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I woke up in the wee hours and couldn't sleep back, so I scrolled my Whatsapp contact list for fun(thumbnail pic) to see if anyone has changed their profile pictures. I was shocked when I saw a contact whom I named "whoAreYou"'s my bf's picture *jaw drops*
whoAreYou is an unknown guy(I won't lie, quite good looking) who messaged me 4-5 months back.
At that time he puts on a different picture. The messages :
Him: hi there
Him: hello?
Me: ?
Him: hi how are you Winking
Me : who is this?
Him : u don't know me?
Me: nope. tell me or I'll block this number (i was annoyed.didn't like when a stranger gets my number and simply message me)
he went silent. The next day I messaged
me: so? who is this
him: it's ok forget it smile

That was strange so I stopped responding & saved his number so that I know who it is if the guy disturbs me again. 2 weeks after that incident he deleted the profile picture on whatsapp.. till 2 days back, when I saw the new picture (my bf's picture). So it was actually him! I'm sure he doesn't know that I saved the number months ago. He has 2 handphones, for work & personal. He is 39years old.. travels a lot.. he's a busy man and we meet only when both are free, I never thought that he would do such thing.
I was stunned. I couldn't believe it. If I did not save the number, I wouldnt know that it was him.
Did he do that to test me? to see if I will show interest in the guy or not & chat more?
Why did he do that? Does he not trust me? or is this normal? he doesn't give me signs that he doesn't trust me when we meet.
We've been together since January this year. but have known each other since 2years back(acquaintance). I have mars in scorpio and he has venus in scorpio. I didn't see that coming & somehow feel "betrayed" .. will 'watch' him from now on! grrrrr
Posted by geminicandle
Thanks Lady Scorpio.
Just so you know, no one here is blaming you. I agree with everything you said about internet.
Life is hard as it is, no need for internet to add extra stress.
Have a lovely weeked. xoxo

Dear gem, I am aware. Simply putting out disclaimers out there, to cater for the more sensitive of ears, they do and can misunderstand me only to become spiteful. Put out preventative measures to keep peace smile
I seem to be having same problem with men over and over again...out of the blue they start ignoring me...but I never go chasing them...i leave it as it is.... And ur right about hiding part, He always would seem like hiding he would run out suddenly to talk on a work he does the same and alot and other coworkers have noticed, maybe his ex, but if he would want her he would already be back with her, cuz she used to text him alot many times, he told me that she wants him back...idk how he feels about her, but ive been in situation where a taurus guy ive dated for a month left to his ex (relationship of 5yrs). He wouldnt ignore me he would just cancel the plans until i found out the true...
She wants attention herself, she doesn't want to give it. Big Grin
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by RealTalk
It was actually ok. I dated a Cap in the beginning of the year but I had to break it off with him because I was still in love with my Gem & I wasn't ready to date yet. March until the beginning of June I was single...then my Gemini & I rekindled our flame & so far things are going great. smile

Back to the old...pure Saturn Rx. Takes you back to unfinished business.

I don't know about Saturn but uh...that Mercury Rx last year was a bitch. Saturn can bring it on...

I didn't mean it negatively. I meant that it took you back to your ex because your karmic connection with him wasn't done yet. That's what Saturn Rx does, helps you take care of unfinished stuff. Clearly your relationship with that person was unfinished.
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Nope. That's what Mercury Rx did last year. Saturn??? I have no clue about.
To be honest I don't base hardships on retrogrades & personal planetary placements. It's called life.
Posted by xygeneration
Was I the only one who didn't read the mars thread?

nah I didn't either...I have no idea what anyone's talking about and I feel like throwing a tantrum over it
trying to keep it together. I've always hated feeling like I missed something
Posted by seraph
Posted by domakesaythink
I would like to think otherwise but unfortunately from my experiences with them, yes, they definitely are. Every Leo I know takes a lot, and I mean A LOT of pictures of themselves. I know one in particular who will update her profile picture on facebook on a daily basis, she has one picture that has like 100 likes and she will change it every other day it seems to try to get more likes, compliments, praise, etc. She thinks she is just the hottest shit. When she noticed how popular my artwork was becoming on facebook she started drawing and she was pretty much just copying my style , and when she wasn't getting as much attention for it, she stopped doing it, and just resorted back to more selfies to quench her attention thirst. She couldn't stand seeing the spotlight on somebody else. For a sign that is supposed to be so creative and rules the heart, that seems like a very unoriginal and superficial thing to do. I'm not saying I don't like her overall as a person I just think she and most Leos I know in general do tend to be extremely self centered and attention seeking, whether they realize it or not. Oddly enough I get along with them for the most part though.

Well . . . at least she changes things up.

click to expand

I think the comment was catty, altogether. Tongue
That LEO-girl had the spotlight to begin with, seems to be the source of frustration-- but tries her hand at art, like this girl ^, and it's interpreted as "spotlight stealing", instead of admiration.

that is all.
Shit happens. Fuck a "retrograde".
Never thought I'd see the day that I'd be serenaded with a Bieber song! I'm hooked!
< width="560" height="315" ="

Exactly like that, made my night lmao.