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And i wouldn't expect to move i just yet. Sounds like he's not taking you very seriously... I wish you lots of luck!

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Feb16, from my experience they get resentful when you dont do what they want, but at the same time they get a kick from it...when you dont do as he says. Aries is easy to nab lol, dont be worried. Its like bedroom role playing, you become a strict teacher who puts him in a naughty corner every now & he'll love you for days. Be firm if you wanna keep his interest for long. Me & my ex dated for a month before we got married and it lasted for over 5 years. He was so in a hurry lol, you know how they get...always rushing. It was cute but a huge mistake on my part because you know, we do love our spontaneity too, so i got swept without much thinking. You can do this, never mind the article.
Its like taking candy from a baby and who is the baby?
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Tall or short doesnt matter, as long as she can stimulate my mind then am gona blow her up in bed.
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See, that's my opinion and fits what I thought I knew about Taurus men. Which is why I was so shocked by the declaration.
thanks RH, exo and LIB. i'm ok with being vulnerable... like ray's heart said, i cant control what he does, but i can control what i do... yes, i can control myself even if i am vulnerable. and well, i am. that i cant exactly fight. but it's not to say that I'm leaving myself vulnerable to him per se. we've kept our lives pretty well separate so far. and i kinda feel like the blocking was as mellymel said... a tactic to block himself as well ...smh. i'm def. learning more about him even now and i didnt realize he'd need all of this and would be struggling so hard... Sad
exo, detachment will be the mantra in my head... thanks lovely.
i thought about that too seraph and elle. lol that chart scares me more than my ex's chart.

march 18th, where are you? !!!!
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* It's really dark in here, so I guess I'll change the bulb now....
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Maybe I should make my way over there to him and give him some TLC