I agree, it's wishful thinking but not completely impossible. It's very structured and a commitment in the sense that I definitely want the attention and time and depend on his presence during the functions. However, I am open to their being a 3 No Hap rule per month. Out of 8-16 possible scheduled events per month, losing 3 isn't too bad. Saturday and Sunday is only for planned events. If nothing is planned or a No Hap is imposed then that weekend is a bye (football speak lol).
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Among other things, astrology tells about certain traits, influences and potentials; yet not always absolutes. Who you think you may get along with, doesn't always happen, and vice-versa. Whether consciously or subconsciously, we tend to gravitate to certain people for certain reasons. Astrology can teach much tolerence, and can help us realize just how complex we all are. So, imo, basically any sun-sign combination has potential. Simply because we are so much more than only our sun-signs. So one should never lose faith, hope, or underestimate, especially before the fact; there's so much more that lurks beneathe. You can never know, til you know..
(so basically, i believe more in "whole chart" compatibility/incompatibility, then by merely sun-sign, as i think most do. Even then, we all need some spark and tension, the squares, the oppositional aspects, etc. They can provide the spark and interest, and can help combat boredom, and of course oppositionals can balance and teach one other. But of course, as was mentioned, many other important non-astro factors for successful relationships of any kind, have to be taken into account, as well.)
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
((Of course you can - you made a choice to say it.))
Of course i made a choice - to be honest than being scared to say what went through my head. Or do u really think that one should worry more about saving their image than being open and direct?
I am not trying to push a thread up every morning and evening. just replying to others responses. I can once again choose not to. But that wouldn't make any change or progress in any direction.
Most aquas have only one bullet in their gun. And they are too stubborn to make up their mind to reload it. But that single bullet always surprises me and makes me think they are loaded. I wait for the next shot but it never happens for ages.
Caprigirl: Sorry about "disappearing." I'm just busy and get here when I can. As for your first question: "Do you agree with what I concluded?"
I agree very strongly with your conclusion. You are definitely beginning to understand the mode of operation of the Virgo. As for appreciation, that is something Virgos feel is a fundamental be appreciated. Nothing fancy, just words of appreciation. It has nothing to do with stroking our EGO as some other signs may see it, but quite the contrary, we somewhat lack an EGO. We need help boosting our EGO/confidence. That is why we need to be appreciated. Not being appreciated can devastate us. Especially when we love someone.
Second Question: "Can I ask? Have you ever dealt with a cap in your life for a close relationship/among friends/family?"
Yes, both. I dated a Capricorn for 5 years and my mother is a Capricorn. My Virgo impression of Capricorn is...first they are very smart! I value their opinions. Both my mother and ex give/gave the impression of being "rough around the edges," but I can see through to their extra-generous inner beings. They are definitely driven and confident, but easily hurt. Although my mother's moon is in Pisces so that may give her that sensitivity also. My ex was very generous too. Neither one is easily forgiving though. The one thing that bothered me with my ex was that he was controlling. Virgos are very sensitive and need compassion from others. If we feel you understand our true nature, we will commit 100% . If not, our hearts will move on to someone who does. Don't try to control us. We feel misunderstood and overwhelmed by it. Generally, I feel Virgos and Caps have the ability to understand each other, sooner or later. Whereas, some other signs may never understand each other, or if they do, they do not like what the other has to offer. Reason my ex and I broke up, in case you were wondering, nothing to do with Virgo/Cap, just different desires for our future. We were both in our early 20's and headed in different directions. Good guy though! I wasn't ready to settle down. He wanted a family. I wanted to spread my wings.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
((Our purpose is to be ALIVE and to experience whatever that may be. ))
Yea thats the basic reason behind every action we take. If our purpose is to be alive, then humanity would be a mistake; isn't it? Are we suppose to care for others? or make sure we remain fit enuf to follow the natural law of survival?
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
((Why am I me? Why are you you? How and why did that happen?))
Who are you??? If you remove the reflexions of society from your character, what would remain of you?
As for my Pisces posts, yes, I also find them weak and indecisive as you say. This is a major problem for Virgo. I really am trying to understand them, but as soon as I think I have, they appear different. It's like you just can't put your finger on their true nature. That's what drives me nuts! Being a Virgo, trying to analyze a Pisces, can you imagine anything more frustrating? The Analyzer trying to analyze the Un-Analizeable! Viscious circle.
My father is Cancer. He definitely drove my mom nuts. Happy-go-lucky kind of nature, but not very responsible financially. Been married 38 years though.
In general, I find water signs' underlying nature to be self-involved, sensitive when it comes to their feelings, not others, emotionally manipulating and not trusting. I don't understand why they get the credit they do for their sensitivity. What's your opinion?
Disclaimer: I am not trashing anyone by this post by the way, only expressing my perception.