I agree virgogotme. There are millions of women out there with a sense of entitlement. This is the new American Woman's dream. It's for sale on tv, in movies and newsstands everywhere. This is what sells diamond rings, wedding dresses and 400 guest weddings. It's called the starter marriage!
The sad part is they ARE trapping these nice unsuspecting guys who aren't in tune enough to get the game and see the red flags... using men as ATMs (ooops, did I forget my birth control on the honeymoon? silly me...GIGGLE). The girls seem completely one way until the ceremony is over, then boop! Bait and switch! I want kids NOOOOOW, I want a house, I want gucci bags! I want credit cards!
What's worse is when they are done with them, they divorce the guy, take child support to live off of, kick him out and move their new boyfriend's in his home. It's called marrying to be a Kidowner.
I'm not saying all women, but you are right about being able to spot that behavior in women. I've seen women stop birth control, pin condoms... the whole 9 yards. It comes up sometimes in "girl talk".
This is what keeps intelligent, patient and secure women from finding the good ones. The men are all stolen by the one's reading "The Rules" or "Why Men Love/Marry Beeotches".
Oh well.

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