Leo Lies or truths?

Posted by shorty1978
So some of you awesome Leo's know my story already.. with my Leo guy 2 years living together for 5 months awesome chemistry however he still hasnt told me he loves me... use to say he doesnt believe vocalizing love yada yada actions speak louder then works and that jazz.....
so enough is enough i told him i just need to know yes or no do you love me??? dont gotta say the words just a yes or no
this is what he lays on me...... he cant say yes or no because he doesnt think in those terms!!!... he has experienced in his 40 years that often those words are used and mean nothing! so he has choosen to live his life with out it.. that he keeps him self protected by not saying I love you I guess or by not feeling it or getting attached..... he says anything can change at anytime and he likes to know that if that happens he will be ok and will move on and be alright..... he says he has deep feelings for me and is happy he fell for me and bought this house and moved in with me and my kids and his kids and that is commitment!! and why cant i just be happy with that because he has CHOOSEN me to spend his life with.

so Leos... is this a load of crap or can he be totally scared to love again and maybe one day this could happen?? i am unsure of wheather or not i can accept this as a life style for my self.. i guess i am looking for a opinion of someone who doesnt know me cause all my girl friends of course say leave leave leave.

Some people say that Love is a decision.
He says he's made a commitment to you.
He bought a house for you both, and brought his kids into it-- and so did you-- which tells me there is/must be some level of trust between you both.
Actions DO speak louder than words-- and he sounds pretty "attached,"
But your girlfriends are telling you dump him-- doesn't that seem odd?
Are you happy?

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Posted by soultalk
Posted by africanqueen
I was never a doormat or desperate. .just like my previous reply shows..plz read it

Was that for my post? I did not mean doormat in any way, just that we like doing things that we think will make others happy, like you said you did what you thought leos would like. I do this too, and then get hurt when people take my niceness for granted. But if I feel hurt I stop, because yes we are not doormats.
click to expand

No sorry, that was for me. I didn't mean much by it don't worry, I retread and understand now =) hope it works out for you.
From what I've witnessed Leos have these soul-mate type connections with Aries' and Scorpios. Now do these two signs seem "nice" to you? These two signs are known for saying what they mean, and meaning what they say. Very honest. Virgos come off extremely insincere and fake when they are pretending to be something they're not or trying to act in a certain way. It looks awkward, unnatural, and uncomfortable. This is why they make horrible actors. They don't seem genuine when they are trying too hard. I don't mean to be harsh, because it's obvious you didn't have bad intentions...And I love Virgos.lol
But you guys come across super disingenuous, without realizing it. However, it's weird that he couldn't sense the sincere intentions underneath it all... because from experience I know the Leo ego will do anything to make all compliments/statements seem genuine and true...He's a douche.
Posted by soultalk
Posted by africanqueen
Guys do u think I should make it clear to him that I was just being nice bcoz this is my personality and its not exclusive to him? I want my pride back I really want to tell him that what is on his mind is wrong - I don't love him or want him as a boyfriend

I think if you act formal and not enquire after him he will get it that he hurt you. I dont know, if you really are interested in him and were making that effort exclusively for him, you may not want to say that you are like that with everyone. But you can probably say that he was mean in being sarcastic and that if he doesnt like your asking after him you are not going to ask and it really hurt you that he was mean to you.
click to expand

He didn't take your pride, so don't give it to him now. smile
Thanks for posting that link DMV =) and I have a lack of air and I must admit I do date small talk lol
hate**/dislike too much small talk lol
Another one who thought FWB has anything to do with feelings and lacks knowledge of the FWB RULES.
Why haven't these so called "liberated women" figured out instead of hiding behind FWB, become a prostitute, pick and choose their lays and get paid for it while trying to land the man of their dreams? Wouldn't that be a little more liberating and at the same time burning off some brain cells?
At the very least, when a man has to pull out his wallet, there might be a little more respect involved.
On the other side of the coin, men who jump at a female giving it up on a silver platter with the FWB facade deserves the drama that comes with it! Stop being so cheap, buy a professional. No questions asked, no whining, and you get exactly what you pay for. No headaches..
Posted by P-Angel

You're being a doormat .... people in here realize you are a Pisces, so nobody is really surprised that you are eager to lay on the ground in front of him, for him to walk on you if he wishes.
That's really the only issue you have, though, it looks like you're oblivious to its existence, and believe it's cute.

It's not cute ... and the reason Why he has begun to not be interested any longer.

I fully realize that all of that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ will fly over your head, but, everyone else gets it.

Hence..my Daddy comment Sad
What do you want in fact ? to be with her or not ? Yes, you seem similar with a Libra at a pojt of your indecision. But both Libra and Virgo are compatibile with Leo. She may not like at you the way you express, I know Virgo does not express feelings and we Leo, love to hear love words and talking about love. probably this is not match for you and her. Try to change yourself and be more like a Libra, Leo loves Libra's words, but we hate Libra's disappearing act, so avoid this . If she leaved you 1 year, a Leo rare do this thing, usualy it is a end thing for a Leo when decide to leave someone. Other way, Leo are very possesive and never distant for so long time.
Leo allways do what she/he wants. Go where she/he wants. Love who she/he wants and don't care of others opinion. Is not influenced person at all. I am a Leo and I consider myself the most great human from all the zodiac sign smile Love deeply , but always give more than I receiving. I like give gifts, more than to receiving them. I am generous with someone who need help, but sellfish with myself sometimes. Love money, but I would never marry for money ! Love lux and try living a lux life ( at least nothing to be msising from what I need). Cheat easy in love, but don't consider is a cheating, just a escapade, adventure smile I would never love someone else when I already love someone. Love is love, adventure is adventure for a leo ! Naughty sometimes and unplaned things done.
Posted by PiscesSteph
Yeah I definitely don't see the doormat part.

Of course you don't .... that's why I said it will fly right over your head.