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Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
I am finding myself in this zone of "wanting" but not "doing" an "tried too" but couldnt...left......yep, sure did.
Is anyone else feeling this?
I'm definitely not gonna be giving in if it's something that doesn't make sense and I'll have to find a better way of communicating it out of dignity and respect for her position and intentions, I'm really ultra-polite to people and it takes a lot for me to ever snap at someone, for the most part she really does mean well but sometimes it will go into hypergear and I'll get a criticizm from head to toe, hair, skin, clothes, figure, "why did you wear those shoes". Who would want to be around that, nobody...
She regularly talks about people bad that on the phone I take it from my ear, just waiting for a pause in conversation to say uhuh. Still I've tried calling her to apologize and my home phone is blocked and she didn't block my cell number but won't answer and she knows I want to apologize. I just don't want it to be a year later, it's not that serious, but she is who she is and I guess she'll come around when she's ready
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Aug 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 20
you are the only virgo man I have ever seen
You must live in a cave then?
I usually get along with cap men, a little bossy though
Yeah just give him time, he probably didn't like his family getting into his business, but he'll eventually forgive and just see that it was a just a nice gesture
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
"I mean you don't share the same blood, not family, what makes you stuck? what do you owe them? is it the regular sex? then who taught us to love like we do?
it's all BS really to me"
Exactly. Who started the "rumor" that not being able to love yourself but yet expecting someone else to, is real love? Why do we use the "L" word in the most reverse situations. "He hits me & he's possessive b/c he loves me." or "Even through all he's done wrong to me, I know he loves me." or "I know I'm in love b/c I can't live w/o him (literally)"
All the scorps I kno are reserved around people they don't know but very outgoing once they get to know you and very confident
i have problem with a virgo guy..eventhough based on our horoscope we are perfect match..(i'm taurus), but still i can't understand him very well..most of the night i have to serch on net juz to know more about virgo guy..
i can feel he seems interested with me but when i asked who am i in his heart, he couldn't give me the exact answer..
i know he treats me differently compared to his other female friends ( as far as i know..he asked me for a dinner, he fetched me from my hometown but the only thing that he doesn't do is..expressing his feelings..for such a long time i wait him to say that he loves me..he miss me..but until now..i don't receive any of it..
now..i don't know whether to wait for him or walk away..
please help me to make the decision..
i love him so much..n i really want to be with him..he is the man that i adore i special for him?
am i the one for him?
is it worth to wait for him?
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
-People who won't let you merge over even though they have the opportunity to move over into a new lane
-People who bump into you & don't say "excuse me"
-4 wheel drives that think they rule the roads when the snow comes. But yet, they are the first ones seen on the news for "Major accident along Interstate"
-People who text "Hey", "What's up" & all the boring stuff, & all the stuff we really don't care to know, taking way too long to get to the point
-People who pay for $ 50 worth of gas or groceries with all pennies, nickels, quarters & dimes
-Pedestrians purposely walking slow across a busy intersection b/c they are trying to prove a point that THEY are the pedestrians, and we're not. Sometimes I just want to pull over & say "Look lady, I don't have the money to buy you a NEW set of legs, so I suggest you MOVE IT!"
-When people don't stop for the ambulence or fire trucks.
-Traffic jams not b/c of construction, or the police patroling to an accident, but only b/c people are being nosy. I'll never forget the time I was stuck in traffic (on the interstate) for 2 hours. I thought, man there must be a MAJOR accident. Nope, there wasn't. Just 1 truck on the side of the road getting pulled over by the cops, & b/c everyone was being nosy, driving all slow to see who was in that truck, they forgot about all the hundreds of people behind them trying to get where they had to go
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
-People who constantly ask "Do I look fat in this outfit." It's like this. Look, you knew how the outfit looked on you when you tried it on at the store. If you really thought it looked bad on you, I'm assuming you wouldn't have bought it. Me telling you "No, it looks fine" one time is okay, but to keep asking me the same question is ridiculous. If it's all that then just don't wear the damn thing.
-People who have full blown & ignorant conversations at a public place. If I'm at the bank, waiting to be serviced, I don't want to hear about how your husband is a piece of BLEEP & all of your business.
-People that feel the need to leave me voicemails every single time they call, as if 1 message wasn't good enough.
-People who call me 1 time & realize I didn't pick up, but yet decide to call me 10 more times as if the 11th call will be different or make me want to answer even more.
-People who leave the "pricetag" on the back of gifts. I can understand leaving the receipt in the bag but why do I need to see how cheap or expensive the gift was? The gift itself will speak for itself (in terms of how cheap or thought-out it was). I care more about the thought that goes into the gift, not how much it cost
-People who walk out of restrooms w/o washing their hands