Aqua chick and twitter

Sorry...back to the OP.
If you like to her about how you feel and then just kind of back away and give her time (and space) to think about it. I don't mean walk away and leave her alone...I mean say it and drop it. Revisit it another time, but only when you're in a good place together.

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ROFLMAO I don't care if I have a damned EDSEL. You're mine, I'm yours, so suck it up with the 'can't be friends' horse shit, before I stomp you one. You know, because I'm so big, bad and uber threatening. Whut whut.
Destroyer of the of the world as you have mentioned it..!

Now tell me about some nomads with machete are a threat the world???aint that funny..??
Posted by mr.crabby
Yeah, he's great. Virgo Moon people are amazing.

Ahem...and Virgo suns?
All they want and ask is to live and left in peace from the ???known destroyers????_. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS..??
If not... then you deserve the outcome... Whatever it is or might be..!
I have much respect for Ramsay (he truly does CARE about his customers).. Love his shows! And yeah, you gotta love those virgo mooners - my Sag is one and they ARE extremely reliable, hardworking, high-standard perfectionists.
oh shit son!! lol! yea, yea, yea. I know that Tongue but its the chevy vs ford thing.
Posted by ~mystic_fish
I have much respect for Ramsay (he truly does CARE about his customers).. Love his shows! And yeah, you gotta love those virgo mooners - my Sag is one and they ARE extremely reliable, hardworking, high-standard perfectionists.

Cosign all around. He kicks ass.
^ Yes it does, and I have always enjoyed that song. smile smile
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