Pisces loves Virguy

Posted by piscesx
Well, 3 dimes, I have to tell you that him being in the position he is, being successful did not make him unattractive to me. I am sure that there are girls that would absolutely would not associate with him due to that fact...not!
He is the one that initiated contact online, not me. But that does not matter at this point.

Pisces x, trust me I feel your pain. I try to bring laughter to a dismal occasion to help ease the pain.
A day does go by that I don't think about the Virgal. I honestly could have never imagined how cold she
could be. I learned the hard way.
We're water signs and love very deeply when we love, especially Pisces, so the hurt is just as deep.
Other signs don't really grasp that concept because their design doesn't allow them to love that deep ....
Not saying that's a bad thing. I wish Pisces had something that wouldn't allow us to love this deep.
But that is our cross to bear in life.
Its funny to hear another Pisces speak of the powerful connection between us and Virgos.
Its amazing ..... almost like a "drug"... its addictive. It caught me completely by surprise.
For some Virgos, they are literally obsessed with perfection in all aspects of their life,
especially relationships. The key to that is, yes they are very devoted and loyal, but only
After THEY decide you are worthy of them. If they haven't made their mind up ....they will
keep searching. (Almost like a machine) . Some will have little to no regard to how you feel or
what you want or how long y'all have been together ..... its said that some actually run their
relationships like a business. You're just a task until THEY decide to give you value in their life.
As you read my words.... I know you feel familiarity with what I'm saying .... I'm sorry.
This is what you are up against when dealing with some Virgos ....
I wish you the best.... safe swimming

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Posted by PotHeadVirgo22

I know brush...the untold stories of men
I meant bruh lol
The baton is available for all kinds of inappropriateness Tongue
Lately I have been thinking about sense of humor in signs or placements.I had read that jupter have a lot to do with the sense of humor. I no mecury have a lot to do with the way we deliver our jokes.
What signs are really funny to u? What signs that u don't find funny and why?
What is funny to u? Meaning what are some things that get u to laughing.
What your humor style ?
What do u do to be funny or how are u funny?
What funny to me and what my humor style ? I like quick witty fast comments,I like expressions and wow emotions to things .cancer in mercury maybe y. I also like when people are being too serious I find that funny. I kind of relate to kevin hart humor. Like he explain things that happen to him that was serious at the time but funny as hell cause the emotion behind the action.
What do I do to be funny? Nothing really,but I think am funny when I m serious.like I laugh act my self when I'm piss off and I can't stop running my mouth I catch myself saying some quick things out my mouth
Signs I don't find funny? I realize that scorp don't have the same humor as me. Taurus too,our humor is different.
Signs that's funny? Some cancers I no was funny when they tell u stories about others and how they can tell u about how the person was feeling and thinking
In a funny way. Gemini with there gossip and acting things out just the way they seen it. Sags with some they can repeat a joke just the way they heard it. My leo grandmom is funny but she have no idea, she very blunt and will say something and don't realize how raw it is
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Posted by PotHeadVirgo22
Posted by harry99
Doesnt everyone have both kinds of baggage? especially after the age of 21. Lets just say that "baggage" is why Im gonna be single for a while. Baggage of any kind is bad even if its ur own. Btw Im horny LMBO hahaha. Also ur topics r really intense recently OP whats going on r u ok??

Am I okay?....Well I I'm not dead......but I am going through some fuckish fuckshit on the inside. I'm just trying to stay saine until I graduate in 6 weeks.....but whoooo! My emotions are acting a fool as of lately. It's effecting everything including the little joy I try to keep for myself. Smh......I guess as 25th The Decan would say it...***I'm on my man period***...

click to expand

Aren't we all lol
25thDecan...+floods desk with drool+ Is he still topless? That man is allergic to shirts but im not complaining. I need to go to the virgo forum and catch up on my perving. PHV, everything passes, man, just hang in there and be optimistic. +goes to stare at 25thDecan+
Posted by BigGirlPanties
Did ya'll take a minute to consider this might be a very young person writing and it's serious to her?

Very good point. Maybe she is very young, that would be a bonus IMO as she could then learn earlier in life not to compete with other women over a man, or fuck over her fellow woman.