Taurus moon “as dull as dish water”

Posted by peachy06
Posted by Ladymaralade
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Ladymaralade
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Ladymaralade
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Ladymaralade
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Ladymaralade
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Ladymaralade
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Ladymaralade
Posted by peachy06

Nah, they're hot.

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You have a sag moon and yet you don’t find Taurus moons boring?!

Well, like Taurus sun they're lazy, but due to that planet placement I can't resist those sensual eyes. They're so sweet I want to protect them.

Don’t get it twisted...Taurus suns are NOT lazy! So far I have found the fire and air sun signs lazy but that’s another subject!

Nah, they're lazy and always serious. Dull at its best.

Taurus moon >>>>>>>> the universe >>>>>>>> the void. >>>>>>>>> coronavirus >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

taurus sun.

Sorry, but the Tauruses I know (I know a lot) are always working. It depends on what you determine lazy from your perspective.

That's what I meant by "always serious". Always working, never enjoying life. I remember my ex taurus friend when she came with me skiing, she was trying for the 1st time and after 2 days of struggle, she gave up. Since I was better than her I tried to help but bitch would cry everytime she would fall, she said it was "scary" lmao. Same when we went tree climbing. Boring. Next.

Do you know her moon? I loved climbing trees, skiing etc. basically “daredevil “ stuff and learning new things.

At a Taurus is “lazy” enough to keep a roof over your head. Leave things in the hands of a Gemini or libra you’d be homeless and eating out dustbins!

She was a sagittarius moon. I had another taurus sun friend with the same moon and she was exactly like her ! My taurus sun mother's aunt and brothers are like this as well.

And girl, I'm a Scorpio I can keep a "roof over my head" by myself, I don't need anybody.

Anyway, Taurus moon might be lazy, homebodies, but at LEAST, they're sweet and sexy. Can't say the same about stubborn, boring taurus sun.

My Taurus sun sag moon bf is nothing like this! He’s very adventurous (ever stays still) and seems more of a sag sun than a Taurus! He’s extremely hardworking. being a Taurus sun myself I can also provide a roof for myself but I also like a man that can provide a roof for me in case I need one ! 😉

What's your moon sign ?


No wonder why you're so defensive, then.

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I’m not defensive. I merely speak facts. All the Taurus suns I know are not lazy. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Not those I know, so it's not facts. It's only your perspective.
click to expand

That’s what I meant. I forgot sag moons to debate! 😂😂😅

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