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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
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Jan 30, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 17
Lately I have been thinking about sense of humor in signs or placements.I had read that jupter have a lot to do with the sense of humor. I no mecury have a lot to do with the way we deliver our jokes.
What signs are really funny to u? What signs that u don't find funny and why?
What is funny to u? Meaning what are some things that get u to laughing.
What your humor style ?
What do u do to be funny or how are u funny?
What funny to me and what my humor style ? I like quick witty fast comments,I like expressions and wow emotions to things .cancer in mercury maybe y. I also like when people are being too serious I find that funny. I kind of relate to kevin hart humor. Like he explain things that happen to him that was serious at the time but funny as hell cause the emotion behind the action.
What do I do to be funny? Nothing really,but I think am funny when I m I laugh act my self when I'm piss off and I can't stop running my mouth I catch myself saying some quick things out my mouth
Signs I don't find funny? I realize that scorp don't have the same humor as me. Taurus too,our humor is different.
Signs that's funny? Some cancers I no was funny when they tell u stories about others and how they can tell u about how the person was feeling and thinking
In a funny way. Gemini with there gossip and acting things out just the way they seen it. Sags with some they can repeat a joke just the way they heard it. My leo grandmom is funny but she have no idea, she very blunt and will say something and don't realize how raw it is
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Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
25thDecan...+floods desk with drool+ Is he still topless? That man is allergic to shirts but im not complaining. I need to go to the virgo forum and catch up on my perving. PHV, everything passes, man, just hang in there and be optimistic. +goes to stare at 25thDecan+