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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"Precisely. I don't attribute my intelligence to where a rocky burnt cinder of a planet was on my birth date..."
Many times, you quote Linda Goodman to say that you believe an astrologer over anything another person might say about astrology ..... and when you do this, you are only referring to the Sun Sign.
When it comes to other planets in your natal chart, and what they stand for, they are irrelevant to the make-up of a person?
If you don't mind me asking...did something happen that made you pull away?
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Apr 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 101 · Topics: 34
i am just interested in what you think of aries girls/women?
what do you like about them?
or not like about them?
i am just curious because most of my guy friends are geminis....i seem to attract them somehow
also, i generally like them because there is fun cheeky banter and a bit of flirting between us. which i dont get with guys of other signs.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
It isn't uncommon for people who are self-absorbed to be confused about what is going on with other people ....
"I guess he meant this as a polite way of rejecting me. I was heartbroken but did not show it.
However I do not think that I am ugly."
.. and then you proceed to give description of why you don't think you are ugly, as if this has anything to do with why a person isn't into you.
That is very superficial and extremely egotistical on your part, Taurus lady .. that you would view his feelings for you according to your physical attributes. Feelings that a man has for a woman isn't based on whether she wears size 5 or 16, it isn't based on whether she has smooth skin or blemishes, etc .. yet, when you try to figure out why you were rejected by him on an emotional level, you proceeded to say that you can't figure out why and then described how you look on the outside, as if it was a determining factor for how he should feel for you.
The only way for you to figure this out ... is by first removing your ego from the equation, and to realize that if he does/doesn't like you, it will be a matter of how he FEELS for you, and not how you think he should consider your looks. Once you consider his feelings, rather than yourself .. then you'll understand what this means ..
"He said that he cared a lot about our friendship and I need to understand that."
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
What? You only get two options.
Hm :/
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
I totally watched it.
She's right "Fox" a fox. *fans self*
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"BTW he did not even remember my bday which was at the end of April. I was crushed. He claimed to be a good friend but I cannot tell that I feel the same after that."
What is that ^^^^^^ suppose to mean?
You write this thread, upset to hell about this man .. and then you say that perhaps you don't feel the same for him now since he has forgotten your birthday?
You are crushed?
Seriously .. you need to pull yourself together here. This is just more evidence that you are thinking about yourself, in that he should be all about you .... when he's made it perfectly clear that you two are just friends.
And it's possible that he didn't forget your birthday at all, rather ignored it ... it's possible that it's because of your self-centeredness that he had decided not to pursue a relationship on the level you were hoping for.
I've lived with a Virgo for a very long time ... and I know for a fact that they are appalled at the vanity of other people. Self-confidence, they like. If you present yourself as a woman of conviction, they will adore you ... but, in your case, it just sounds like you are focused on yourself .... your looks, your feelings, your birthday .... and a Virgo might well indeed be appalled by that.