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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Trust me I totally understand..however the best advice anyone gave was "mirror virgo behaviour"...
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Nov 10, 2008Comments: 585 · Posts: 4402 · Topics: 46
first, i would make it clear to him that it's over. be very percise and to the point.
second, tell your mutual friends what happened and let them decide for themselves if they still want to hang out with him. if they do, then, they really aren't your true friends to begin with. true friends will not put up with that kind of behavior towards anther friend.
third, call the cops on him if he touches you again in that manner, if he tries to break in again, etc.
i was once in this kind of relationship with a sag guy. it doesn't get any better. especially, since this is happening sooo early in the relationship. he will continue to do it, until HE really and truly wants help to change. altho, i believe that goes for any person with violent tendencies, not just sag's.
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Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 121 · Topics: 11
OFA- lol! Too bad Christ is not drinking RedBull in that drawing.LOL!
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Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 121 · Topics: 11
^^please ignore the unhappy smiley face. I have no idea how I had input that. lol. Thanks
Hey. I am looking for some advice on what to do with the cappy man who has been in my life. I have known him for 10 years casually through mutual friends however, we hooked up last July and things have been nothing but crazy. When we first got together he asked all my friends details about me and my life. Don't really know why cause I thought it was just gonna be a hookup since that is what I wanted. Everytime I told him I wanted to be friends with benefits he didn't want any part of that since he said that wasn't him and when he is with someone that is it. After spending 3 nights a week at his house for months and getting closer and closer he all of a sudden put the brakes on with no word as to why. He really opened up to me and still calls me when he wants to vent or needs advice on anything in his life. Whenever I asked him if we were over he kept telling me no. He said he needed time to deal with his life. He cut back on calling me and seeing me for a few months but is now back in the picture calling and texting sometimes 3-4 times a day. I really care about him as a friend but I don't know if I should run since everytime I pull back from him he seems to come back into my life. I have been nothing but supportive and helpful to him and I know he knows that. Do you think I am wasting my time and effort with this man?