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Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by SassyKiwiPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by SassyKiwiPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by SassyKiwiPosted by Aquarelle
Aquas can very easily see through Scorpio's "bullshit". I was raised by a Scorpio mom, so for me, that makes it even easier.
😬 How exactly was that dynamic? I’m sure nothing less than overbearing.
Unevolved Scorpio women as moms are pure hell. They can even remain unevolved well past their 60s until their last breath. Life long emotional blackmail and pettiness from your own mother 🤮
My grandmother was one ... put my poor dad through hell ... permanent guilt trip 😕
Are you Scorp sun kiwi?
My mil is one and all she sees my Libra husband as is a money bag. She’s extremely petty and unreasonably jealous of me and literally can’t stand the sight of my husband spending time with me. What’s ironic is before we got married, his mom barely cared about him but now after her son got a wife suddenly she’s super possessive of him and into wanting to grab my husband’s attention at every chance she gets. My mom and I find it incredibly disturbing and nearly borderline incestuous at times. My husband for whatever reason is oblivious to his mother’s behavior. It has never been a good sign when a mom boasts way too much about their son’s appearance... She also has two older daughters who are married and is always desperate to get her son-in-laws and I under her control. I am on no speaking terms with her unless my father-in-law or my husband is present because she will twist a person’s words like no other. I don’t have time to deal with her psychotic existence and play her mind games but it doesn’t stop her from consistently trying to incite me as she hates when I ignore her. I have never met such a vile, self-motivated person. It’s like she’s a living textbook definition of an unevolved scorpio. I wish I could submit her for research.
I am not a scorp sun :p
Oh that’s the same as my Gran! Couldn’t stand my mum and didn’t want my dad to have anyone else...so horrible!
I’d love to see her chart...do you have her details.
I’m Scorp dominant and don’t relate to that behaviour at all....thank God. It seems unhappy Scorpios can be lethal 😐
Lol I wish I did so I could dissect the hell out of it myself. She definitely reeks of heavy insecurity. I don’t let it bother me and simply believe the energy you give out comes right back at you in one way or another 🙂
Does your Hubble have her date and year of birth at all?click to expand
Posted by Black-MambaAmerica has had an overpopulation problem since the 70's. We haven't slowed down since.Posted by Weeds
Corrects the overpopulation problem. Better death by gun then starving to death or going homeless.
What overpopulation problem?click to expand
Posted by Black-MambaIt's 1 and 6 for men. Pretty sad too. I personally feel women's bodies are very fragile and we need alot of protectionPosted by SagInTheSun898
I'll say it once and ill say it again 1 and every 10 people is murdered by a partner
1 in 3 women are sexually/physically violated in their lifetime.click to expand
Posted by Black-Mamba
I can read Scorpios easily, most of them anyways.
Posted by akituPosted by Piscis_Hominis
Due to covid, sports media are spending time talking about things from the past, locally, nationally, and internationally.
Soccer is my main sport. Covid aside, I still play, coach, and am a community builder in the sport. There have been articles/stories about past figures and accomplishments in the local media in recent months.
Soccer games in the local men's league used to be televised locally, as were many of my games. There have been soccer stories in the local media, as well talk about what the quality of the men's league before. (I'm working with others to get it back.) People have been posting these games online so I've gotten to see myself, relive some memories, and jog some I thought I forgot. My team manager died a couple of years ago and he was a great guy. I got to see him play as an older guy competing younger guys, right before I joined the team at 16, which was pretty amazing.
Anyway, I developed with a young, fit team that had a arch-rival made up of guys who were older than us and where it took us a few years to handle them and dominate the league. I just watched our last league game in our special season, where we took the league and playoffs, going undefeated.
I'm a pretty good player, but I was near the middle of the pack in terms of talent with this team. I was in great shape at the time -- could outrun a teammate (in long distance) who later played for our national team, a guy who trained constantly. I wasn't the fastest guy on the team, maybe third or fourth fastest in sprints, but I think I was the fastest when chasing the ball though. I recall a teammate seeing me on TV as we watched ourselves at our club one time: "I can't believe how fast ____ is." I was lean but strong, like a gazelle. My main nickname was 50/50. A 50/50 ball is a ball between two players. I was the guy who got that ball and got it to the better players who scored the goals. I would do this in practice too with my teammates. To their amazement, I would always come up with the ball in one of those battles, where the other guy would feel the brunt of contact, but I'd just keep going, like the Energizer Bunny, which was another nickname. lol
Anyway, during that last league game we were playing against a lesser opponent (a team who barely made the playoffs), and our goalkeeper let in a couple of softies early on. We even pulled him as he was dealing with an injury too. I score a lot more now than back then with this team. I scored the first goal of the game on a nice one-time shot from a firmly crossed ball. I was impressed watching it again. I came out of nowhere to beat the guy covering me and connected well. For our second goal, I did my job winning the ball in my own end as a midfielder and passing it off to set us up for quick attack goal that I was nowhere near in the end. We were down 3-2 late in the game, when I found some space on the wing to deliver a perfect cross to one of our defenders (huge guy) who had pushed forward for this tying goal. He finished beautifully and we tied the game, before dominating in the playoffs. I basically put it where only he could get it and I remember trying to target him and striking it perfectly.
This was a great team. We had some younger players who played post-secondary where we lost them before the end of the local soccer season in the next couple of years. I also injured my knee severely the following season, with a harsh tackle from behind, then getting reconstructive surgery a couple of years later. (ACL) I'm still quite fast and agile, but that was the last year I had with full functionality too.
I would go back to that undefeated season. I'd probably score a few more goals too. lol
I’m not one to read about sport naturally but I enjoyed reading this. 😊 I would read your blog if you had oneclick to expand
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