This is my favorite aspect..
do you have it or know someone who has.. tell me about it!
what are your experiences?
i have mars conj pluto both in scorpio 1st house.
I tell you for sure , and please trust me. I was doing a more bad mistake to say like this, than you and even that, he back to me !
So, first of all, you keep text him lovely messages like " I miss you my sweet love " etc.. Libra men are irresitible to this kind of words and they love them, they always need love. If he reply to you not lovely and just normal, it means he may feel likes you too much . After a Libra feel this , their intention is to be selfish and cold or to disappear ! They are afraid if they feel there things got to fast for them . They have your heart and they don't know what to do with it ! So , they need TIME ! Time to think how to do ! In this time, you keep contact with him in lovely way ! He will back to you soon as he was before , I can tell you sure this.
If he would not likes you, he would not reply anymore or he would tell you something directly.
About sex, no, you was not wrong ! Do not blame yourself for this because Libra man have the intention to have sex even from first date ! And they appreciate if you offer to them what they like. So, not this is the problem for sure. Libra men are crazy about sex and damn good also in sex.
Do not ask him questions as : what are you doing now ? why not reply to me ? why that, why that ??.... If you ask this, they will feel pressed and they will disappear without a word ! They no like jealousy ! Never show him that you are jealous .Tell him you can offer to him the freedoom he likes , tell him that he can see his friends also, never press him . If you make him feel you offer to him the freedoom , he will keep you forever for himself !
Try and you will see evcerything will be ok. I was in your situation the same and now I am with him and he loves me more than before !
Good luck !
Watercup.... you really don't know the Libra man it seems ...
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Apr 18, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 4807 · Topics: 263
speaking from a taurus female dated a virgo for 2.5 years.. my guy never ONCE disappeared from my life... his communication with me was very very consistent.. we broke up because he isn't 100% sure he wants a LONG term relationship with i put my foot down and call it quit.... its been way too consistent and too amazing from my point of view..he's such a practical person that i can imagine him as an amazing if he doesn't feel the same i thought it will never few weeks onwards.. i started liking this new taurus man of mine....told him last night.. he was deeply hurt. !! still kept calling and calling not wanting me to see this new man... now he's gone quiet.....
Maybe mine was never inlove with me in the first place ! i doubt that alot after seeing so many of these posts ! mine never been hot and cold...! ? maybe its his venus in libra.. not so sure
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Apr 03, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 1149 · Topics: 51
Thank you very much seraph. You humble me with your response. You are right, I always question, what could I have done better, what more could I have done. I took all the steps I could at this point and put in the last step yesterday. I need to have faith and allow the chips fall where they do while being proactive and doing what I must to protect the most precious things in my life.
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Nov 29, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 316 · Topics: 16
@rgh1-I totally agree about Aqua men going after what they want. All the Aquas that I dated were more aggressive than the Scorpios and Aries that I had been with. My current Aqua goes into his cave and I am totally fine with it because I am an Aries and it gives me more time to go on adventures.
I have seen the Aqua-Aqua combo work if the couple is older and already been married, raised kids, and they just want a companion.