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May 03, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 106 · Topics: 35
Can Anyone Suggest Some Overlooked B&W Movies....Not Ones Everybody's Heard of
Film Noir
Screwball Comedies
Maybe Old Scary Films
Thanks este8, yeah I guess I'll take my chances with him.
Hopefully I get more advise from you. I will give the ball on his hands and let see from there.
But what if i'm wrong, what if he really doesn't care and I misinterpret his actions?
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
I'm not sure I believe that much water is really so lucky. What this suggests to me is that you're extremely plugged into your emotions and that your challenge, as with any water sign, is not to become a prisoner to your emotions. Plus a pisces tendency toward indecision and keeping things fluid might well run amock with a Cancer's need to settle down and fluff the nest. There might be a war within yourself between freedom and commitment; between baiting the hook (to catch the object of your affection) and letting him/her swim freely and hope s/he comes back to you. And boy you've got mind games covered on both sides (tho few pisces fess up to it....gotta keep the mystery going...only Cancers see thru that bullbutter better than any other sign, except for a scorp.)
I meant to say talk, not text. Lol.
If i were to talk to her, What would I say? That's my real question.
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Apr 18, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 121 · Topics: 15
Yeah.. I'm looking at the same thing on Google.
Ummmmmm.. Thanks a lot!
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Jan 21, 2013Comments: 1412 · Posts: 11166 · Topics: 154
Personal experiences, not upon me but situations which I was forced into, and had to make the decision which tiz had proposed the page previously.
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
Well wtf is it in the first place?
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May 08, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 319 · Topics: 16
I'm so confused. I hate being confused. Just wish I could figure him out. On the outside he's very alpha, confident, dominant, quiet, stern.... On the inside I don't really know. I know his actions sometimes show a honest tried and true friend who would go to great lengths for people he cares about. He's a hard worker, excellent father, and I thoroughly enjoy his no BS brutal honesty. But, I still can't figure out where I stand with him! And he shows no signs of ever telling me.
We started out as friends. Texting mostly. Conversations go on endlessly rolling from one day right in to the next. Countless topics. Like good buddies and I was fine with that. Then, I noticed whenever he would bring up meeting a woman or something, I didn't like it. Wasn't sure why. He always talked to me like "one of the guys" so me having that reaction over new interests of his was not typical of me. I'd usually give him dating advice or whatever. So, predicting I might have been falling for him I stopped contact. 2 months went by and we started talking again. I got my head on straight by then, no falling. Or so I thought. I slept with him. Didn't expect anything as far as 'feelings'.. Just sex. That was 7 months ago and the only time. Fast forward to the present, we continue to text nonstop, even as I'm typing this. At this point I just want to know where I stand.. Friend? Used for sex? Something more? Maybe nothing, just filling his time? Idk
I'm not even sure how to explain the dynamics of our conversations. I am naturally curious about everything and always have a million questions. His response sometimes is to not try and figure him out because I never will (challenge accepted lol) and he's not giving anything up. But then he'll share an insecurity or fear with me (which he puts on a front tht he doesn't have those). He also takes my advice and does what I say even though he'll never admit that he does. At the same time he never ever asks me basic things like "how was your day".. Says he doesn't need to because he can read me like a book.. Which is disturbing because I always have a guard up (not even comfy putting this here). One thing he said recently has me unnerved.. I brought up sleeping with him. Said I hope he doesn't think I'm cheap an easy. He said cheap and easy wouldn't have made him wait a year... What?? He was waiting?? I had no idea.
So, Scorpios, where do I stand with him? What does he want from me? God knows he won't tell me....
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
Oh wait maybe I shouldnt have asked that seeing your other pictures.....