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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 362 · Topics: 36
Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi
I have to see what sign he is.
Yeah, Clooney can eat crackers in my bed whenever he wants.
He's Taurus? Bummer
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
Yay! I win!
And yes, we do wear shoes. We need them to cover our danity little feet. lol!
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I detached myself from the cappy guy I was originally interested in, and now we are talking again but I made it clear in conversation that we are just mates..really good mates..He has opened up a lot and now since I am no longer attached to him emotionally (wasn't that attached to start with) its very interesting how you start to perceive them. When you start thinking with your head instead of your heart, all their insecurities, faults come to light. Its a very good learning curve. Now I know, I couldn't date him in a million years..very condescending, contradictory, arrogant, derogatory. Awful qualities to possess as a human being. He is also really hot on marrying status and prestige..yet hasn't the balls to ask anyone out. I had an all day conversation with him today on msn and boy did I learn lots..more today than ever before. He told me about so many women that he likes and I as a good friend encouraged him to ask them out, advised him that some opportunities you just have to take etc..but the minute I mentioned that I am actually going on a date on 24th March he didn't like it one bit, he went I detected that it bothered him and changed the subject, we talked for a little bit about other things then he steered the conversation back to my date wanting to know who he was, how long I had known him, how I knew him etc..Now if this guy didn't like me (he's never admitted to me, but I have always known that he did/does at some point) then he wouldn't be that bothered.
All I can say is I am so glad that I did emotionally detach myself..we didn't even meet or even confess that we liked each other but one conversation we had on the phone (after we broke up for a week) did it for feelings evaporated..thought I would be sad but it didn't bother me in the slightest..just like cappies, we (scorpio) can switch off too. I want a guy who is not scared to show his emotions, openly communicates them..and someone who is fun and outgoing. With a cappy guy (not all) I don't see myself being me..and having the kind of marriage I would like..Oh they are also hot on control issues so thats a definite turn off..I despise being controlled
Hope this helps..Scorpionlady is usually right on the money with her views on Cappies..
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 362 · Topics: 36
"Uh, babe, guess what? I totally said some pissy things about you, on this website! Funny, isn't it?"
Can you imagine? Boy I'd open up a can of Whoop-Ass real fast.
What about people who just want to slam someone they hate?
I see law suits
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 362 · Topics: 36
I'm October 22. A couple of hours later and I'd be a Scorp.
Some people say that the cusp theory isn't true; you're either one sign or another, period. But I have Scorp tendencies that I HATE. I have Scorp in Mercury so maybe that accounts for them.
Other than that, I have Virgo in a few places which KILLS me because for the most part, I find Virgos tiresome and totally annoying!
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Girl we should write a book about ourselves...thanks for the compliment....that is why I am not tripping or refuse to trip off of them. I just wish all the women who make them there man or husband or wife have enough strength to deal with them and know what to expect and how to act accordingly and never ever second guess yourself as a women.
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Dec 31, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 585 · Topics: 81
you said key word brahn Maturity, the inventor of the website says that they notify the person being slandered so they may respond,.so i feel like its a Big Game. One person is emotionally hurt and their retaliating for the world to see,.its easier said then done sometimes but thats where i feel controlling ones emotions is important and not totally operating on such.