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Posted by Neurotoxin
You should tell him you're on the pill then get pregnant with his child.
That will solve all your problems.
Posted by Shul
My girlfriend has this: Mercury in Capricorn sextile Uranus in Scorpio.
When she's mad, she can tell the most extreme stuff to me, but I don't really get offended. Maybe because I have Mercury in Virgo sextile Pluto in Scorpio, and my communication style can be just as destructive. Her speech can definitely be radical (Uranus); mine is very powerful (Pluto). Fortunately, we share mutual understanding, since both our personal planets form harmonious aspects with each other in synastry.
What I adore the most in her Mercury-Uranus combo is how she comes up with totally innovative and brilliant ideas, and yet very constructive and practical at the same time.
Btw, she's 10 years older than me but we get along very nicely.
Posted by LucriuPosted by MellyMel909Posted by LucriuPosted by RealTalk
Lol...ok. I just call it like I see it, haha. But after 2 months you should have some indication as to how her personality is. Is she reserved, playful, stuck up, shy?
How do you perceive her to be? Whatever it is, go with it & proceed.
You??re right... She??s obviously reserved, i was just hoping that you virgos would share like some kind of deep secret that no one besides you guys know that would go along the lines of ??We secretly like to be surprised by playful outgoing behaviour and dont mind being licked from time to time.?? Guess thats not gonna happen. = /
I did!!! Or at least I tried to before the quoting feature messed up!!
But seriously, a lot of it depends on her other placements; as well as her upbringing and personality in general.
I was just going to quote that other message where you say the thing about the stick up the assyeah you did! Thanks! Her venus and Mars are both in libra, so we both like to talk, I dont think that Libra is as Quirky as Aquarious though (my Venus is in aquarius and my mars is in scorpio.... yeah i know fucken sexy huh
) Anyway, Imma just be myself, if the oportunity presents itself for me to lick her, then its a sign from god ??Lick her David...... LICK HER!!! its your destiny....?? 0.0 hehe
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Posted by StoicGoat
Money = freedom
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