pisces are wild or shy in bed?

I like vanilla, romantic sex, lots of touching.. the stuff you read in romantic novels.. that's what I do.
But I also like it a little more rough, that feeling of surrendering, all in a loving setting & context. I'll try a lot for the person I love, but true hardcore bondage etc.. no thanks.

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Posted by ninjafish
I got two of my fave deleterers back today. Feby and Gandhi. I'm stoked! ???

Christmas came early this year Tongue and now I can sleep soundly knowing febby has come back!
Posted by cancerboo
Posted by virgosagscorpio
Posted by cancerboo
nope. do not agree. all players get old and tired of the game. the all eventually want to retire.

When??? When their cock no longer rises?
say at 60s or 70s???
would you wait for someone to change because they're retiring?
retirement benefits sounds more interesting than the retiree itself...
*just my thoughts*

would I wait? it depends.
I have no clue when, every player is different. One may retire because he is getting older, balls are sagging and cant last more than 2 min in the sack. Another player may retire because he found "the One" and does not want to loose her. The other player may retire because he is scared of dying alone..... I mean there are all sorts of scenarios. But they all eventually retire.
click to expand

I hope I still have the optimism of my sag moon but currently I suck at love, been with a lot of players and they always play around. Gemini and caps in a row suck the optimistic light on me OFF...
Can you shed some light on me, maybe that's all I need right now... but I'm fine and I must be fine smile
LOL! I read the title of this thread and thought, "What?...I'm a bit of quick recovery klutz I suppose". Sort of like this:

The user who posted this message has hidden it.
LOL...yes Lobo...thats called doggie style *wink*
No biting the tongue..but i love to suck their tongue and lick all around their lips
damn...sure got hot with my new aqua guy last night.....(patience, girl..I gotta have patience!)
Posted by Grey
A riddle
Sergi and Sally where sitting in their family room one night. While Sergi was watching T.V his wife Sally was reading. All of a sudden the power went out and Sergi decided to go to bed, but Sally kept on reading. With no use of artificial light, Sally kept on reading. How?

the book was in braile?
^^^To answer the OP, it's hard to say (I haven't been able to give a straight answer to anything lately....). I guess there isn't a specific time or event (e.g. after first few dates, after first kiss, etc...), but I notice it when the person is on my mind more times than I'd like to count. It sort of creeps up on me.
I have difficulty staying in the present and a strong indication of my feelings for someone will show itself through my thoughts (e.g. future plans, past conversations). If thoughts of them do not take place in the future or the past, meaning we talked, it ended, you don't cross my mind again until I see or hear from you, this is a good indication that the feelings aren't "there" yet.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by venusianbull
LOL Magically delicious and stuffed with clover and rolling green hills.

Heehee, t be sure, ta be sure, whaddyaloik!

click to expand

Ahhh, sure and begorrah me foine bucko. Does himself have a spot of Guinness?
That gif is pretty freaking hilarious. LOLOL
He is lazy to go to the kitchen