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Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
Ton if u don't mind what is ur mars sign i ask bc my venus is in virgo so they say a man venus is what he is attracted to. and mars is what a woman is attracted to. oh and yeah when i leave a realation ship i like to have sum one on the side to start another it help the prosces of missing the other.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
Hey, those aren't my words. I've surveyed dozens of men (gay and straight), and that was the general consensus.
so, all you anal sexers, don't be whining when you can't hold your bowels and are walking around shit-stained. you chose your fate.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
best thing you've said since you got here. agreed.
i always say that love is an action, not a feeling. feelings are fickle. love endures all.
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Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
''Just met the cutest Cancer guy. He's mature, has a sense of humor and we enjoy each other's company. The flirting has started getting heavy now, so was wondering is it a good match?''
Cancer dont overly flirt with women they are genuinely interested in. He probably does like you as a person.
Cancer men are great charmers and very good with words. Dont judge him by what he SAYS, but by his ACTIONS.
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Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
Dont actually ignore her - especially is she contacts you first.
But keep busy and get on with your life. Be confident and do what you want to do. I find this attractive in a person. It shows you dont NEED me. Cant stand needy people myself.
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Jul 16, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 506 · Topics: 20
CapTaur: "I brought up sex because that's usually when we say the most (in words and action)"
I guess what it comes down to is we are workaholics, so at the end of the day, we have a lot of pent up energy to release.
Priss: ?I do feel he is one huge's annoying me too death. I think it's just too much work.?
Caps are contradictions and are prone to depression, alcoholism and melancholy due to the inordinate amount of responsibility they take on. Plus, we are really hard on ourselves. If one is coming on too strong, while it may be sincere, it is the fish that is flopping it's tail as Beowulf mentioned. You'll get a better feeling of what's really going on, but at the same time, that grounded goat will need to weigh every pro and con regarding the future potential of a relationship. I have seen caps go absolutely MAD about someone because they were trying to cushion the blow of something else that was going on. The three most important things in anyone's life are work, home, and love (respectively for cap). If work and home aren't going so well, we might get a little hasty in the love department, which isn't a style that works best for us because we regret it later. Unless?
Beowulf: ?If a Cap tests you, it's because, more than another sign, Cap is looking for true love?
You're always right on the money!
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Jul 16, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 506 · Topics: 20
"CAP man seems to want to transform ME!"
It probably feels that way because you are usually in control of the situation. I don't think caps are in the business of changing people, that's more of a scorp thing. Let us not forget our similarities though.
"I find those silent awkward moments funny, because most people would just talk something, but we both were staring at different directions, and later he came with the conclusion that I was checking out people. I found that cute actually."
Sounds like classic cap caution with some insecurity thrown in there for good measure. Or he was just trying to make sure you like him.
"but today he tells me I wasn't a good student"
He's putting you in your place. Ha! What did you do wrong? I was talking to a friend about how I'm not very complimentary all the time and sometimes when I like someone I can be a little insulting. I mean no harm. Some don't understand the wry cap sense of humor. I'm glad you do.
"He can't be tricking me, can he??"
What does he have to gain from that?
"No he can't I would think. He is not the drama queen type, but his stories are quite overwhelming."
Shut up and listen. He's not looking for a response, he's just finally found someone he can open up to.