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Sep 18, 2008Comments: 1 · Posts: 4899 · Topics: 99
How funny. I have a cancer rising and I hide alot of shit from people.
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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
"You could become a "hero" to someone today when you speak out against an injustice. It is a good thing to remember that if we want the world to change, it must start with us. "
Lets discuss this.
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Feb 10, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 757 · Topics: 56
"Im a weak person when I am in love with someone."
-What do you love about this man? What do you all have in common? Do you see a future with him?
I agree virgogotme. There are millions of women out there with a sense of entitlement. This is the new American Woman's dream. It's for sale on tv, in movies and newsstands everywhere. This is what sells diamond rings, wedding dresses and 400 guest weddings. It's called the starter marriage!
The sad part is they ARE trapping these nice unsuspecting guys who aren't in tune enough to get the game and see the red flags... using men as ATMs (ooops, did I forget my birth control on the honeymoon? silly me...GIGGLE). The girls seem completely one way until the ceremony is over, then boop! Bait and switch! I want kids NOOOOOW, I want a house, I want gucci bags! I want credit cards!
What's worse is when they are done with them, they divorce the guy, take child support to live off of, kick him out and move their new boyfriend's in his home. It's called marrying to be a Kidowner.
I'm not saying all women, but you are right about being able to spot that behavior in women. I've seen women stop birth control, pin condoms... the whole 9 yards. It comes up sometimes in "girl talk".
This is what keeps intelligent, patient and secure women from finding the good ones. The men are all stolen by the one's reading "The Rules" or "Why Men Love/Marry Beeotches".
Oh well.
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Sep 07, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2655 · Topics: 81
He was the maker of the once "Once Upon a Time..." series, for those who don't know(I didn't until today).
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Sorry for the hiding above, hit the post too soon!
It was so funny this past weekend. I have been seeing a Virgo man for a while...I am a Virgo too...
So we have gone through all the disappear, re-appear behavior ... which even today, after over a year still continues to happen. As it has become relatively commonplace in our relationship and I am so used to it now, when he goes off and does his thing, it doesn't even faze me. When he comes back, I'm happy to hear from him and not overly emotional. I do express genuinely missing him and we joke a lot when we do reconnect.
He messages and calls almost every few days or sometimes multiple times a day, but when he's traveling or busy with work and life, I get the warning ahead of time. He's definitely a planner! Or ... he just disappears into his abyss of life only to reappear sooner or later.
So earlier this past week he called out of the blue and said, "By the way, I'm getting ready to board a plane and head out to work. I'm traveling and will be VERY BUSY this week." So I said "okay, honey have a wonderful week and talk to you when you have some time." Thought nothing of it, went to work all week, out with the girls... etc.
I'm not really one that's big or Valentine's Day. I think that we should care and express love for others every day, whether it be friends, family, etc. Ahhhh... my Aquarius rising...
I was awakened 6am Saturday morning with a text ... "I wish that I could be beside U, holding U today. Hope U dreamt of me. U be good this weekend. Happy Valentine's Day 2 U. U r very special."
How's that for subtle?