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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
Pato... that's what i spent the last few days doing.. reading all these post's about these fascinating scoprio men.. for me and my gemini self... lol this is great... and that feeling that these maen can have a woman feel is addicting... what i'm curious about is.. with a scorpio male, it appears you have to have the rigth combination of interest to keep them interested. Like, you can't play the chase game, cuz from what i understand scorpios don't chase.. but you can't just give yourself to them, because then they may not be as interested in you.. its' odd.. but i'm trying to get a feel for 'you people'.
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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
Where is a good site to find out all this stuff i'm hearing about.. my sun is this, my moon is that, my venus is this?????
i'm a libra that's been in a nowhere relationship with a scorpio for almost 5 years. we've finally decided to break up & it's been GREAT for us. not only is he the most adult man i've ever broken up with, but it seems like we're closer friends now than we've been in about 3 years. everything is cool, doors are left open, we still love each other - just can't make it work right now. i want to say thank you to the scorpios out there that know how to handle themselves like adults. i can't even begin to describe how hard it is for me to hurt someone's feelings or deal with nasty confrontational scenes & my scorpio has not only made it easy for me, but has been sensitive to my fears. he's still a little jealous & clingy, but i don't blame him one bit since i initiated the breakup.
thanks scorpios, you guys get a bad rap & i've really reevaluated my opinion since this experiance !!!!!!!
i love being a libra & i love libra groupies & i love all of you !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Ameen! win some you lose some..its the name of the game...
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Complications - a confused intricate relationship. Intricate- Difficult
Complications are not made my one person, things get complicated when there is no support, no communication, and no togetherness, understanding, etc., if you are the only one making all the sacrifices to make things work then you are going to run in to complications because you are eventually going to get tired and it is going to wear you down.
You are putting to much effort in trying to figure him out and it is stressing you out to the point that you think it is you and not him. You have read the charateristic of these types of men and the signs are there and you know think that it is you and not him?
Ask yourself, did you feel like this or thought things were complicated in past relationships ?
This man probably does adore you and at the same time you know that they lack communication of there feelings and show no emotions, that is never going to change they become aloof aften, and they have bouts of depression you should know that, and you saying he seems a million miles away could be him being aloof worrying about something and can't talk about it.
I just got finish talking to a friend of mines who was married to a Cappy for 12 years and she said that she was so stressed that she went from a size 12 to a 3 before she woke up and decide to leave him.
I am not saying that that will happen to you but the possibilities of it happinging to you or any other women is there.
You need to live your life and when you see him acting that way pay him no attention let him go through the motions, live your life because if you keep worrying about him it is going to stress you out like it is doing know.