What do we look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Posted by Ormas
Posted by MissPirate
Posted by Nemesis
idk ormas, i don??t go around with a check list of what i like or not......when i meet somebody and it feels right/good i go with that....i let things unfold, see how they develop. i do not have any physical preference - but of course there must be mutual attraction.
but after five minutes of conversing - i already know what potential it has or not. smile i don??t get involved with unevolved people.


Still most people will get a shot at me.
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I know you didn't mean this "like that" but it made me laugh all the same. Tongue

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Posted by daynightsky
How many times can I repeat myself? I would prefer not to get between them, ideally their relationship would fall a part on its own. But if it doesnt the most I would be able to do is subtely drop hints on how I felt, maybe eventually telling him. I also have said before that I probably should have named the thread something different
Anyways, there are many different views on this. Some people will go after people in relationships because its not on their conscious. I somewhat believe this. But, I have never had a significant other fall in love with someone else or cheat on me so maybe Im not quite as sympathetic as I should be.

then go. Go do it.
You dont need any of us wasting our breaths.

Chris Hemsworth (Leo) with Elsa (Cancer)

Virgo Jada Pink with long time Libra husband Will Smith
consider yourself ignored then!
gemini girls talk TOO MUCH. i'm a gemini guy and i hardly talk at all. can't stop writing though.
just hang in there, i'm sure that if you're good and true, when you're least expecting it, someone almost as good will be along to sweep you off your feet.
Posted by IntriguedScorp
This is not defensiveness. What you fail to acknowledge is that any Scorpio worth his or her salt knows their own failings down to the very last molecule. We have examined ourselves and motivations in detail and know where we are getting it wrong and what we should do differently. You are assuming that YOU can tell a Scorpio what their own truth is? How? You do not live in their soul.
My point was that a person who feels a need to tell anyone--for that matter--what the other person's truth is is actually projecting and revealing things about themselves. For an observant person, this is valuable information to store for future reference. smile

I don't have to live anyone's soul in order to know what motivates a person. I'm not even sure if we're talking about the same thing here but if what I tell you matches what you already know about yourself (but still refuse to admit to my face) then guess what, I CAN TELL YOU WHAT YOUR TRUTH IS BECAUSE WE BOTH KNOW IT. I don't NEED to tell, but it doesen't change the fact that I know it!
But having said this I think we should define what "truth" means in this context. You seem to be talking about souls, I'm talking about a person's characteristics!
If I say you're a cheating slut because you had a chat with someone I feel insecure having around then yes, it says more about me than it does about you. But if you in fact have been "intimate" with that person behind my back then I am not projecting anything, I'm telling you what you and your "soul" already know about yourself.
Am I right or am I wrong? I'm asking the wrong sign.... Tongue

It's TOC's bday??? Drinks on me for the house!!!
Happy Birthday dear Percheress ! mine was yesterday so I want a slice of that cake !
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HAA!! Big Grin .. Lol Im not actually bothered, hell I came on here to pimp everyone else out for a match make smile
Are you a singleton? If so come on flex ya stuff all lush.. I will auction you off real good smile
@harry.. right you! work ya sales pitch on my new thread, Im pimping out singletons for a life ever after lol.. YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU! Big Grin