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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
no that's similar to scorp - scorpio needs a lot of privacy, secretive... when you first meet them, they may exhibit aqua sun characteristics but after talking to them for a while, the sun/mercury, etc takes over.
they might be commitment phobe if you don't fit their idea of a partner or the feeling hasn't moved them enough - same as all fixed signs... they will not adapt.
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
"if a woman punches me on the shoulder in disagreement with me, she's an Aries. That's it!"
lol, in disagreement, I've done that but with people I know - if I don't know you, I might be bothered to raise and eyebrow and say 'yes dear'
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Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
''He switches jobs, gets bored. Wants to play no work. My sis is the same, just living enough to get by, but oh! The love of people.''
Thats what they Want you to Think and Believe...
I guess you're just easily fooled.
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Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
''This was a huge blow to my pride and ego to say nothing of my wallet''
The key words here are pride and ego.
Your Scorpio KNOWS that your pride was hurt. If your feelings were hurt by someone or something that didnt involve your pride - he may have been more sympathetic.
As a Scorpio, I wouldnt really be bothered about spending too much time comforting you as it was your pride/ego that was hurt. To whimper and cry over your pride being hurt is a huge turn OFF.
If he really loved you and cared, he would have stayed with you and LISTENED attentively to what was bothering you.
He slept with you and left you. You can paint it whatever colour you want - but it remains a fact thats what he did. He isnt in love with you and Im sure he gets irritated with your whining.
Scorpionsting, err, did you read my post? He left work to come comfort me. As he is a firefighter on call, he could've been written up for that, but he told his captain it was an emergency. Also, I did say this in my first post:
"I was on my way home, so I was a bit teary-eyed over it. I said what I had to say and felt better."
As in, I talked to him on almost the entire way home, 45 minutes, wherein he listened to what I had to say and let me get it out. Also, we LIVE together, so he came home and we talked some more about what this was going to mean for us, what we were going to do, and he cheered me up by planning an afternoon out today.
You seem ... harsh. Granted, you didn't have the entire information and probably have not read my previous posts that mention how he and I are engaged. But for you to reach whatever conclusion you did from just my one post points to a lot of bitterness in you, which is unfortunate since you're so young.
Thanks to everyone else for the kind words.