People getting exactly what they deserve

Posted by PurrrrrrHissssss
If someone PMs you with a sob story right away, they're probably a troll.


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Posted by FishyPisces
Posted by cunninglinguist
I honestly can see how it'd be easy to judge. Every single time I've faced open hostility IRL, it was a member of the same race. And almost every time I've seen a crime in-person, it was that same race.
In America only though. I didn't notice any disparity in other countries.
But yeah...if time and time again, you see that someone with, say, red hair, does something bad, and no one else - it is really, really hard to pretend that you don't notice a pattern, particularly if the risk isn't worth "seeming nonjudgemental."
You KNOW that most "redheads" are decent people. But all the associations your eyes and brain made just can't help but stand out.
I don't think their race CAUSES the behavior, it's the American subculture they're often associated with. People of that same race are just fine in other countries, and I have no hesitation around them than the next person.
And even in the US, if the person of that race is dressed normally (not in hoodies and caps over their faces, baggy pants, etc), I have no issues.
So I think it's mainly the subculture that I'm cautious of. And it just happens to overlap with a certain race, in America.

George Zimmerman anyone?
Although I do see where you're coming from with the subculture reference. But nonetheless it'd still judgmental. Just because some are dangerous doesn't make them all dangerous.
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You're mean spirited J, I pray for you
Posted by xygeneration
Posted by BalmyTigress
Posted by xygeneration
So what do you consider those people in third world?


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yes dear
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by memyself
The 5th house executes and the 12th house plans...that's what it means.

^^this is me smile. thank you for explaining.. now i need to go find someone with a strong 12th house hehe. would you be able to tell what 12th house sign(s) should i be looking for?
It's not so much the sign of the 12th house as much as the following aspects:
a) The quality and placement of the owner (lord) of the 12th house
b) Planets placed in the 12th house (venus is the best) and
c) Planets aspecting the 12th house (squares, trines and opposing planets)
This would tell you how good the 12th house is.
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thank you. i have a lot to learn i guess.. squares, trines, opposing planets. this virgo is overwhelmed hehe
I thought it was in the 12th House and the Lunar nodes. smile
The jury is still out with the existence of karma ..... the undecided Pisces, you know.

As for where it's represented .. I don't know. But, what I do know is when I have karmic dreams (and I have them often), colors seem to be prevalent in my conscious recall ... so maybe that can tie in somehow, to some kind of divination.
Posted by solarflare
too much aries and pisces...too much of those very opposite signs makes one a bit insane xD i can't image trying to solve that puzzle

Lol! I have a lot of pisces in my chart... I have heard I'm quite an enigma! But it's cool... I like who I am and my opinion of myself is the only one that matters to me!
Posted by SirenSting
Gosh, that made me so sad, VH. Spinal/cranial injuries are a HUGE part of the curriculum in the EMT courses! Everyone knows, even if the injury is minor with ANY possible indication of spinal manipulation, you brace and immobilize the PT. The smallest factor could completely destroy the PTs spinal cord :/
Poor, Chris. He was such a wonderful and handsome superman. No one will compare.

I was waiting and hoping you'd chime in *grin*
Yes, that's COMPLETELY "protocol 101" for us. What the hell was the EMT thinking not caring for suspected spinal injury practices.
"The smallest factor could completely destroy the PTs spinal cord :/ "
Utterly and completely. Thus why my instructor just looked at the tv stunned watching the clip.
Posted by geminicandle
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Was this the final outcome of that Mars thread?

Yeah, I am afraid so.
You didn't delete it, did you?
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No, I had not. It was a thread that was left to its own devices (did not follow half of its contents anyways), in fact I had not noticed its disappearance until other users inquired I about it specifically, bringing my attention to the fact that it is now gone.
Posted by xygeneration
Which people are you speaking of? What kind of people get exactly what they deserve?

I have literally explained what I meant every way I know how possible on every page of this thread so far. :/
I mean exactly this...I'll make it super Barney this time...
if someone steals other people's cars...and then one day they have their car stolen...and they cry about it and find it such an outrage and carry on....I do not think "man, that's terrible...I hope they get their car back." I think "wow, sucks, wish I felt bad for you...but you stole other people's cars, so I guess you're getting it back now."